Just what happened to her?

Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 06:41 pm
Hi! The name's Leo! My other first name is Edgar. Looking back at my highschool years, I have a story to tell. It has always confused and scared me why it happened that way. I had a classmate by the name of Sandra.

Anyway, why are teens, adolescents, and highschool kids so cruel? I never understood them. Why are so many girlfriends and boyfriends cheaters? I want to date girls but my highschool years just scare me from doing it. By the way, I am 24 years old.

Anyway, why did this guy cheat on and betray her? His name is Hudson. Also, why did she get bullied mercilessly by the whole highschool even though she was very physically attractive and very popular? Her name is Sandra.

In my former public highschool where I was once a teen student of, Sandra was a very beautiful popular girl who once had many admirers. She is beautiful and sexy both when it comes to her body and her face. Her body is sexy. She was my former classmate.

As a result, there was a shy socially awkward loner boy by the name of Theodore who was impressed by her physical beauty and Sandra knew about this. She interpreted this as Theodore having a crush on her and it was clear to me that it made her extremely disgusted.

In the public highschool that he and Sandra attended at, Theodore was severely ostracized and mercilessly bullied by the whole school and Sandra was one of the biggest reasons why but all of the bullying was started because of a dude by the name of Jett. He was the main bully of Theodore.

Jett would often make fun of, insult, yell at, swear at, humiliate, spit on, and brutally beat up Theodore in front of the whole school while the whole school would just laugh at Theodore. Jett also often vandalizes Theodore's personal belongings. At one time, Jett destroyed Theodore's digital tablet and digital camera. Jett also often physically humiliated Theodore.

But a few others stood out from the rest of the school. The few are 15 people and Sandra was one of them. These few would not just laugh at Theodore because these few would also often follow Jett in making fun of, insulting, yelling at, brutally beating up, and physically humiliating Theodore. These few 15 are not really bullies but only normal people. But Jett often turns them into the monsters that they are when he is around them. They kind of became Jett’s foot soldiers. Speaking of physical humiliation, Jett's foot soldiers would often succumb to the mob mentality created by Jett as a result of his ordering of these foot soldiers. These resulted in Jett and his foot soldiers dunking Theodore's head on toilets, giving him wedgies(Sandra also did this to Theodore), stripping Theodore of his clothes, making Theodore walk without his pants, and other types of physical humiliations. Jett and his foot soldiers did these physical humiliations in front of the whole school which resulted in Theodore becoming extremely depressed and extremely angry.

Jett also often extorted money out of Theodore. There are also times when Jett's 15 foot soldiers did these vile acts to Theodore at the orders of Jett. Jett also had his 15 foot soldiers vandalize Theodore's precious personal belongings such as his digital tables, his digital camera, his smartphones, etc.

Jett has no talent. He was simply a bully who had many friends due to him climbing the school's hierarchy by bullying a few others and intimidating many people. He was one of the most popular kids at the school due to him being a rough tough aggressive dude. Many people at the school thought of him as cool. He wasn't a highschool athlete but he was a very tough guy who often got into fights with other tough guys(such as highschool athletes, street boys, skaters, etc.) and his bullying victims. Jett was one of the most feared people in the entire highschool. Jett also often failed all of his classes in academics.

But one important thing I want to tell you was that Jett's foot soldiers did more of the bullying than himself. What I mean is that Jett's bullying of Theodore was actually short-lived because when the whole bullying started, Jett soon took the backseat and just let his foot soldiers do all of the bullying while he was doing all of the commands behind the scenes. Jett himself was a cunning manipulative person. Soon after the start of the bullying, Jett had his foot soldiers do all of the work. For example, he had his foot soldiers such as Sandra, Randy, Jason, etc. spread negative rumors and humiliating rumors about Theodore which resulted in Theodore being ostracized by the whole school.

As a result, the teachers and all of the school's staff weren't able to detect Theodore's aggressors specifically because Jett being behind the scenes and only doing the commands resulted in this huge confusion of mob mentality of the 15 Jett foot soldiers against Theodore. This made it impossible for the school authorities to detect the exact perpetrators of each bullying event because there were 15 multiple different people bullying Theodore at Jett’s orders.

Aside from the school's authorities being unable to stop the bullying, most of them are also on the side of Theodore's bullies and everyone at the school refused to help him, prevent the bullying against him, and punish his bullies. Theodore was also the one that often got punished when he fought back against Jett and his foot soldiers.

Jett and his foot soldiers also made Theodore cry in front of a lot of people. Jett and his foot soldiers such as Sandra, Randy, Patrick, Samantha, etc. would often torment, annoy, and mock Theodore by yelling at and calling him the unpleasant names “faggot”, “loser”, “ugly”, “retard”, “worthless”, “pussy”, “weirdo”, and all other unpleasant names in front of a lot of people while everyone in school laughs at Theodore.

Eventually, Theodore's parents discovered that Theodore was being severely bullied at school. This discovery started due to his parents learning that a lot of his digital gadgets such as tablets, cameras, phones, etc. were often serially destroyed by Theodore's bullies. The parents also found out that Theodore lied to his parents by saying that he broke all of his gadgets by accident. Theodore didn't want his parents to know about the bullying.

The parents eventually filed a complaint against the school and threatened to sue the whole school due to the school not taking action against Theodore's bullies as well as not detecting Theodore's bullies. Theodore's parents are super rich which severely scared the school.

Eventually, the school tried to seriously detect Theodore's real bullies and also his main bully. The school also tried to severely punish the bullies.

After careful investigation about Theodore's bullying, the highschool authorities had a number of students go into a room. There were 73 students present and Jett and all of his foot soldiers such as Sandra, Randy, etc. were among the 73 students. Theodore didn't go to school at that time and he never came back because his parents decided that he should be transferred to a private school as a way for him to get away from all of the bullying.

The authorities of Jett's school divided the 73 students into bullies, bully minions, bystanders, and victims. The authorities were very strict and unforgiving in their pressure into making the 73 students tell what really happened during the bullying of Theodore. I found out that due to Jett's cunning and manipulative ways, he quickly talked his way out of the interrogation and fooled the school authorities into thinking that he was just a minor bully. Him taking the backseat at the bullying while still being in control paid off and allowed him to be seen as someone who only bullied Theodore in non-serious minor ways. Jett was seen as Theodore's most minor bully.

Then, the school authorities eventually decided that Randy, Jayce, Cindy, Sandra, and Jethro were the prime suspects in being Theodore's main bullies. But due to Sandra being Jett’s only girlfriend during Theodore's bullying as well as Jett and a few of his foot soldier's cunning ways, the school authorities eventually concluded that Sandra was Theodore's main bully and was the only serious bully of Theodore.

She was seen as the “queen” of Theodore's bullies. All of the 73 students in the room turned on her including his boyfriend Jett. I knew because I was one of the 73 students in the room. All of the bullying witnesses told exactly all of the bad things that she did against Theodore while her friends(some of them are not necessarily members of Jett's foot soldiers) and her fellow Jett foot soldiers ratted her out as a way to save themselves.

Due to this, some of the highschool's female popular kids who were rivals to Sandra took advantage of this and spread negative rumors about Sandra being an evil psychopathic bully bitch who made a poor boy transfer to another school. Those rivals of Sandra also spread other negative rumors about her.

From the point on, Sandra became the school's most hated pariah. From that point on, the whole school severely ostracized and bullied her. Four of her rivals that are also popular kids were Caitlyn, Patricia, Evelyn, and Susan. Sandra's boyfriend Jett also became her bully and spread embarrassing info about her private body parts. This is because Jett being Sandra's former boyfriend means that the two of them had sex with each other multiple times. I can tell that this greatly hurt Sandra's feelings because she feels betrayed.

There were 43 main bullies of the bully group that tormented Sandra and the leader of her main bullies is Patricia herself. This bully group was composed of Jett, some of Sandra's fellow former Jett foot soldiers, some of Sandra's friends(friends and close friends that aren't Jett foot soldiers), Sandra's popular kid rivals, and other people.

The Patricia bully group often made fun of, mocked, insulted, verbally abused, cyberbullied, humiliated physically and verbally, spread bad rumors about, brutally beat up, and hatefully insulted Sandra while the whole school laughed at her.

The unpleasant words and insults that her bullies used against her were actually brutal and hateful compared to what the Jett foot soldiers used against Theodore.

If Theodore was called “faggot”, “loser”, “ugly”, “retard”, “worthless”, “pussy”, “weirdo”, etc. by the Jett foot soldiers, Sandra on the other hand was called the insults “bitch”, “narcissist”, “egotist”, “psychopath”, “sociopath”, “monster”, “heartless scum”, “evil”, “dog bitch”, “bully bitch”, “dumb bimbo worthless bitch”, “arrogant ego queen”, “serial killer”, “psycho”, “sadistic feces”, “slut”, “prostitute”, “evil bitch”, “worthless slut”, etc.

The Patricia bully gang often told people to stay away from Sandra because to them, she was “an evil bully” and “a heartless sadist”. For example, Patricia and Susan would often tell people, “Stay away from Sandra. She's a bully.”.

The “serial killer” insults against Sandra were born because the Patricia bully gang thought of Sandra as suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder and being a narcissist due to Sandra's history of brutally bullying Theodore and Sandra being disgusted by Theodore the shy socially loner boy being impressed by her physical beauty.

The Patricia bully group also stalked and extracted embarrassing info and private info about Sandra such as the bully gang taking videos of her and taking pics of her.

As for the “slut”, the “prostitute”, and the “worthless slut” insults, it's because Sandra herself is physically attractive but for the Patricia bully group, that's all the positive characteristics she has. During the time that Theodore was still attending Sandra's highschool, there was one part that Sandra didn't know about Theodore and that part is that he said to his classmate who was also a male cousin of his that he, Theodore, didn't really crush on Sandra because to him, there is nothing special about her character and that she doesn't have any talents at all. He simply saw her as beautiful physically and that's it. He wasn't crazy about her.

No one helped Sandra against the bullying of the Patricia group against her and even the school authorities turned their backs on her. She tried to get the school authorities to help her but they did nothing. Some of my former classmates even told me that some of the school authorities even contemptuously told Sandra that she deserved it for what she did to Theodore.

Then, a dude by the name of Hudson made friends with Sandra. He was Sandra's only friend at that time. He would often become this “knight in shining armor” for her in that he would often defend her from all of the people bullying her. Hudson was Sandra's only emotional comfort. He was her only ally. Hudson was a highschool gridiron football linebacker. He was one of the greatest athletes in Sandra's highschool. Like Jett, Hudson was a tough guy who often got into fights with a lot of tough guys. Hudson was very strong. He was tall and muscular. He also looked very intimidating in a way that he looks like a hulking violent prison gangster. He was one of the most feared people at school. He was a very good athlete but sucked very much at academics. Hudson never bullied Theodore but he did bully a blind student boy by the name of Stephen and Sandra knew all of this. Outside of school, Hudson was also known for cheating on his girlfriends and for having side chicks. Eventually, Hudson became Sandra's boyfriend and the two of them had sex a lot of times.

But before Sandra and Hudson became lovers, Theodore(who already left Sandra's school) warned Sandra that Hudson was just another typical “bad boy” who would cheat on her and betray her but Sandra dismissed Theodore as a “delusional loser” and didn't care about Hudson having of history of cheating on his girlfriends. It's kind of weird why Theodore would care about Sandra after what she did to him. But some witnesses told me that he told Sandra about it in a mocking way and even mocked her as a “dumb bimbo immature slut addicted to bad boy cocks” when she dismissed him as a “loser”. Apparently, Theodore knew Hudson because Hudson lived near Theodore's area.

Eventually, Hudson got tired and bored of Sandra after having so much sex with her. Hudson then cheated on her with another girl by the name of Mia. This led to a conflict between Mia and Sandra with Sandra accusing Mia of stealing her former boyfriend Hudson. Hudson took Mia's side and due to Sandra's persistent criticism of Hudson cheating on her, Hudson revealed a side of him that Sandra never saw about him. One of my former classmates reported to me that Hudson at that time severely beat up Sandra and loudly swore at Sandra in front of many people at a party hosted by one of Hudson's close friends while Mia smirked at Sandra. It was embarrassing for Sandra. At that time, Hudson also told Sandra that he never loved her and only used her beautiful physical appearance for sex. Then Hudson ghosted her. Sandra left the party crying.

Due to Hudson not being Sandra's boyfriend anymore, he had no loyalty with Sandra anymore and like the rest of the school, Hudson turned on Sandra and contributed to her bullying by revealing embarrassing sexual info about her just like Jett did to her. Hudson also revealed a lot of various personal info about her which publicly embarrassed her and made the bullying against her much worse.

This was basically the brutal stab in the heart to Sandra. She was betrayed by what she worshiped as her “one and only knight in shining armor”. Hudson also laughed at her and didn't do anything whenever the Patricia group bullies her.

Eventually, Sandra committed suicide due to such a horrible fate. She hanged herself.

Anyways, why are teens and highschool kids so cruel? It makes me scared of dating. I don't know what to do.
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Type: Question • Score: 5 • Views: 289 • Replies: 10

Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 07:07 pm
Gosh! That's the longest post I've seen in years.
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 09:35 pm

But at least it's broken up into paragraphs.
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 10:58 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 11:42 pm
Sorry. It's indeed very long but had to put all of it for you to get the full story. What happened to Sandra? How can a popular girl just end up like that?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 11:43 pm
Sorry about that.
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Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2024 11:44 pm
Why are teens so cruel? Also, why was Hudson so cruel too? And did Theodore really like Sandra?
Reply Sun 22 Sep, 2024 06:15 am
DodgeY17 wrote:

Why are teens so cruel?

Because they're not fully developed, and being part of a group is so important.

That's why so many people break out at University and connect with a part of themselves they suppreseed when at school.

School is all about uniformity, university about individuality.
Reply Sun 22 Sep, 2024 08:37 am
I think teens are so cruel because it's human nature for some. You can see it in toddlers, so it's not necessarily or solely learned behaviour. If not checked at that age, good luck.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2024 06:49 am
School is all about uniformity, university about individuality.

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2024 06:51 am
All part of public school in India, am I right?
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