I'm not saying either of you aren't....(I think FreeDuck may be).
But, let's put our cards on the table.
I consider both of you liberal--so, would you share your conservative views?
Republican In Name Only
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
RINO stands for Republican In Name Only, a disparaging term for a member of the United States Republican Party whose words and actions are thought to be too fiscally or socially moderate or liberal. It has since replaced the older term Rockefeller Republican to describe Republicans that have a more moderate or liberal slant.
Rudy Giuliani and Colin Powell are widely popular with the American people, but are labeled as Republican In Name Only by some conservative members of their own party who see them as too moderate/liberal.The term RINO came into widespread usage around 2000 (but has been cited in newspaper stories as far back as 1992 [1]) and is used by conservative members of the Republican Party who oppose other members of their party who they deem to be too liberal. Those Republicans who are labeled RINOs counter that the conservatives who call them RINOs are extremists and politically naive to believe that conservative Republicans can be elected in moderate and liberal areas of the United States (i.e., Blue States).
The term RINO often comes into public discourse during Republican primaries. Many conservatives want the Republican party to nominate fellow conservatives (even if the moderate/liberal Republican is an incumbent) and to that end will publicly label the moderate/liberal Republican a "RINO".
Some conservative organizations use the term RINO to help describe some of their activities. The National Federation of Republican Assemblies started the "RINO Hunters' Club" and the Club for Growth (which is mostly concerned with conservative economic issues) started the "RINO Watch".
The acronym has led to the analogous DINO, a Democrat In Name Only, referring to those who are too conservative. The term Fox News liberal has also been used in this context. The two acronyms are, at the same time, puns on the popular English-language shortenings of the words rhinoceros and dinosaur.
Both terms are used by more ideological (politically speaking) members of either party to challenge fellow party members for their maverick or moderate positions.
Wiki does Dems in Name Only--
(Whoever wrote this has nightmares about FoxNews--)
Democrat In Name Only
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
DINO stands for Democrat In Name Only, a disparaging but seldom-used term for a member of the modern-day United States Democratic Party whose words and actions are thought to be too fiscally or socially conservative. The term Fox News liberal has also been used in this context.
The term was created as an analogous opposite to the acronym RINO (Republican In Name Only), which is far more commonly used and refers to more liberal members of the United States Republican Party. The two acronyms are, at the same time, puns on the popular English-language shortenings of the words rhinoceros and dinosaur.
Both terms are used by more ideological (politically speaking) members of either party to challenge fellow party members for their maverick or moderate positions
If there's only one slot left then I call dibs!
Are you a RINO or a DINO?
Lash, you first. Share your liberal views and I'll share my conservative views.
You can't all be in my ilk unless you share your lib and dem views!!!
But you already said I was a liberal so you already know my liberal views.
Ok, we can go one for one. I believe in a mostly free market. Your turn.
I believe gay people should have the same rights I do, including marriage.
But, free market. Doesn't that just mean you aren't a Socialist...?
Gimmee something that MEANS something.
Oooh, this is progress.
Lash, when you say "stinky liberal" it makes me feel...
Just kidding. I believe in small government.
How does "small govt translate to you? I don't see you cutting social programs--or levee building--
Would you flesh that one out a bit?
RE: free market, to me means minimal regulation and no price controls. I say mostly because in places where there are moral conflicts I see exceptions. Like, you can't just let people rape the earth and pollute the air for profit because that affects all of us and we don't all get to share profits.
Lash wrote:How does "small govt translate to you? I don't see you cutting social programs--or levee building--
Would you flesh that one out a bit?
Well, I'm not in government so I don't have the ability to cut social programs or levee building. I believe the government should do a few things and do those things well.
It's your turn.
I support Bush's immigration policy. Work visas--and liberally open borders to LEGAL immigrants.
Hmmm, is there an official left or right position on immigration?
I'm trying to think of a liberal position that I disagree with and am having trouble thinking up a liberal position. Help me out here.
Ah. FD stares into the abyss...?
Ah, I got one, I believe in the sanctity of gun ownership.
FD-- Why are you trying to pretend you don't know there's a left and right on immigration? And, now asking me to "think up liberal positions...?"