All too often I see single women in big SUV's ..
Or.. I hear people saying that they are buying large vehicles ' in case they need to haul something'
Or.. they have one child and think that they need to bring the entire house with them so they better get an SUV
then , when they shop for said, over priced, excessive vehicle.. they pick the one that has 19 MPG instead of the 17 thinking they are being 'green and conscious'
We, as a family of 3... with me working two jobs that REQUIRE me to pack that car tight.. still fit just fine in a corolla.
I am willing to bet 90 percent of people who buy because they think they need a bigger vehicle , will fit fine in a car.
SUVs are not necessary for the majority of americans.
It has gotten to the point of excessive ego .... this NEED.. for a bigger vehicle , then anything else.
People who purchase large trucks, dont use them for what they are for. They buy them because they just WANT ONE..
Americas want is suffocating us slowly, yet people fail to see it.
They think large vehicles are mandatory, and excessive things are automatically 'deserved'
Yes. It is all our fault. I agree 100,000%
So now what.. ?
I wish we could have a vehicle size restriction in place.
Single people could have two door compacts, or four doors.. motorcycles, or other interesting SMALL vehicles..
People with one child could have a four door car.
2 or more station wagons.. or super small SUV's like the Rav 4 or something..
Small construction companies, farmers and other people who would actually USE a truck for what it is FOR could have a truck.
Companies could have vans..
People who commit to, show proof of , and are willing to be inspected at the drop of a hat, that are carpooling several people or other wise helping many to get around could own a larger vehicle with out having children of their own..
SUV's should be an overly expensive option for people with many kids, and lots of money. But.. yet again.. sized down according to actual need and not arrogance.
Yes. Other things in our society use 'oil and gas' and we are pretty much at the point of not being able to curb our need for those two things.. sadly.
But people really dont realize HOW MUCH of an impact their egos are playing into this . And it blows my mind.
I love to see the people shopping at Whole Foods talking about being green, changing their lightbuls in their homes, buying super expensive energy star appliances ... tooting about how being a vegan is the best thing you can do for the environment.. and all this other crap.. then watch them hop into their over sized SUV, turn on their cell phones, with no kids, no hauling, nothing.. and toot on down the street.
People.. pay attention would ya.. ? Fer the love of GOD stop excessive purchasing eh.. ?