JustWonders wrote:mysteryman wrote:High gas prices dont bother me at all.
If you cant afford to buy your gas,then you shouldnt be driving your car.
Higher prices are a fact of life.
Deal with it and stop whining.
That concept will be quite confusing to the BlameBush/BlameAmericaFirst crowd.
a marriage of ignorance made in heaven mm and jw.
JustWonders wrote:Of course it's all GWB's fault

But, take heart, liberals who firmly believe that. That tanker will surely be arriving any minute with loads of free oil, right?
It's all about OIL.....remember?
<Probably won't be sharing the FREE OIL with the Canadians, though...LOL>
That's ok, JW. We have all this natural gas that I'm sure other countries would be more than happy to take off our hands. You guys don't need it, right?
Nazi, liberal, green party, republican, democratic or just damn crazy.. we all have a budget for our families.
No matter how I vote, or anyone else here for that matter, higher prices still hit the pocket book.
My political leanings dont change that.
Montana wrote:JustWonders wrote:Of course it's all GWB's fault

But, take heart, liberals who firmly believe that. That tanker will surely be arriving any minute with loads of free oil, right?
It's all about OIL.....remember?
<Probably won't be sharing the FREE OIL with the Canadians, though...LOL>
That's ok, JW.
We have all this natural gas that I'm sure other countries would be more than happy to take off our hands. You guys don't need it, right?
Why all the hand-wringing, then?
I just paid $36 to fill my car.
I'll carry you on my back for $10
I wonder just how much of the petroleum profits trickle down into terrorist coffers. With the enormous flow of loot to the OPEC nations, even a small percentage would mean a massive amount of funding for the boogey men.
I just paid $18.00.
No problem with natural gas here, Montana. We supply 1/6th of the countries gas, and that's the limit of the pipeline capacity. I admit to having problems reconciling that information to the projected 20% price increase anticipated for the coming winter. I do believe I will trot out my longies and hand knit slippers.
A 40%+ increase over last year - gas companies 40%+ increase w/record profits.
There may be hope down the road, however (no pun intended). Check this out:
Will it develop?
what pisses me off is the artificial reasons for driving up "FUTURES" . Then, the oil companies immediately drive up gas and diesel before the futures even settle in. "The fact that the oil companies are swimming in profits and nobody is roping them in (I wonder why) is an example of this gouging with Cheneys consent" Id say Bush but we all know he isnt bright enough to tie his own shoes.
squinney wrote:Roger, you knit?


Montana made them for me. Really!
Really, farmerman? I was somewhat annoyed to see a new energy policy including subsidies for energy companies. Like, we're in the longest boom I've seen in the 10 years I've been associated with the field.
roger wrote:squinney wrote:Roger, you knit?


Montana made them for me. Really!
How are those slippers holding up, Rog?
Real well. It was a mild winter last year. Hoping for the same, with these gas prices while worrying about more confirmation of global warming.
Glad to hear you'll have warm footsies through all these worldly troubles :-D