Fri 19 Aug, 2005 05:56 pm
Oh my god, that feels weird to write.
I finally put in my two-week notice today! Goddammit that felt good! I wanted to keep a low-profile at work, so I didn't tell a soul. I just went into my bosses office, told him the news, and calmly walked back to my desk and went back to work. I almost burst into tears of joy when I sat down, but I held it in. Then I started to feel nervous, second-guessing myself, and by the time the day was over, I didn't really feel anything. But as soon as I walked in my door and popped open the bottle of wine I just bought, I just had to f*cking dance.
I just did the Kickycan version of the Tom Cruise underwear dance to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey...I know, I'm a cornball, but goddammit that felt so good! Did I say that already? Hehehe...I love it! Now I'm going to get myself a celebratory pizza from my favorite pizza joint, drink some wine, and listen to my favorite 80's hits all night.
I'm so happy!
Thanks, man! And now, I must dance.
<Kiss' "Calling Doctor Love" comes blaring out of speakers>
Now you have no excuse not to move to Florida, Kicky.
Thumbs up, lad.
What'd'ya say?
Good job, kicky. You're an inspiration! Now put some clothes on.
Well done, Kickster!
Now wotcha gonna do, huh?
Lemme hear you say
"You want fries with that?"
"Is tis for here or to go?" then remember what the customer says in response.
Lemme tell ya what my father said to me
"A WHAT?" What the hell ya gonna do with that? WE wanted you to be a doctor!!!"
I'm hoping he's gonna dance in his skivvies for a while longer.
But - he has a whole passel of online goilfriends - and, I gather, in America, women expect men to pay for them???? No?????
Like - how's he gonna do that sans job?
I say again - FLORIDA???!!!!
why, he looks like a twinsicle with the wrapper still on.
Seven and seven and seven more.
Hold the wind under your wings and go south with the geese.
Hold your dominion.
Hot damn, kickycan!!! I'm so glad for you!! I'll bet you were so happy and relieved once that was over!! Must have felt like getting out of prison, didn't it?
And moving to Florida? Well, o.k. But you're going to be missing out on a lot of great snow and ice...and frigid temperatures!!
I have a feeling lots of good things and good times are coming your way! You've certainly earned it!!
Continue with the celebrating!!
Deb, Kicky asked some time ago about some good places to live in Florida.
I just wanna say
its about DAMN time. ;-)
I hope your next job makes you happy.
ahh.. you DO have another job lined up right?
Congrats, Kicky.
I'm glad you feel good about your decision. Don't second guess, just move forward - it will all work out.
Cracks open a Corona and lifts her bottle for a toast to Kicky.
Way to go, man :-D
Glad you're happy, dude!
I second dlowan and shewolfnm. So, whatcha gonna do now?