Lash wrote:Actually, DTOM, although it is nice for you to make your letters big, when I started my post, yours wasn't there. I just checked the times, and it seems odd to me--but I've been buzzing between a threeple of boards and not refreshing screens. But, anyway--I said what I wanted to say.
...the random freak... = any random freak. Do you know the names of all the racists at Camp Casey?
yep. ya bashed the liberals. and that's all you ever want to say. at least these days.
see, if you really had an "issue" to discuss, you would answer my question (no matter the font size ) and tell us just what random freak(s) you refer to.
surely there's one in mind, since that specific random freak would have to be known before the liberals could cheerfully malign the conservatives for their association with them. wouldn't they ?
no, i don't know the names of the racists heading for the camp.
but i find it odd that, while i do indeed cheerfully castigate them (since a person has to have at least one good quality to be maligned.. ) and their presence anywhere on planet earth, you seem to be over joyed of their appearance.