5 reasons you NEED an AR-15

Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:00 am
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Type: Discussion • Score: 7 • Views: 7,136 • Replies: 133

Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:27 am
None of which deals with the fact that we e are running at 1.6 mass mhrders A DAY and rhe ar15 is a clear $avorite in them. You can commit a mass murder in fivve seconds, r r peat FIVE SECONDS, and walk away befoe anyone can react. That is not a civilizdd society.

Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:29 am
Reasons one through 1,000: To do mass killing.
All the rest: To kill what the mass killings missed.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:45 am
Reasons you don't. (Excerpts below, full text at the link)


The AR-15 has the dubious distinction of being America's most popular semi-automatic rifle. I'm more familiar with the gun than most people: I own one. And one thing I know for sure is that this weapon doesn't belong in the hands of the average civilian.

I've owned multiple firearms for most of my life. I spent two decades in the Washington Metropolitan Police Department in a number of different roles, as a street cop walking the beat and on various special mission units.
I'm also a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association. And when I wasn't at my job doing police work, I worked part-time for several years in firearm sales as well as training law enforcement officers, members of the military and civilians.
I purchased my AR-15 because I was assigned one as part of my police duties. But officers weren't allowed to take our department-issued weapons home. I felt it was my responsibility to become proficient with any weapon I'd been assigned, so I bought one. And I've spent hundreds of hours training so that I could properly use it.

I've sold guns at big box retailers and I've also sold firearms at a small retail gun store. Some gun buyers have been misled into thinking that the AR-15 is somehow practical for self-defense. But frankly, it's the last gun that I would recommend for that purpose. Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one. I've pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, "We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That's part of our Second Amendment right." Personally, I think that's ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.

The bullet that comes out of the barrel of an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle can easily penetrate the target -- the intruder or whatever person you are using deadly force to defend yourself or others from. But it also will go through the wall behind that person, and potentially through that room and into the next wall. That power and accuracy are useful for military purposes, which is obviously what they were designed for. But it's far more power than should ever be in the hands of the average civilian. The bullet fired by the AR-15 is capable of defeating the average police officer's body armor, like a knife slicing through butter. SWAT teams and some of the more specialized units typically are equipped with level IV Kevlar or steel-plated armor, which would stop maybe two or three direct hits, but eventually body armor breaks down after being hit with multiple rounds.

A person wielding an AR-15 has a range beyond 300 yards. For an officer armed with a 9 mm pistol, hitting a target beyond 50 yards is going to be difficult, even for the most accomplished marksman. A bullet fired by an AR-15 travels at three times the velocity as one fired by a 9 mm handgun. And magazines that can feed dozens of rounds into the weapon in the space of minutes clearly were meant for use only on the battlefield. The prevalence of these weapons means police sometimes are overmatched, as we saw with the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last month. In a situation where you have small children near the shooter, you want to remove the threat as quickly as possible. But we all saw the tragic consequences at that elementary school, where police waited for more than an hour before engaging with the teenage gunman armed with an AR-15 who killed 19 young children and two teachers.
I have no doubt that police in Uvalde wish they had had weapons as powerful as the one carried by the shooter who snuffed out the lives of the victims in that school. But a far better outcome would have been if the shooter didn't have an AR-15 in the first place.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 09:57 am
That is a decent response, but all of that was addressed in the video.

Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 10:02 am

Uvalde cops in hallway...
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 10:54 am
...but all of that was addressed in the video.

Yeah, by a gun nut. That's because he's shilling. One wouldn't expect him to say anything else. I see no indication that he's conversant in any subject which interests me.

Zardoz wrote:
A letter to the local paper has found the solution for school shootings, it is not guns it is the homeless wandering the streets. He has seen a middle-aged woman with a baby doll wandering the streets and he is sure that is the type of person doing the school shootings. He has also as seen lost old men wandering the streets. He is sure if these people are just locked up in a mental institution it would put an end to school shootings. He is a big believer in the NRA lie machine.

To start with the middle-aged woman with the baby doll does not have an AR-15 hidden in her shopping cart and does not have the money to buy lunch let alone an AR-15. The old men wandering around lost would not be able to find a school let alone an AR-15. This is not the profile of a school shooter. They have homes and are often a school student. They have access to money to buy an AR-15 or access to one in their home. The NRA definition of mentally ill is someone who does something they would not do. There is no psychiatrist on staff at the NRA only idiots offering opinions they are not qualified to make.


The key thing in the profile of a mass murderer, is not mental illness, the key to spotting a mass murderer is that he owns an AR-15 style assault weapon or has access to one. That is the only thing they have in common. Mass murderers are true gun nuts, they worship assault weapons and often post pictures on social media of them holding or shooting assault weapons. They are fascinated by killing people. Assault weapons make mass murder child’s play.

The best way to find mass murderers before they slaughter 20 first graders is to look for people who are fascinated with guns. You are wasting your time looking at bag ladies on the street with baby dolls.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 11:54 am
Exactly, leave them to law enforcement.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 01:43 pm
Wow, that could be the dumbest thing I have seen you post.

Who is Zardoz? An uncle of yours? and no source? Tsk.

Noir (the guy in the Youtube video) graduated from high school in Houston. He earned a political science degree from the University of Houston and a J.D. degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. His parents are immigrants from Nigeria.

He is an educated gun nut, for sure. Probably knows the law better then either of us.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:31 pm
I have a 45-70, Thatll make the AR-15 uncessary.
hen Im in field I carry a S IG-45,0r a.410 shotgun (debarreled to a RIOT gun length) and loaded ith 45 slugs, or, if its close to bear season , my 45-70.. Ive been followed by black bear in upper Pa lumber country (also where my cleint dry gas wells wre located). The Pa gas fieldds are populated by black bars who hibrnate beneath "skirted trailrs" or Pwnnstocks for clo in pumping

Sick morons have adapted the semi load big clip route to murder. Its a gun that has no us except for urban assasination. Weve gotta deal with guns that are almost military as well as dealing with the crazis who kill innocent people
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:39 pm
I hope that sooner rather than later grown men will avoid the need to own really huge guns to affirm their masculinity. It used to be little red sport cars, but now it's owning annihilation weapons.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:40 pm
An AR-15 aure is NOT the weapon for hom defense. If you discharg one in a house, Unlless you live in a pup tnt, Youll probably gt killd by on of your own bullets.
Keep a loaded shotgun, topping por and it wont caus a load of ricoht, (They still make lead shot for the .410 and law enforcement.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:48 pm
I respect your decisions and I know that you know what you need in the field.

However, if you wanted an AR-15, for whatever reason, you don't believe you should be able to get one? An AR-15 chambered for .450 would also be a fine field weapon for you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:52 pm
anyone using AR-15;s for anything other than military style eaponry in law enforcement or military probably has some free- rolling marbles in their hds.

A ny gun i a tool. The task of murser is only opn to the military or law nforcement in a "righteous" weapons exchange.

The movie, Wind River hasa lot of gunfire and the good guy was using A 45-125 and 45-70 loads in acts of stopping murderers.
Gun ownersip shoull be license based on age, mental conditions. Th xpectted use of an AR styles should not be licensed if they are idntified as a "hunting weapon".
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 06:59 pm
The Bushmaster .450 is just as good as a 45-70, if not better based on accessories available.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 07:32 pm
WHAT KIND OF ACTION IS THE BUHMASTER. ISNT THEAR A .223? .The biggest thing Im agaaint on these wanna be assault rifles is thethe bigass magazine and monster size clip threin. That kid in Texas, you could hear his, almost, machine gun rapidity. he was just spraying death on innocent people. My "enri" 45-70 i an 11.6 mm as is thebushmanster. But mine is a bolt action.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:02 pm
The Bushmaster .450 comes in several platforms...

So you can get the big bad scary one, or a bolt action of your choice.
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:11 pm
So which one of those weapons makes you more manly??
NSFW (view)
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2022 08:29 pm
Well, well, well..........gun worship and fantasies about your own doo dads. The perfect dream scenario for old guys.

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