1) Any requirements that action must wait for due process are effectively anti-choice because true due process (as in, defense hires a lawyer, a case or even just a motion is heard, decision, and its communication) will be too late at least half the time. Delays of any sort (vacations, Covid, can't find a lawyer, etc.) will be common because they are common in all other aspects of court practice.
2) Framing it as murder makes your biases and agenda exceptionally clear. This entire argument is just window dressing around that.
3) You're assuming birth control works perfectly all the time. It doesn't.
4) You're getting men off the hook by simply saying no to responsibility, whereas women are made to jump through hoops.
5) You're assuming people will develop prudent behaviors for an act (dating itself, not sex) which can often be accompanied by late nights, drinking, and partying, not to mention emotions in the mix. Assuming people will sit down and carefully discuss whether they're going to have sex amidst such an atmosphere is as unrealistic as having people in that situation put together IKEA furniture.
6) You're conveniently leaving out date rape, where people go into the experience with the best of intentions but are overcome, either physically or with roofies or just plain pressuring.
7) You're also conveniently leaving out condom ghosting.
8) You're also conveniently leaving out underage sex.
9) And incest.
10) And a terrifically effective and reversible form of birth control.
You want to stop abortions?
Then make vasectomies mandatory and only reverse them when the man has shown he will consensually and enthusiastically care for any ensuing children. Make parental responsibility opt-out rather than opt-in.
Oh, is this kind of a restriction on men's bodies bothering you?