tycoon Wrote:
Quote:We have to remember Momma still thinks she deserves to go to hell. IMO, anyone who possesses that belief can't feel all that good about themself.
It's too bad, to my way of thinking, that Momma can't give herself the credit for the improvements she's experienced in her life. It would make her feel better.We have to remember Momma still thinks she deserves to go to hell. IMO, anyone who possesses that belief can't feel all that good about themself.
It's too bad, to my way of thinking, that Momma can't give herself the credit for the improvements she's experienced in her life. It would make her feel better.

tycoon, do you really read my posts? Have I said anywhere that I do not feel good about myself or my life? I think I have posted the contrary many times.
Do I give myself credit for the improvements? Only in the sense that I have been willing to make those improvements. Can I credit those improvements to myself? No, I cannot. I credit God for those improvements because it has been Him working in my life that made those improvements possible.
Do I think I deserve to go to hell? You betcha! There is nothing I have done on this earth that is worthy of being able to spend a single second in heaven. Heaven is a perfect place and I definitely do not fit that mold. However, I know I won't be going to hell because of the promise that God gave to me through His gift of salvation.
I am always careful of where I put credit. If left to me, I would have a head bigger than Texas because my human ego is an amazingly deceptive thing. I believe God works through people. He puts them in my life where and when I need them. So, the credit always goes to Him, and rightly so.
Intrepid may not know me personally, but Intrepid does understand me spiritually. He knows I am a happy person that has trials just like anyone else. He knows that I find my comfort in God's love. It's hard to explain this to those that don't believe in God.
A person can tell you of their experiences with God, yes. But, unless you have experienced it yourself, it is hard to understand. I wish for you that you could experience it. It changed my life so much for the better.