I am only going to be an American citizen for one more year. Then, they may take my US passport and shred it for all I care. It takes awhile here in Canada to be a Canadian citizen. They are picky. I am a Permanent Resident of Canada @ the moment and believe me, we paid our dues to get that far. I would not trade it for anything.
I do not, in any way, since I pay Canadian taxes, consider Bush 'my president'.
One cannot help where one is born, but one can change countries. I am at least proud to be in Canada and proud of Canada's achievements. They are a peaceable country and try to get along with everyone. Even the U.S.
I would not, and did not, vote for him in the first place. So it isn't hindsight as you suggest. Al Gore should have gotten the vote, but as it was 'fixed' he did not. As you say, this is not the thread for such discussions, as I mentioned to Rex- what's -his name. Carry on your religious discussions!
God speed and God bless. I wish you nothing but the best in life and pray for you all the joy life has to offer.
That was absolutely beautiful.
englishmajor wrote:Momma,
I am only going to be an American citizen for one more year. Then, they may take my US passport and shred it for all I care. It takes awhile here in Canada to be a Canadian citizen. They are picky. I am a Permanent Resident of Canada @ the moment and believe me, we paid our dues to get that far. I would not trade it for anything.
I do not, in any way, since I pay Canadian taxes, consider Bush 'my president'.
One cannot help where one is born, but one can change countries. I am at least proud to be in Canada and proud of Canada's achievements. They are a peaceable country and try to get along with everyone. Even the U.S.
I would not, and did not, vote for him in the first place. So it isn't hindsight as you suggest. Al Gore should have gotten the vote, but as it was 'fixed' he did not. As you say, this is not the thread for such discussions, as I mentioned to Rex- what's -his name. Carry on your religious discussions!
The Chinese invented steel more than a thousand years before the English. They also had "their own" industrial revolution in pottery 1000 years before western Europeans and Americans. I see "religious discussions" as you call them. I call them more like discussions on "truth" (a sometimes "rare" commodity). You seem to take the cake on empty forms of vanity.
There is certainly free trade... but is all fair trade actually considered "honest" trade.
There is fair trade and then there are trade ethnics...
The Canadians cannot even manage their own oil companies. The Canadians have nearly destroyed Alberta...
Oh, and that "Canadian Health Care" you will be obligated to pay for? You can gleefully then stand in line for it when you are proudly a Canadian citizen...
truth is indeed a rare commodity, ever seen any Rex?
dyslexia wrote:truth is indeed a rare commodity, ever seen any Rex?
I can see you have not found much truth in yourself if you need to ask me for it...
I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
dyslexia wrote:I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
...wouldn't be totally obtuse - since dark can't exist except as light's opposite. (but I get your mean-spirited point)
dyslexia wrote:I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
Why study darkness anyway? All is revealed by turning on the lights. I think you need to turn yours back on...
Do you drive a car with your eyes closed too?
Yes of course, I drive a Porsche, I have to keep my eyes closed. Perhaps Mr Red if you limited your posts to the humor forum you would garner a larger readership.
snood wrote:dyslexia wrote:I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
...wouldn't be totally obtuse - since dark can't exist except as light's opposite. (but I get your mean-spirited point)
The discussion of light and darkness can be discussed without racial inference?
Either discuss racial bigotry or discuss the character and nature of light and darkness because the parallels are not the same...
The spirit within has no race, sex or "color".
dyslexia wrote:Yes of course, I drive a Porsche, I have to keep my eyes closed. Perhaps Mr Red if you limited your posts to the humor forum you would garner a larger readership.
I can tell this humor forum you must frequent often then...
Mean spirited? I never crucified any son of mine.
I think Rex, Snood was supporting your position.
RexRed wrote:snood wrote:dyslexia wrote:I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
...wouldn't be totally obtuse - since dark can't exist except as light's opposite. (but I get your mean-spirited point)
The discussion of light and darkness can be discussed without racial inference?
Either discuss racial bigotry or discuss the character and nature of light and darkness because the parallels are not the same...
The spirit within has no race, sex or "color".
Rexreed - who the hell mentioned race?
Foxfyre wrote:I think Rex, Snood was supporting your position.
Thanks, Foxfyre - shee...!
snood wrote:RexRed wrote:snood wrote:dyslexia wrote:I do believe, Mr Red, that you would study darkness by turning on the lights.
...wouldn't be totally obtuse - since dark can't exist except as light's opposite. (but I get your mean-spirited point)
The discussion of light and darkness can be discussed without racial inference?
Either discuss racial bigotry or discuss the character and nature of light and darkness because the parallels are not the same...
The spirit within has no race, sex or "color".
Rexreed - who the hell mentioned race?
It is rexred, if you know how to reed and rite...

and I mentioned race. And then you did. So I guess we both did. Is there a crime in mentioning or talking about race? I brought up race in regard to the spirit and not as a physical thing... but I am not really sure why you mentioned it...
I am not so into being addressed as Mr. Red. or Rexreed... So if I seem snippy it is because your are merely distracting me from other worthy pursuits...
If you have an articulate thing to discuss well then please present it.
But to just write back and twist and add letters to my screen name is rather futile.
I have a link for englishmajor: