Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decrees?

Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:24 pm
MA-It seems to me that by displaying an artifact from a particular religion, the schools are not bringing the children together, but are separating them, and underlining their differences.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:28 pm
I just wish someone could tell me what is so offensive by the Ten Commandments being in a courthouse? How in the world does it effect your life directly? Have you ever gone to that courthouse?

If you have, were you forced to stand there and read them? Would you also like to stop people from saying grace before they eat their meal in a restaurant? It doesn't bother me if you don't do it so why should it bother you if I do?
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Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:31 pm
Would you also like to stop people from saying grace before they eat their meal in a restaurant? It doesn't bother me if you don't do it so why should it bother you if I do?

MA-Absolutely not. A restaurant is a private establishment. If patrons want to say, "grace", they are certainly entitled to do so. If a public school mandated grace before lunch, I would certainly object. Don't you see the difference?
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:34 pm
Phoenix Wrote:

MA-It seems to me that by displaying an artifact from a particular religion, the schools are not bringing the children together, but are separating them, and underlining their differences.

Oh? And how is that exactly? Someone is standing there making them look at it? Telling them that this is a Christian artifact and you have to believe Christianity?

Underlinging their differences? There are differences and they must be acknowledged in this world. Isn't what some of this is all about? The difference we have in our views?

So, should we take all the religious artifacts out of the museums? Rid the world of religious books?

There is nothing wrong with everyone being an individual. We had diversity training at the company where I worked. Oh yeah, that worked real well. Brought out every single difference everyone had and what a big mess that was! So much for pointing out those similarities.

And yes, Phoenix. I do see the difference. And I don't think it should be mandated either. I do believe that there should be a compromise. Provide a place for those that want to pray. Let them have a silent prayer so no one is leading it. Works for me, how about you?

I am more for compromise than you may think Phoenix. As long as it is not a sin, hey, I have no problem compromising and letting things be. But, if it is a sin, like I believe abortion is, then I have the duty and right to lobby legally for my views. This one is just a case of the majority wins (as far as it being legal that is).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:42 pm
I see the difference. Do you see the difference? Oh, sorry....that was a detergeant commercial :-)

I again, have to agree... if I understand correctly.

I believe that I and anybody else of any relgion have the right to say "grace" in any manner I choose in a restaurant. I also believe that I have the same right in any other place that I may eat, even if it is in a school. As long as I am doing it quietly and for those who want to join me. I should not, however, take it upon myself to include all those around me. Actlually, this would be the same in a restaurant or a school. As long as it is not the school doing it, I think it should be ok.

As for the Commandments not being in the CourtHouse.... I have a somewhat different take on that. The commandments are God's commandments and are not necessarily adopted by a country, state, province, city or town. I certanly think they should be allowed in a Church, but I do not have a problem if they are not in a Court House or public square.
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Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:42 pm
Underlinging their differences? There are differences and they must be acknowledged in this world. Isn't what some of this is all about? The difference we have in our views?

Children should not be faced with this in a public school
setting. There is enough peer pressure in school as it is. At the university level, when young people are more mature, is time enough for the exploration of religious differences.

So, should we take all the religious artifacts out of the museums? Rid the world of religious books?

Of course not. Museums and libraries are appropriate places to display the works and artifacts of different cultures, so that people may learn about differences. Public schools aren't.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 06:48 pm
Phoenix Wrote:

Of course not. Museums and libraries are appropriate places to display the works and artifacts of different cultures, so that people may learn about differences. Public schools aren't.

So, we would have to remove them from the history books in the public schools? Wouldn't we then need to limit what we teach in the public schools? No different cultures, though there may be those cultures attending that school?

So, you think a person has to be a certain age before they are exposed to religious differences? You mentioned the university level. I was 13 when I accepted Christ as my Savior. I had access to all types of religions but knew what the right decision for me was.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:11 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

I am a bit confused. We are constantly being criticized for not being tolerant of gays. Yet, because we aren't out there killing them like the OLD TESTAMENT says we should do, we are then criticized for ignoring the law? Is that what you get from that statement?

So, the law that "someone" doesn't like in the first place is pointed out to us because we are NOT doing it?

HELP! I am totally not understanding that one.

It comes as no surprise. There is a tremendous amount you do not understand, MA...including some very simple things. That is something I've pointed out often as a matter of fact.

The point I was making...the rather simply point that you were unable to grasp...is that you are indeed expressing a great deal of compassion for the plight of gays...as many Christians express compassion and understanding.

But that is not what the god Jesus worshipped commanded you to do. That god commanded:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Don't get me wrong. I certainly think you should disregard that latter part as being something no humanity loving, kind, compassionate god would ever order.

But I think in all fairness, you should disregard the former also...because any reasonable guess about this passage is that no GOD worthy of capital letters would ever conceive of this message.

You say, MA, that you are convinced homosexual conduct is a sin...and you insisted you always will.

You must base that conviction on this passage...and the subsequent ones that derive from it.

Except that I don't think you do much real thinking...I would suggest that you do some real thinking about the implications of all that.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:14 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
I have to share this! I am having the most amazing day! God is doing the most amazing things today! woo hoo!

Wonderful for you.

(Why did a picture of a coo-coo clock come to mind when I read this post?)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:16 pm
Were you looking in the mirror at the time? Laughing
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:20 pm
slkshock7 wrote:
Frank wrote:
I would like to concentrate on the challenge I mentioned that I have put to all the other Christians in this thread. Perhaps you would like to deal with it, Shock.

It is my contention that whenever the Bible describes its god in action...doing and speaking...when the god is on the scene...

...is either punishing, threatening, killing, or requiring others to kill in its name.

I know of only one small passage that has the god showing any kind of appreciation for the human predicament...and none that show the god as the kind, compassionate, humanity loving god you folks claim it to be.

Can you produce two passages from the Bible where the primary thrust of the situtation being described is NOT the god punishing, threatening, killing or requiring others to kill in its name?

Remember...we are talking about the god of the Bible...the god Jesus worshipped...and we want it to be the god in action...rather than someone sucking up to the god by giving it credit for some thing or another.

First of all, you make a distinction between Jesus and God which I do not, but in deference to your request, I won't use the many miracles Jesus performed. I also see that you don't want to deal with creation, so I won't argue that. Finally you don't want acts where God is punishing, threatening, killing, or requiring others to kill in His name. What you're left with is a myriad of verses where God is dealing in an individuals life, blessing them with prosperity, children, health, good fortune, protection, etc.

This is surely an incomplete list, I eventually tired of the exerciseÂ…Note that humans are often the tools God uses in the Bible, but in deference to your question, I did not include the hundreds of passages that talk to humans helping other humans because of their faith or because God directed them to.

Ge 20:17
Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maids, so that they bore children.

Ge 24:1
Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in every way.

Ge 25:11
It came about after the death of Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaac; and Isaac lived by Beer-lahai-roi.

Ge 25:21
Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD answered him and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Ge 26:12
Now Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold *. And the LORD blessed him,

Ge 29:31
Now the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, and He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.

Ge 30:17
God gave heed to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son

Ge 39:3
Now his master saw that the LORD was with him and how the LORD caused all that he did to prosper in his hand.

Ge 39:21
But the LORD was with Joseph and extended kindness to him, and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer *.

Ex 14:19
The angel of God, who had been going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind * them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before * them and stood behind * them.

Jos 4:14
On that day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; so that they revered him, just as they had revered Moses all the days of his life .

Jud 15:19
But God split the hollow place that is in Lehi so that water came out of it. When he drank, his strength returned and he revived . Therefore * he named * it En-hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day.

1Sa 23:14
David stayed in the wilderness in the strongholds, and remained in the hill country in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him every day, but God did not deliver him into his hand.

2Sa 5:12
And David realized that the LORD had established him as king over Israel, and that He had exalted his kingdom for the sake of His people Israel.

1Ki 4:29
Now God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore *.

2Ch 36:15
The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place;

Da 1:9
Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials,

Da 1:17
As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.

Da 6:22
"My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths and they have not harmed me, inasmuch * * as I was found innocent before Him; and also toward you, O king, I have committed no crime."

Jon 3:10
When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it.

Jon 4:6
So the LORD God appointed a plant and it grew up over * Jonah to be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort . And Jonah was extremely * happy about the plant.

Joh 1:6
There came a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Ac 19:11
God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,

Earth calling Shock...Earth calling Shock.

I am dealing with the god of the Bible...the god Jesus worshipped in this challenge.

That is GOD...according to Jesus.

And I have asked that the god be on the scene...so we do not have to include the huge number of references where people felt better; had babies; grew crops; were relieved of warts; ets...and then were attributed to some god.

Yes...there are huge numbers of people willing to give the god credit for everything that happened.

But I am insterested in scenes where the god of the Bible is on the scene...talking or acting.

Let's get the god involved...rather than listening to people who credited ever sparrow song to the god.

WHERE ARE THE PASSAGES SHOWING THE GOD SPEAKING OR ACTING or otherwise interacting with humans...and the god is not punishing, threatening, killing, or asking others to kill in the god's name???

So far...we have none.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:27 pm
According to the minister of the church I attend, thousands of ministers across America have signed an open letter concerning religion and science, taking the following position:

"Within the community of Christian believers there are areas of dispute and disagreement, including the proper way to interpret Holy Scripture. While virtually all Christians take the Bible seriously and hold it to be authoritative in matters of faith and practice, the overwhelming majority do not read the Bible literally, as they would a science textbook.

Many of the beloved stories found in the Bible - the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark - convey timeless truths about God, human beings, and the proper relationship between Creator and creation expressed in the only form capable of transmitting these truths from generation to generation. Religious truth is of a different order from scientific truth. Its purpose is not to convey scientific information but to transform hearts.

We the undersigned, Christian clergy from many different traditions, believe that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist. We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests.

To reject this truth or to treat it as one theory among others is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance and transmit such ignorance to our children. We believe that among God's good gifts are human minds capable of critical thought and that the failure to fully employ this gift is a rejection of the will of our creator.

To argue that God's loving plan of salvation for humanity precludes the full employment of the God-given faculty of reason is to attempt to limit God, an act of hubris.

We urge school board members to preserve the integrity of the science curriculum by affirming the teaching of the theory of evolution as a core component of human knowledge.

We ask that science remain science and that religion remain religion, two very different, but complementary, forms of truth."
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Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:29 pm
Re: Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decre
Frank Apisa wrote:
In several different threads, during polite, civilized discussion with resident Christians...I have offered the opinion that the god described in the Bible is one of the most reprehensible gods ever offered up for consideration. The god is, I have noted, jealous, vengeful, retributive, quick-to-anger slow-to-forgive, abusive, tyrannical, duplicitous, petty, murderous and barbaric.

It is my contention that most of what this god does and suggests...if done or suggested by a human would result in the human being confined to a hospital for the criminally insane...under restraints that would make those imposed on Hannibal Lecter look positively benign.

I have challenged every Christian (they claim the god is kind, compassionate, and loving of humankind) to offer passages that show their god to be possessed of those qualities rather than the qualities I say it displays. I've asked all of them to offer passages where the god is on the scene and is not threatening someone, killing someone, finding fault with someone, or asking someone to kill others.

None has taken me up on my challenge...and several have offered laughable reasons for not doing so.

I am going to offer a series of thread devoted to discussing some of the passages that show the god to be the low-life I suggest it is. Maybe if we discuss these passages...the light will dawn for some of our Christian brothers and sisters.

I will start by looking at the god's recommendation for how to handle victory in battle:

At Deuteronomy 20:10 the god decrees:

"When you march up to attack a city, first offer terms of peace.
If it agrees to your terms of peace and opens its gates to you,
all the people to be found in it shall serve you in forced labor.
But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead offers you
battle, lay siege to it, and when the Lord, your God, delivers it
into your hand, put every male in it to the sword, but the women
and children and livestock and all else in it that is worth
plunder you may take as your booty and you may use this plunder
of your enemies which the Lord, your God, has given you."

QUESTION; How many of you think we should have acted as the god of the Bible suggests after World War II? The Germans and Japanese refused to "open their gates to us" and instead "offered battle."

When we defeated them...should we have gone in and killed every last male (of more than a child's age)...and put all the women and children into lifelong slavery?

How would you have felt if some leader of the Allies suggested such a course of action?
Frank, 53 pages and counting. Have you gotten real anwsers yet? I don't have your patience.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:31 pm

Well, I guess we all knew THAT was coming. God Himself could come down from on High and look Frank straight in the face and say, "You had something you wanted to say to me?" and Frank would deny that it is "that cartoon God of the Bible." But, of course, Frank wouldn't capitalize God.

I applaud your efforts. Your posts are very clear and straight to the point and I have garnered a lot from them.

Just DON'T take off your armour!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:36 pm
Re: Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decre
Amigo wrote:
Frank, 53 pages and counting. Have you gotten real anwsers yet?

Not a one. Not a single one.


I don't have your patience.

I'll wait these people out 'til my dying breath. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:36 pm
To answer Frank's original question here:

Just as the Bible does exactly say, there were many Gods around throughout the times of the O.T.
Yahweh, being only one. Certainly not the ONE, the loving father spoken about by Jesus.

Why are you folks so serious about all this scripture. Take it easy, live a while longer, read some books. Live a good life.

Momma, I like your avatar. Do you like mine?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:39 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Well, I guess we all knew THAT was coming.

Yep...I asked for passages that had the god of the Bible in attendence...and not have the thrust of the action be the god punishing, threatening, killing, or asking others to kill in its name...

...and Shock delivered a list of passages that had people thanking god for doing stuff.

And I have the nerve, in your opinion, to dispute.

Wake up!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:39 pm
Intrepid wrote:
I see the difference. Do you see the difference? Oh, sorry....that was a detergeant commercial :-)

I again, have to agree... if I understand correctly.

I believe that I and anybody else of any relgion have the right to say "grace" in any manner I choose in a restaurant. I also believe that I have the same right in any other place that I may eat, even if it is in a school. As long as I am doing it quietly and for those who want to join me. I should not, however, take it upon myself to include all those around me. Actlually, this would be the same in a restaurant or a school. As long as it is not the school doing it, I think it should be ok.

As for the Commandments not being in the CourtHouse.... I have a somewhat different take on that. The commandments are God's commandments and are not necessarily adopted by a country, state, province, city or town. I certanly think they should be allowed in a Church, but I do not have a problem if they are not in a Court House or public square.

I agree with you also Intrepid. You do seem to understand the value of keeping religion and government functions seperated. This principle is not just to appease the non-religious. It is to protect religious freedom of all and prevent a dominant religion from forcing it views.

Now where in the heck is Momma Angel with her congrats to you for explaining a point so well? :wink:
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:40 pm
Yes Sunlove, I do like your avatar.

Amigo Wrote:

Frank, 53 pages and counting. Have you gotten real anwsers yet? I don't have your patience?

Oh yes, Frank got answers. Just not the ones he wanted.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:42 pm
Oops...I was wrong again.

MA did offer a response to the question.

Go back and look at it...MA will furnish you a link...and see what you think of it.
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