Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decrees?

Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 01:39 am
SilkShock wrote:
but don't see Frank or cicerone coming around by arguments of doctrine.

Frank Apisa wrote:
What is that supposed to mean?

He means, Frank, that apologetics per se won't ever soften your heart to the point where you see God's goodness and splendor and thus worship Him. No matter how many answers you might get to your "questions," those would not bring you to Him. The Pharisees were the same way.

I know, bec. it wasn't apologetics that brought me to Him. Apologetics are most useful AFTER a person's come to faith.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 02:08 am
Hey Di!

Good to see you!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 03:08 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards.

Since this was directed to you, Mesquite, I thought I would take this opportunity to call to your attention...and the attention of the others....what the god of the Bible had to say about people who should or should not "be part of the clergy"...or even who should participate in full value in the worship service.

"Therefore, he who has any of the following defects may not come
forward: he who is blind, or lame, or who has any disfigurement
or malformation, or crippled foot or hand....he may not approach
the veil nor go up to the altar on account of these defects; he
shall not profane these things that are sacred to me, for it is
I, the Lord, who make them sacred." Leviticus 21:18ff

So...the god of the Bible supposes that people who are blind or lame or who have disfigurements or malformations or are crippled of foot or hand...

...would "profane" "sacred places" by their very presence.

Quite a god.

And these people love this god.

Adore this god.

Worship this god.

What a pity.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 03:11 am
diagknowz wrote:
SilkShock wrote:
but don't see Frank or cicerone coming around by arguments of doctrine.

Frank Apisa wrote:
What is that supposed to mean?

He means, Frank, that apologetics per se won't ever soften your heart to the point where you see God's goodness and splendor and thus worship Him. No matter how many answers you might get to your "questions," those would not bring you to Him. The Pharisees were the same way.

I know, bec. it wasn't apologetics that brought me to Him. Apologetics are most useful AFTER a person's come to faith.

In other words...I must first delude myself into thinking there is a god...and then it will make sense to me that there is a god.

If I first delude myself into thinking that the murderous barbarian described in the Bible is actually good and splendid...I will be able to worship it.

C'mon. That cannot sound reasonable even to a Christian.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 03:13 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Mesquite Wrote:

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.

Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards. Catholic priests who have been found to be molesting children have harmed the Catholic faith not to mention what it has done to those children. I do not believe in same sex marriage. And how is being against same sex marriage and homosexuality contrary to Christ's teachings? I do not recall it being said anywhere in the OT or the NT that homosexuality is ok. I Corinthians 6:9 clearly points out that homosexuality is a sin against God. Did He not say, "hate the sin and not the sinner?" It is not the individual we should hate, it is the sin. I will never change my views on homosexuality not being a sin in God's eyes. However, that does not give me the right to do them harm. It does give me the right to lobby for what I believe is right, just as you have the right to lobby for what you believe is right.

If the law is changed to allow same sex marriage then it will be legal. But, just because it is legal does not mean that I have to believe it is right.

I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I have every right to not like some of the things they do, just as they do with me.

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 05:23 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Mesquite Wrote:

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.

Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards. Catholic priests who have been found to be molesting children have harmed the Catholic faith not to mention what it has done to those children. I do not believe in same sex marriage. And how is being against same sex marriage and homosexuality contrary to Christ's teachings? I do not recall it being said anywhere in the OT or the NT that homosexuality is ok. I Corinthians 6:9 clearly points out that homosexuality is a sin against God. Did He not say, "hate the sin and not the sinner?" It is not the individual we should hate, it is the sin. I will never change my views on homosexuality not being a sin in God's eyes. However, that does not give me the right to do them harm. It does give me the right to lobby for what I believe is right, just as you have the right to lobby for what you believe is right.

If the law is changed to allow same sex marriage then it will be legal. But, just because it is legal does not mean that I have to believe it is right.

I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I have every right to not like some of the things they do, just as they do with me.

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

There has been suggestion that the laws in Leviticus were directed towards the Priests. While this is true (they had a even higher standard to maintain) it was still directed to the people of Israel.

It has been mentioned about gays and lesbians being able to be part of the clergy and how hypocritical it is not to allow this. Should those who avail themselves of prostitutes, alcoholics, etc. also be part of the clergy? The clergy are to be the example for the people and hold to even higher standards than the general populace. Don't bother mentioning that this is not always the case, because I already know that. We know that there are those who should not be part of the clergy who already are.

Regarding Leviticus. To have so many crimes punishable by death may seem rather harsh today, but these offenses were in deliberate defiance of God's holy law.

Israel was instructed not to imitate the nations around them, such as the Ammonites who offered children as a burnt sacrifice to Molech. God had separated Israel from the nations for the all-important reason of preserving the knowledge and worship of himself as the true God.

In Canaan, worship was commonly tied to prostitution and fertility rites. However, for Israel, anything suggesting the sexual or sensual was strictly banned from the worship of God. This does not mean that this aspect of life is unclean. The purpose is to ensure its separation from the worship of God. The rule of strict cleanliness in all sexual matters would also contribute to health.

Many of these laws are directed against the practices of Israel's neighbors. For example, marriage between those closely related by blood or by marriage was forbidden by God. In Egypt, which had little marital regulation, such marriages were common.

Adultery, child sacrifice, homosexual relations and bestiality -- all part of the debased religions of Canaan -- were also forbidden. This was all done to separate God's chosen people from everything not holy.

Again, I will refer to the New Testament because that is where we read that Israel refused to accept God's ways. That is why the gentiles were also given the opportunity for salvation at that time.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 08:46 am
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Mesquite Wrote:

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.

Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards. Catholic priests who have been found to be molesting children have harmed the Catholic faith not to mention what it has done to those children. I do not believe in same sex marriage. And how is being against same sex marriage and homosexuality contrary to Christ's teachings? I do not recall it being said anywhere in the OT or the NT that homosexuality is ok. I Corinthians 6:9 clearly points out that homosexuality is a sin against God. Did He not say, "hate the sin and not the sinner?" It is not the individual we should hate, it is the sin. I will never change my views on homosexuality not being a sin in God's eyes. However, that does not give me the right to do them harm. It does give me the right to lobby for what I believe is right, just as you have the right to lobby for what you believe is right.

If the law is changed to allow same sex marriage then it will be legal. But, just because it is legal does not mean that I have to believe it is right.

I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I have every right to not like some of the things they do, just as they do with me.

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

There has been suggestion that the laws in Leviticus were directed towards the Priests. While this is true (they had a even higher standard to maintain) it was still directed to the people of Israel.

It has been mentioned about gays and lesbians being able to be part of the clergy and how hypocritical it is not to allow this. Should those who avail themselves of prostitutes, alcoholics, etc. also be part of the clergy? The clergy are to be the example for the people and hold to even higher standards than the general populace. Don't bother mentioning that this is not always the case, because I already know that. We know that there are those who should not be part of the clergy who already are.

Regarding Leviticus. To have so many crimes punishable by death may seem rather harsh today, but these offenses were in deliberate defiance of God's holy law.

Israel was instructed not to imitate the nations around them, such as the Ammonites who offered children as a burnt sacrifice to Molech. God had separated Israel from the nations for the all-important reason of preserving the knowledge and worship of himself as the true God.

In Canaan, worship was commonly tied to prostitution and fertility rites. However, for Israel, anything suggesting the sexual or sensual was strictly banned from the worship of God. This does not mean that this aspect of life is unclean. The purpose is to ensure its separation from the worship of God. The rule of strict cleanliness in all sexual matters would also contribute to health.

Many of these laws are directed against the practices of Israel's neighbors. For example, marriage between those closely related by blood or by marriage was forbidden by God. In Egypt, which had little marital regulation, such marriages were common.

Adultery, child sacrifice, homosexual relations and bestiality -- all part of the debased religions of Canaan -- were also forbidden. This was all done to separate God's chosen people from everything not holy.

Again, I will refer to the New Testament because that is where we read that Israel refused to accept God's ways. That is why the gentiles were also given the opportunity for salvation at that time.

What the hell does that have to do with what I said????
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:01 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
What I have posted is not asking a question. It seems to explain much of the bible in terms that can be understood by anybody that can read the English language. Whether you wish to challenge the post is entirely up to you.

It explains why I have difficulty with the bible god and it's beliefs. It's about me: I like simplicity in my life; ideas that contradict any issue continues to be a curiosity for its own sake.

It's not necessary for you to respond one way or the other.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:12 am
slkshock7 wrote:
The Bible is consistent in that there is only one true God, although there are numerous gods that people have created over the millennia (e.g. Apollo, Zeus, Baal, etc.) All the passages you quoted are consistent and reflect God speaking to and of people who wrongly held that other gods existed.

Anyone who reads the Bible...and comes away thinking that the people who wrote is were of the opinion that there was only one god...simply does not know how to read.

It is obvious that the people who wrote the book thought there were many gods...but that the people to whom the words were addressed (it obviously was written by ancient Hebrews for ancient Hebrews)...WERE TO WORSHIP ONLY THE ONE DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK.

I'm not sure where you were going with your wording "...only one true God"...but I think are very much mistaken.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:18 am
Oh by the way...the rest of that stuff ci can handle if he finds it worthwhile.

I would like to concentrate on the challenge I mentioned that I have put to all the other Christians in this thread. Perhaps you would like to deal with it, Shock.

It is my contention that whenever the Bible describes its god in action...doing and speaking...when the god is on the scene...

...is either punishing, threatening, killing, or requiring others to kill in its name.

I know of only one small passage that has the god showing any kind of appreciation for the human predicament...and none that show the god as the kind, compassionate, humanity loving god you folks claim it to be.

Can you produce two passages from the Bible where the primary thrust of the situtation being described is NOT the god punishing, threatening, killing or requiring others to kill in its name?

Remember...we are talking about the god of the Bible...the god Jesus worshipped...and we want it to be the god in action...rather than someone sucking up to the god by giving it credit for some thing or another.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:21 am
Can't get over the fact than none of you folks have tried to offer the "creation" scenes.

Most Christians at least give that a try.

(Of course...there were no humans during that period...and just as soon as the humans show up...the god begins the punishment and threatening nonsense.)

It really is a tough myth to work with from your perspective....I'll give you that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:28 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
What the hell does that have to do with what I said????

Is Frank the only one that does not understand this?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 09:52 am
Taken from another forum on a2k, but these are still questions that remain:

Frank Apisa
Veteran Member

Joined: 18 Oct 2002
Posts: 9250
Location: New Jersey
Posted: August 18th 2005, 06:55 Post: 1520738 -

real life wrote:
Of course it is convenient to try, by definition, to exclude all but what we want to consider.

Timber wrote:
Consider all things, accept the probable, suspect the improbable, reject the impossible. It is not impossible that there may be a god. It is even possible that there is a god and that that god is the god central to your proposition. I see no reason to consider that probable, but I see no reason to consider it impossible. That leaves improbable. I'm skeptical, but I'm willing to be convinced. Convince me.

real life wrote::
defined as a non-corporeal Being.

Timber wrote:
A convenient convention adopted by some. There is no dispute that the concept has great currency, but where is the evidence the concept has validity?

real life wrote::
seem a clever dodge to state, 'The only acceptable evidence of God is that which can be seen, touched, etc' , but a dodge it is nonetheless.

Timber wrote:
That would be a dodge, but it is not a dodge I take. I don't dodge the question at all, as do some others in this discussion; I stand squarely in front of the question and seek its answer, the answer least at odds with itself or the attendant evidence, the answer least subject to question or contradiction presented by alternative answers. That answer has not been presented. I impose no such artificial conditions or restrictions upon the proofs I seek. I cannot see or feel or taste an electron, but by both direct observational evidence and by deductive reasoning - the math works - I conclude that elecctrons are probable near to the point of certainty.

Real LIfe wrote:
It is like saying "The only acceptable evidence that Silence exists is if I can taste it."

Timber wrote:
Poppycock - see the above. Quit avoiding the question, and answer it - why should anyone."

Real Life wrote:
Or as another has said it is like trying to smell the color nine. Nine is not a color; and even if it was , you do not smell colors.

Timber wrote:
Forgive the repetition. Poppycock. Quit avoiding the question, and answer it - why, apart from the claims and assertions made by the proponents of your proposition, should anyone consider your proposition to be valid?

Frank said:
Timber...this is one of your best posts ever. I hope Life takes the time to really answer your questions...and that he explains the things you've asked him to explain."
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 10:01 am

I love the way you explain things. But, a word of advice here, get out the armor and put it on! The more sense your explanations and support of God makes, the more bullets come flying!

Just know that you have many in your army.

Momma Angel
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 11:04 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Just know that you have many in your army.

Army? Are you at war?What is it exactly are you fighting?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 11:13 am

Don't misunderstand Very Happy . I was just making a pun! You know, armour? Have to admit, at times in some of these threads it feels like one may be dodging bullets to say the least!

Nothing more than a little giggle on my part.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 11:24 am

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

I am a bit confused. We are constantly being criticized for not being tolerant of gays. Yet, because we aren't out there killing them like the OLD TESTAMENT says we should do, we are then criticized for ignoring the law? Is that what you get from that statement?

So, the law that "someone" doesn't like in the first place is pointed out to us because we are NOT doing it?

HELP! I am totally not understanding that one.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 12:59 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

I am a bit confused. We are constantly being criticized for not being tolerant of gays. Yet, because we aren't out there killing them like the OLD TESTAMENT says we should do, we are then criticized for ignoring the law? Is that what you get from that statement?

So, the law that "someone" doesn't like in the first place is pointed out to us because we are NOT doing it?

HELP! I am totally not understanding that one.


You really should check the posts more carefully. More than once you get the poster mixed up. Frank Apisa made that post . NOT me.
I responded to Frank on his remark.

I am not being crital, but you can, in this case, you make it look like I am posting the same trash as Frank.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 01:00 pm
Momma Angel,
This is the whole post

Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Mesquite Wrote:

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.

Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards. Catholic priests who have been found to be molesting children have harmed the Catholic faith not to mention what it has done to those children. I do not believe in same sex marriage. And how is being against same sex marriage and homosexuality contrary to Christ's teachings? I do not recall it being said anywhere in the OT or the NT that homosexuality is ok. I Corinthians 6:9 clearly points out that homosexuality is a sin against God. Did He not say, "hate the sin and not the sinner?" It is not the individual we should hate, it is the sin. I will never change my views on homosexuality not being a sin in God's eyes. However, that does not give me the right to do them harm. It does give me the right to lobby for what I believe is right, just as you have the right to lobby for what you believe is right.

If the law is changed to allow same sex marriage then it will be legal. But, just because it is legal does not mean that I have to believe it is right.

I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I have every right to not like some of the things they do, just as they do with me.

Interesting considering the advice the god of the Bible gives regarding this:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

Well...I guess if you don't like one of the god's commandments...you just disregard it...and actually brag about disregarding it.

There has been suggestion that the laws in Leviticus were directed towards the Priests. While this is true (they had a even higher standard to maintain) it was still directed to the people of Israel.

It has been mentioned about gays and lesbians being able to be part of the clergy and how hypocritical it is not to allow this. Should those who avail themselves of prostitutes, alcoholics, etc. also be part of the clergy? The clergy are to be the example for the people and hold to even higher standards than the general populace. Don't bother mentioning that this is not always the case, because I already know that. We know that there are those who should not be part of the clergy who already are.

Regarding Leviticus. To have so many crimes punishable by death may seem rather harsh today, but these offenses were in deliberate defiance of God's holy law.

Israel was instructed not to imitate the nations around them, such as the Ammonites who offered children as a burnt sacrifice to Molech. God had separated Israel from the nations for the all-important reason of preserving the knowledge and worship of himself as the true God.

In Canaan, worship was commonly tied to prostitution and fertility rites. However, for Israel, anything suggesting the sexual or sensual was strictly banned from the worship of God. This does not mean that this aspect of life is unclean. The purpose is to ensure its separation from the worship of God. The rule of strict cleanliness in all sexual matters would also contribute to health.

Many of these laws are directed against the practices of Israel's neighbors. For example, marriage between those closely related by blood or by marriage was forbidden by God. In Egypt, which had little marital regulation, such marriages were common.

Adultery, child sacrifice, homosexual relations and bestiality -- all part of the debased religions of Canaan -- were also forbidden. This was all done to separate God's chosen people from everything not holy.

Again, I will refer to the New Testament because that is where we read that Israel refused to accept God's ways. That is why the gentiles were also given the opportunity for salvation at that time.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 01:09 pm

I am sorry if I made it look like that. Believe me, that was not my intent. I am asking you because I am not going to address Frank directly. Perhaps it would be best if I just ignored what he says at all. I certainly do not want to cause any confusion.

I value your feedback on my questions, as I feel your feedback is quite objective. Please forgive me for any confusion or misrepresentation this may have caused for you. IN NO WAY WOULD I WANT ANYONE TO THINK YOU POST THE TRASH FRANK DOES!

I know you are not being critical, you never are. You have helped me tremendously with your wisdom.
0 Replies

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