Should we handle victory the way the Christian god decrees?

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:31 pm
Shocked Now I really am confused!

"...the god is threatening people, killing them, ordering them to kill others...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag."

Could anyone, other than Frank, please tell me how this is not calling God a scumbag?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:45 pm

Momma Angel wrote:
slkshock7 Wrote:

My point is that we should argue the character of God (whether God is good or evil] but lets not complicate the argument needlessly by bringing in the existence of God. As I see it, we seem to be in violent agreement.

I know you were posting this to Frank, but I have to ask a question here. How can you argue the character of God without bringing in the existence of God? I, personally, wouldn't argue his character at all, but, I am a bit puzzled here.

So, are you just agreeing there either is or is not a God and if there is a God what is His character? I am just asking for clarification in case I am reading this incorrectly.

Sorry for any confusion...I think Frank's real issue is that the character demonstrated by God in Bible doesn't fit his human interpretation of what God should be. Even though he's clearly agnostic, I don't see that we must prove the existence of God in order to discuss God's character. You can discuss the character of a person in a fictional book without needing to prove that the person exists.

Furthermore, by arguing that the character of God is capricious, jealous, etc., he's already presumed that God exists. You can't have character (either good or bad) without the person.

Having said that I do believe in the God of the Bible, that he exists, that the Bible is inerrant, the Trinity, original sin, salvation by faith alone, man's depravity etc., but don't see Frank or cicerone coming around by arguments of doctrine. Trying to make a logical argument that "who are we to judge God"?

Hope this helps...it's hard to put the delicate distinction in writing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:50 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Shocked Now I really am confused!

"...the god is threatening people, killing them, ordering them to kill others...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag."

Could anyone, other than Frank, please tell me how this is not calling God a scumbag?

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:50 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Shocked Now I really am confused!

"...the god is threatening people, killing them, ordering them to kill others...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag."

Could anyone, other than Frank, please tell me how this is not calling God a scumbag?

I'm not sure if anyone else can...but I am always willing to respond to your questions even if you prefer to get the response from someone else.

Here are some quotes from my comments of just a few hours ago.

I'll take your word for that...for the benefit of this reply. But anytime I hear someone talk about what "God" should or should not be able to do...I MOST ASSUREDLY DO NOT TRANSLATE THAT INTO "THE god OF THE BIBLE."

Let's just keep those two things separate...unless you are prepared to establish with reasonable certainty that there is a GOD...and that the pitiful, cartoon god described in the Bible is that GOD.

If you want to discuss God with me...do so. If you want to discuss the god of the Bible with me...do so.

If you want to mix the two up...do so....but I will point it out every time.

I have no idea if there is a God or not...and I certainly do not know (or would I guess) that if there is a God...that the God would be cruel or vengeful.

That is the reason I think the cartoon god of the Bible is not God...

I do not know if a God exists....I also do not know if no gods exist. I simply do not know either way. (I often add that I do not see enough unambiguous evidence in either direction to make a meaningful guess either way.)

Obviously, I also do not know anything about the nature of any God that MIGHT exist....but I have very little reason to guess that it would be a cruel, vengeful, jealous, tyrannical, petty, murderous, barbaric GOD...

...which is the reason I do not think that the god of the Bible is any God that might exist...because the god of the Bible is all of those things.

How can anyone get through such density????????????

How more clearly can I state that when I talk about the idiotic, murderous, barbaric, cartoon god described in the Bible...I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANY GOD THAT MIGHT EXIST?

If I use the word "God" or as I do more usually "GOD"...I am not talking about the god of the Bible. There is no way that pathetic creature deserves any kind of capitalization.

So, when I wrote that "the god is a scumbag"...it should be apparent to anyone who knows how the English language works...that I was not referring to GOD...but to the barbarian from the Bible.

(And so that we do not get mixed up about this...of course there is always the possibility that the pathetic god of the Bible actually is GOD. Even if that is the case...I still will not pay it the respect of capitalizing it...because the god described in the Bible is disgusting.)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 06:59 pm
Hey Frank - as long as it all makes sense to YOU, is all that's important. Have another brewski.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:03 pm
slkshock7 wrote:

Sorry for any confusion...I think Frank's real issue is that the character demonstrated by God in Bible doesn't fit his human interpretation of what God should be.

Much more than that, Shock.

It is not necessary for me to have an "interpretation of what God should be"...to use human terms to describe what I see. I see a jealous, vengeful, retributive, murderous, barbaric god...and I describe it as such.

I have truly not offered any comments on what I think a God should be like..although if I did, you would see that I think the notion of a personal GOD...one that can be offended by human conduct...is absurd.

But...I really don't think it is necessary to deal with that here.

Even though he's clearly agnostic, I don't see that we must prove the existence of God in order to discuss God's character. You can discuss the character of a person in a fictional book without needing to prove that the person exists.

Be careful here, Shock. This is a point I have tried to get across to MA on dozens of occasions...and she still brings it up as though it is impossible to do.

Furthermore, by arguing that the character of God is capricious, jealous, etc., he's already presumed that God exists. You can't have character (either good or bad) without the person.

That is so wrong...it goes beyond the pale.

I most assuredly can argue and comment on the character of the god described in the Bible wtihout presuming any GOD exists.

In fact I do.

And I defy you to logically refute that it can logically be done.

I can read the Bible and see what it says about the god it describes...and then comment on that...without making any kind of presumption about any GODS existence.

Having said that I do believe in the God of the Bible, that he exists, that the Bible is inerrant, the Trinity, original sin, salvation by faith alone, man's depravity etc., but don't see Frank or cicerone coming around by arguments of doctrine.

What is that supposed to mean?

Are you saying that we must have some kind of doctrine in order to comment on the barbarian?


Trying to make a logical argument that "who are we to judge God"?

WOW...this is tiring...but...

...I am not judging GOD. I am judging the god of the Bible.

Hope this helps...it's hard to put the delicate distinction in writing.

It might...but getting through to MA is not the easiest job imaginable.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:04 pm
snood wrote:
Hey Frank - as long as it all makes sense to YOU, is all that's important. Have another brewski.

Thank you, Snood. I just may do that. Twisted Evil
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:07 pm

Gotcha. Frank doesn't like "that" God so He is not God and therefore, Frank can call Him a scumbag.

I like the way you posted that. And, oh yeah, this would be where you might need to put on your armor.


0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 08:22 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Shocked Now I really am confused!

"...the god is threatening people, killing them, ordering them to kill others...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag."

Could anyone, other than Frank, please tell me how this is not calling God a scumbag?

Well, I think If you would take your own advice and check the whole comment, and not cut sentences in half you would get the full meaning.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Every other time the god of the Bible...the god your Jesus worshipped...is on the scene talking or acting...

...the god is threatening people, killing them, ordering them to kill others...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag.

That is clearly in the context of the god of the Bible as it is depicted in the Bible. Scumbag is actually quite generous terminology in my view for a character that does and says the things that are depicted in the bible. You have certainly had enough exchanges with Frank to know that he always uses the "as depicted in the Bible" format because he considers it to be a fictional character.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 08:38 pm

I find that calling someone "...and in general, being a murderous, barbaric scumbag" quite equivalent to the statement "He is a scumbag."

But, that certainly is not just my view, as you will notice, I was not the one that called Frank on that statement.

Mesquite Wrote:

That is clearly in the context of the god of the Bible as it is depicted in the Bible. Scumbag is actually quite generous terminology in my view for a character that does and says the things that are depicted in the bible. You have certainly had enough exchanges with Frank to know that he always uses the "as depicted in the Bible" format because he considers it to be a fictional character.

I guess my question is still this? Why then, if one considers this to be a fictional character, would one spend so much time and energy trying to prove he is a "scumbag?"

The fictional characters The Penguin and The Riddler on Batman were what you might call "scumbags" but I don't find it necessary to prove it. And wow, what about some of these villians on TV today? Wanting to blow up the whole world and dominate the universe? That's why I have such a hard time with anyone trying to prove something about something they don't even believe in. And I don't care if Frank understands that point about me or not.

So, you and I are a bit off neutral ground again, eh? I hope not.

Momma Angel
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 09:28 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Fair enough. Let me see if I can try to explain something about my viewpoint on this a bit better.

When the evil acts of flying those planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11 occurred, it was, indeed, horrific, more than horrific. I can't think of a word to describe it, but I am sure everyone felt it.

Keep in mind the the men that committed those acts had blind faith in their version of the Abrahamic god. They thought that they were doing "Allah's will, and by doing so they would gain direct entrance to paradise (heaven). Their holy documents say "The gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords."

Momma Angel wrote:
There is always more than one side to a picture. Yes, what happened killed thousands, devastated families, ruined lives, etc. But, even though something so horrific had such an effect on our nation, look at the good that rose from that horrifying situation. Our country now bands together to support our troops (perhaps not the war, but our troops). There has become a renewed spirit in our country. Perhaps it would not have happened if it weren't for 9/11? I am not saying God did 9/11. I am just saying that from horrific situations good can occur.

I am not sure if I should read that as a belief that the attacks were God directed. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, ignorant buttbreaths as they are tried to say it was God's wrath against gays.

In any event the renewed spirit was short lived once our self righteous leader that believes he is guided by God deflected our efforts away from the ones that attacked us and started a conflict in Iraq that we have no business being in.

Momma Angel wrote:
Now, exactly why God said to take the children and women who had not slept with any man as slaves? I can only give my opinion. He obviously held the children as innocent and virginity was a sign of purity. Perhaps He was giving those innocents a chance at life? Slaves in the Bible were not treated like slaves in the south. Though they were owned, they were more often than not, treated as family.

He was obviously giving the female virgin little ones a chance at life. I also suspect that the fascination with virgins had more to do with male ego than godly purity. In any event, the story is utterly gross.

When I posted a link to Mark Twain's Little Bessie"[/u] someone said it was loaded with strawmen, inferring that the statements made by Little Bessies mother were unrealistic. You are beginning to sound a lot like Little Bessie's mother.

Momma Angel wrote:
Now, I am not saying that is what God was thinking. I can't begin to know His mind. But in any given situation, you have to look at the whole picture, the before, the during, and the after. Before 9/11 we were just going on about our daily routines not really thinking that much about patriotism. 9/11 occurs and we were all devastated. From that devastation, we are growing into a more unified nation. I would much rather 9/11 hadn't occurred and all the lives that were lost were still here. But, if I focus on the negative about that or anything, I become negative and part of the problem instead of the solution. I get back up on that horse every time I am thrown down. I learn from it, I grow from it.

People often band together in times of crisis. That is part of human nature. What does this have to do with cruel examples in the Bible?

Momma Angel wrote:
God's teachings are not always easy to understand. Some are impossible to understand because He is God and I can't fathom in my human brain just all that encompasses.

If teachings cannot be understood, they should not be called teachings.

Momma Angel wrote:
So, as long as you and others continue to focus on the harsh side of God and can't understand the loving side, it is going to be very difficult for you to see what I see. I mean no disrespect here, Mesquite. But, if you do not understand the concept of Christ becoming our intercessory then it is not going to make sense to you.

I also mean no disrespect, but if you can translate a jealous, vengeful, sadistic god sacrificing his son to himself in order to forgive humans for offending himself into an act of love, then probably nothing I say will make sense to you.

Momma Angel wrote:
How often are the harsh words of the OT referenced in these forums compared to the loving beautiful ways of Jesus in the NT? If everyone were just to live by the beatitudes alone, the world would be a much kinder, gentler place to live.

That is a very true statement. Unfortunately far too many Christians cannot resist dipping back into the old testament to support their prejudices, and since they consider the source divine, there is no possibility to reason. That is why I concentrate my energies against the texts. It is the texts that are the source of so many problems.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 09:32 pm
" For centuries, Theologans have been explaning the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing." -H.L. Mencken
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 10:52 pm
I think all the people arguing against the bible is approaching it from the wrong side. The real issue is why so many people with so many obvious contradictions, errors and omissions in the bible still believe in their religion?

It's not difficult to find verses in the bible that are contradictory - even for a lay person like me. Why are all these contradictions ignored in the bible that would not othewise be accepted so freely in anything else? It surely would not be accepted in law, medicine, science, or most professions.

All my siblings and their spouses including many of my friends are christians. Many of them are well educated professionals.

If they are as illogical, inconsistent, or contradictory in their professions, they would be deemed unfit to practice their profession.

The big Q is why can't we see what they see in their religion?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 11:04 pm
Mesquite Wrote:

Keep in mind the the men that committed those acts had blind faith in their version of the Abrahamic god. They thought that they were doing "Allah's will, and by doing so they would gain direct entrance to paradise (heaven). Their holy documents say "The gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords."

Oh, I know very well they believed what they were doing was right, but I would venture to say that even you do not believe they were. Doing it in God's name does not necessarily mean it is the right thing to do.

I am not sure if I should read that as a belief that the attacks were God directed. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, ignorant buttbreaths as they are tried to say it was God's wrath against gays.

In any event the renewed spirit was short lived once our self righteous leader that believes he is guided by God deflected our efforts away from the ones that attacked us and started a conflict in Iraq that we have no business being in.

You definitely should NOT read that as a belief that the attacks were God directed. Those attacks were Osama Bin Laden directed and had nothing to do with God as far as I am concerned.

And as for Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson saying it was God's wrath against gays? Hogwash I say. It was an evil man's plan to tear the United States apart.

I will not get into the politics of the war with you or anyone else, Mesquite. I honestly do not know enough about it to even make a comment. All I can tell you is I have a very dear friend in Iraq and he tells me the Iraqi people are happy we are there. He says great things have happened because our troops are there. I confine my efforts to supporting the troops because they are there and need our support and not why. I have to disagree on the renewed spirit being short lived though. I am in contact every day with those keeping that spirit alive.

Mesquite Wrote:

He was obviously giving the female virgin little ones a chance at life. I also suspect that the fascination with virgins had more to do with male ego than godly purity. In any event, the story is utterly gross.

When I posted a link to Mark Twain's Little Bessie" someone said it was loaded with strawmen, inferring that the statements made by Little Bessies mother were unrealistic. You are beginning to sound a lot like Little Bessie's mother.

I have to disagree with you on it being having more to do with male ego than godly purity. Being a virgin back then had a much more sacred connotation to it than it now holds in today's society.

I am beginning to sound like Little Bessie's Mother? Now, how is that? I don't recall saying that everything that happens comes from God. Some things yes, many things, no. A lot of the things that have happened in this world have a whole lot more to do with man than they do with God. If you could point to something specifically as to what you mean here I would appreciate it.

Mesquite Wrote:

People often band together in times of crisis. That is part of human nature. What does this have to do with cruel examples in the Bible?

I am missing something here. Maybe I am just tired. But I am not understanding your question.

Mesquite Wrote:

If teachings cannot be understood, they should not be called teachings.

Poor choice of words on my part I'm afraid. It's not His teachings that are hard to understand. His Ways are hard to understand sometimes. But, I can't begin to fathom the wisdom or the knowledge that God has. If I could that would make me equal to Him or more on His level, and then, how could He be God?

Mesquite Wrote:

I also mean no disrespect, but if you can translate a jealous, vengeful, sadistic god sacrificing his son to himself in order to forgive humans for offending himself into an act of love, then probably nothing I say will make sense to you.

I have taken nothing you have said here as disrespectful. I have no problem with the way you pose your questions or posts. I understand what you are saying, Mesquite. But, you aren't seeing the sacrifice as an act of love. It's hard to give an analogy or example. But, it's like a friend laying down their life for another friend. No greater love hath man than to lay his life down for a friend. Yes, it was a cruel way for Christ to die. But, if He had died from pneumonia, who would have understood the extent of the sacrifice? And, Christ arose on the third day! He is not dead! The sacrifice of Christ is on such a grand scale that it is hard to comprehend at times! But, Christ made the choice to do this because He loved us. He laid down His life for me, for you, for everyone!

And Mesquite, I understand where you are coming from about thinking God did this for Himself. But, He did not do it for Himself! He did it for us. The people needed "proof" I guess and God sent His son. But, since the kingdom He preached of was not an earthly kingdom, He was rejected. I guess you could say God was not doing what man wanted Him to do. And I say to that, what right does man have to thing that God should do what man wants? He created us, not the other way around.

Mesquite Wrote:

That is a very true statement. Unfortunately far too many Christians cannot resist dipping back into the old testament to support their prejudices, and since they consider the source divine, there is no possibility to reason. That is why I concentrate my energies against the texts. It is the texts that are the source of so many problems.

Well, I think you can tell I am not one of those Christians that try to support any prejudices. It's not the sinner I have problems with, it's the sin itself. I do not condemn someone for something I perceive as wrong. That's not my right. I love the person but I don't have to like what they do, just as they don't have to like what I do. I realize not all Christians are like that. Oh yes, I have seen the ones that attack abortion clinics and doctors. I see how gays and lesbians are treated, but you will never get me to agree with their methods. It is never right to do wrong. Bombing abortion clinics, shooting the doctors, gay bashing, etc., are definitely NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO! I cringe when someone says they are a Christian and they are involved in this behavior. It makes it so hard for Christ's true message to come through. There are so many places in the Bible that He says He does not condemn the person. He is about grace and salvation, not condemnation.

So, I hope this helps somewhat.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 11:11 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
I think all the people arguing against the bible is approaching it from the wrong side. The real issue is why so many people with so many obvious contradictions, errors and omissions in the bible still believe in their religion?

It's not difficult to find verses in the bible that are contradictory - even for a lay person like me. Why are all these contradictions ignored in the bible that would not othewise be accepted so freely in anything else? It surely would not be accepted in law, medicine, science, or most professions.

All my siblings and their spouses including many of my friends are christians. Many of them are well educated professionals.

If they are as illogical, inconsistent, or contradictory in their professions, they would be deemed unfit to practice their profession.

The big Q is why can't we see what they see in their religion?
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 11:14 pm
Cicerone Imposter Wrote:

think all the people arguing against the bible is approaching it from the wrong side. The real issue is why so many people with so many obvious contradictions, errors and omissions in the bible still believe in their religion?

It's not difficult to find verses in the bible that are contradictory - even for a lay person like me. Why are all these contradictions ignored in the bible that would not othewise be accepted so freely in anything else? It surely would not be accepted in law, medicine, science, or most professions.

All my siblings and their spouses including many of my friends are christians. Many of them are well educated professionals.

If they are as illogical, inconsistent, or contradictory in their professions, they would be deemed unfit to practice their profession.

The big Q is why can't we see what they see in their religion?

Cicerone, just how important are those contradictions? Do any of them go directly against the teachings of Christ? Do you find any contradictions in the spirit of Christ's teaching?

I doubt that you will ever find two people that agree 100% with every aspect of any religion, faith, etc. That's our free will there. The contradictions that have been brought up have nothing to do with the basics of the Gospel of Christ. Does it matter if God made the world in 2 days instead of 6? Does it matter if He made a horse before a cow? Because the Bible may list something first in one verse and then list it second in another has no real bearing on the fact that Christ died on the cross for us to save us from our sins.

And in comparing the whole Bible to what contradictions you may find, what do you say the percentage is that are contradictions? Are they contradictory to the message of Christ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 11:25 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
I guess my question is still this? Why then, if one considers this to be a fictional character, would one spend so much time and energy trying to prove he is a "scumbag?"

No one is trying to prove anything. Expose would be a better word as it is self evident to anyone that looks at it objectively. As to why, I can't speak for Frank, but for myself I am concerned about the more radical religious right that is injecting itself into our political system and thereby forcing its worldview on the rest of us. See The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party[/u] These are the folks that tend to take a more literal view of the Bible. I intend to shine light on that literal view because I do not believe it can stand sunshine.

Momma Angel wrote:
The fictional characters The Penguin and The Riddler on Batman were what you might call "scumbags" but I don't find it necessary to prove it. And wow, what about some of these villians on TV today? Wanting to blow up the whole world and dominate the universe? That's why I have such a hard time with anyone trying to prove something about something they don't even believe in. And I don't care if Frank understands that point about me or not.

Well you better believe that if there was an organized cult following of the Penguin and Riddler trying to project their values onto me and to teach it in our public school system, I would do the same for them.

Momma Angel wrote:
So, you and I are a bit off neutral ground again, eh? I hope not.

Of course not. I thought you said that you wanted to discuss different views. Did you ever take a look at the links I provided in this post?


It might help to gain some further perspective to see other faiths under the spotlight.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 11:45 pm
Mesquite Wrote:

No one is trying to prove anything. Expose would be a better word as it is self evident to anyone that looks at it objectively. As to why, I can't speak for Frank, but for myself I am concerned about the more radical religious right that is injecting itself into our political system and thereby forcing its worldview on the rest of us. See The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party These are the folks that tend to take a more literal view of the Bible. I intend to shine light on that literal view because I do not believe it can stand sunshine.

Well, I have to differ with you there about no one is trying to prove anything. The word proof has come up many times in these threads. But, that's not the focus of what we are discussing.

I checked that link. Yep, that group is pretty darn radical all right! I am all for Christians holding public office; however, I am not for the Christians holding public office that would use it to their own gain. And believe me, if it can't stand the sunshine, it won't. If it's not of God, then it will not stand.

I believe it is everyone's responsibility to choose their leaders with knowledge and wisdom. I don't subscribe much to Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell. They take the focus off of Christ and put it on themselves IMO. I stick more to the Billy Grahams of the world. I believe that if a truly Godly person was in office then that person would be following God's laws, and since I believe in God's laws, well, you know the rest here.

Mesquite Wrote:

Well you better believe that if there was an organized cult following of the Penguin and Riddler trying to project their values onto me and to teach it in our public school system, I would do the same for them.

Laughing I'm with you there! Ok, but is there anything wrong with offering the opportunity for learning those values? Make it fair for everyone. Let prayers stay in schools and provide a place for those that wish to participate. Those that don't wish to participate don't have to. Kind of like, well, if you don't believe in abortion, don't get one? That is just an example.

Is it really so offensive to see the Ten Commandments on a wall in a courthouse? You don't have to read them if you don't want to. But, they can be there for those that do.

I am not for forcing schoolchildren to pray if they don't want to. It's their choice. But, if it is taken totally out of the schools then that is not a compromise, is it? Only one side of the situation gets their rights and the other doesn't.

Mesquite Wrote:

Of course not. I thought you said that you wanted to discuss different views. Did you ever take a look at the links I provided in this post?

Good. I am glad we are still on neutral ground. I did check into some of those links. Very diverse world, very.

I admit I do not know all that much about other religions or faiths. Once I found mine, I have concentrated on learning it and following its teachings.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 12:08 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Mesquite Wrote:

That is a very true statement. Unfortunately far too many Christians cannot resist dipping back into the old testament to support their prejudices, and since they consider the source divine, there is no possibility to reason. That is why I concentrate my energies against the texts. It is the texts that are the source of so many problems.

Well, I think you can tell I am not one of those Christians that try to support any prejudices. It's not the sinner I have problems with, it's the sin itself. I do not condemn someone for something I perceive as wrong. That's not my right. I love the person but I don't have to like what they do, just as they don't have to like what I do. I realize not all Christians are like that. Oh yes, I have seen the ones that attack abortion clinics and doctors. I see how gays and lesbians are treated, but you will never get me to agree with their methods. It is never right to do wrong. Bombing abortion clinics, shooting the doctors, gay bashing, etc., are definitely NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO! I cringe when someone says they are a Christian and they are involved in this behavior. It makes it so hard for Christ's true message to come through. There are so many places in the Bible that He says He does not condemn the person. He is about grace and salvation, not condemnation.

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2005 12:25 am
Mesquite Wrote:

I see news items about some church groups bickering about allowing gay and lesbians to participate in their congregations ceremonies or clergy. I see the President recommending a constitutional ammendment to prevent same sex marriages. I believe I recall even you saying that you opposed same sex marriages. All of that would seem contrary to the message of Jesus as I understand it, but then we can always check back to the Old Testament for clarification can't we? The arguements used to discriminate against gays and lesbians today seem not much different to me than the ones for slavery or segregation yesterday.

Ok, let's see, no, they should not be banned from participating in church services. Jesus would never ban anyone from attending a church service. Yes, I agree they should not be in the clergy because I believe it is a sin and our clergy should be held to high standards. Catholic priests who have been found to be molesting children have harmed the Catholic faith not to mention what it has done to those children. I do not believe in same sex marriage. And how is being against same sex marriage and homosexuality contrary to Christ's teachings? I do not recall it being said anywhere in the OT or the NT that homosexuality is ok. I Corinthians 6:9 clearly points out that homosexuality is a sin against God. Did He not say, "hate the sin and not the sinner?" It is not the individual we should hate, it is the sin. I will never change my views on homosexuality not being a sin in God's eyes. However, that does not give me the right to do them harm. It does give me the right to lobby for what I believe is right, just as you have the right to lobby for what you believe is right.

If the law is changed to allow same sex marriage then it will be legal. But, just because it is legal does not mean that I have to believe it is right.

I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I have every right to not like some of the things they do, just as they do with me.
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