Momma Angel wrote:Loandoc,You can point out anything in the bible to support your position and Frank will twist and distort it so that it seems you are the twisting and distorting.
Whoa! Sanity check! This coming from one who just recently made this reply to questions about Sodom and Gomorrah.
Momma Angel wrote:Everyone seems to be missing the whole point. The whole thing is God set forth laws and they were broken. You break the law you suffer the consequences. Not so different from today?
This is the post that MA was replying to.
Quote:Momma Angel wrote:But, since the city was destroyed, I would say there weren't ten so the odds are, there weren't any.
That would make it easier to justify wouldn't it? However that is not how the story goes. God was perfectly willing to destroy the cities if ten were not found.
A rational person might look at that story and wonder what percentage of the population would be children. Large families were the norm in those days. They might wonder if children, even down to and including infants, could be considered wicked and unrighteous? They might wonder how a god that would destroy innocent children out of anger could be considered a loving and merciful god?
A rational person might look at that story and wonder what was the point of including the part about turning Lot's wife into a pillar of salt just because she looked back at what had been her home for all of her life?
A rational person might conclude that there was NO moral lesson to be learned from that story, but that it was designed to merely instill fear to keep the flock from straying.
A rational person might look at that story and conclude that such a god deserves all of the adjectives that Frank so aptly attributes to him.
There is a whole lotta twistin goin on and guess whose doing it?
Momma Angel wrote:I just don't want to see him (and some of his cronies) start an attack on someone new to the discussion.
Momma Angel
I think I may have just been called a crony, but I take it as a complement. Anyhow theloandoc, If you pay attention what you will see is Frank and his "cronies" trying to engage in a discussion of the Bible whilst MA and her compadres try to whisk away thousands of years of Old Testament scripture as if it no longer applies.
By the way the username "theloandoc" reminds me of a question that often comes to mind when I happen to tune in to conservative talk radio. Why is it that these conservative talk radio programs are so heavily sponsored by outfits that specialize in debt relief counseling services?