T vs R (2)

Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 03:22 am
My thread “T vs R” has been forced stop by J – 10 style of “delusional squat”, and my physics thread is actually destroyed by J – 10 style of “delusional squat”, “”abuser” undermined the interest of normal users. It’s unfair. If such situation goes extreme, freedom will be destroyed.

Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 03:35 am
Ig – Travelling / Journey to the West (大话西游), touchy and feely

Actually, there is an Ig - version of Travelling / Journey to the West. It’s the Hongkong film大话西游 (Ig – Travelling / Journey to the West). The Monkey King 孙悟空 was unsatisfied with the defected love story in his previous life. He employed a tool named “Box of Moonlight”(月光宝盒)to “travel back in time”: when that beautiful lady put a sword on her neck, he had to “travel back in time” accurately to change that tragedy. At the third time, he succeeded: kicked that beautiful lady onto the wall with the sword dropped onto the ground…

Many beautiful ladies in that film…

Piggy appreciates such a section most:
In that messy battle field, the soul of the Goddess Zhixia 紫霞仙子 made a mistake and fallen into the body of the pig…The pig asked “her” lover a question: do you still love me?...

Fictions “allow” people to imagine casually as they want…

Actually piggy encountered a beautiful lady Chuchu 楚楚, who was from nearby Guangxi province, when piggy was a fourth rated technician in Rongui township Shunde city顺德容桂镇 many years ago. That lady used to show up her tears. Piggy was puzzled…Now piggy wants to “travel back in time” to Rongui township and ask her the question “why?”... But Piggy is “crystal clear” that that’s a DREAM…Perhaps she has been the grandmother of some kids…and piggy never can find out where she is…Reality is just reality.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 04:33 am
Special Meeting of the Pig Head Committee:

Because the persisting and malicious behavior of J - 10 “delusional squat”, might significantly disturb the normal scientific / philosophical research as well as the normal life of the Pig Head Committee, to ensure the members the Pig Head Committee can receive clear message from pig heads meetings and communicate smoothly, the Pig Head Committee should consider to set up its own website in the appropriate time in the future. The Pig Head Committee should consider publishing news through multi – channels.

Liqiang Chen
April 21, 2022
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 05:01 am
Nonetheless, piggy thanks a2k.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 01:11 pm
I hope all goes well.

I loved the TV adaptation of Monkey that was shown over here in the early 1980s, Pigsy was one of my favourite characters.
Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 05:56 pm
Piggy now feels that J – 10 style of “delusional squat” could be more harmful than AI and spammer. Computer system can identify AI and spammer and effectively prevent them from invasion. But computer system can’t identify J – 10 style of “delusional squat”. It’s a new challenge to internet safety / normal operation.
The pig is my favourite characters too. It’s funny and humor.
During the journey to the West, one time the adventure team reached a place of “the girl’s kingdom”. The head of that kingdom appreciate Monk Tang very much and wanted to retain him there as husband. But Monk Tang rejected her (and insisted going West to complete the mission).
Then, the pig said: “Oh, master, if you are not willing to do that, I can do it for you…”
Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2022 11:41 pm
The only delusional squat is the delusional squat that you come out with my friend.

People can disagree with you, you know.It is allowed.

Didn’t your mother and father teach you that.

There are different opinions and views to just yours.

You need to learn that some people don’t agree with you and I don’t.

Stop sulking so much…..it’s pathetic.

Oh can you please stop the threatening references as well or I will report you.

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 12:08 am
I’ll leave you alone to promote your delusional squat in peace.It’s a shame though because many a good thing came out of our discussions and I thank you for that.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 01:37 am
J – 10 style of “delusional squat” really made people numb…
Seems piggy has to prepare the “T vs R (3)”…
J…w ×10.#b%.:*SS
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 01:39 am
I just posted on one of his threads, just thought you might be interested to.

It's a forum with links to the top 30 science discussion sites.

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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 01:42 am
Give it a rest htam9876…I have offered you the olive branch…I only stood up to you for long enough for people to see that there are alternative views to your views.

Do you want to shake hands or not?
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 01:45 am
Go away, he started this thread to get away from you.

He's not interested in Olive branches or anything else.

Go and fixate on someone else, this behaviour is creepy and verging on stalking.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 01:51 am
You are not helping as usual Izzy.

I intend to go away but myself and htam9876 started off with good discussions and then somewhere along the way it turned sour.

I just wanted shake his hand so to speak and agree to disagree that’s all.

What is wrong with that?

The only reason I commented is because of the unfair negative comments htam9876 made against me and I will continue to comment and report them if they continue.

If htam9876 wants to start a new posting.Then he should not make any negative reference to me.If he does I will respond.

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 02:03 am
I am helping.

Htam wants me around.

He wants you to go.

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 02:09 am
I will go but ONLY when the extreme negative references to me stop.

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 06:53 am
Why don't you give it a rest and stop the toggle toggle.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 07:02 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Bobsal don’t start the toggle toggle debate again here ….I’m already up to my neck in it with htam and Izzy……

Just in a bit of a stubborn stand off at the moment.

Toggle Toggle…..

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 07:47 pm
Nowadays, piggy is entirely not interested in wasting time to take a glimpse at what rubbish J -10 bully bully post in my thread (s).
J – 10 style of “delusional squat” “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism” again, piggy guesses.

Science is not empty thinking. Science is those can produce aircraft and bombard those toggle toggle on the ground into ash.
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 09:05 pm
Next, go on with normal philosophical research.

Piggy is more interested in the researching of “how to identify what’s male rabbit and what’s female rabbit?” Need to take time and movement into consideration?
For example, when this male rabbit Dandan moves in a velocity v, would it turn into a female one?
Moreover, there might be male cow (bull) and female cow in this cosmos too?

Seems only rabbits PRESENCE in this cosmos is okay too…
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 10:56 pm
Its been good speaking with you htam9876.

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