T vs R (2)

Reply Sun 24 Apr, 2022 05:09 pm
Next, philosophical test again, again, and again:
There are male rabbit and female rabbit PRESENCE in this cosmos;
Also, there are male cow (bull) and female cow PRESENCE in this cosmos;

Bull can’t hear what rabbit speaks. Namely, when the sound wave of the rabbit reaches the ear of the bull, it would be ineffective?

Is it true?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Apr, 2022 08:19 pm
Some people are still talking about negative time…haha. Such things as time, mass, etc, are scalar in physics and have no direction. Piggy has proved it in meta theory.
But in math or people’s imagination, negative things might always work. That’s the flaw of human beings's mind.
Nonetheless, we need to “have compassion for” them. That’s their freedom in brief. Piggy really is not interested in wasting time to talk anything in such thread. Piggy always says that “after the cross roads are two roads extending in two directions, which road to go is up to one’s own choice.”

But we never need to “have compassion for” such guy as mad bull / wasp who attack others with a nice excuse. Why should we have to accept other’s attack? The Fist Order PRESENCE?

Science is ever trying to view the world in a higher perspective / deeper lever, namely, “on the shoulder of those giants”. Who wants to toggle toggle all day all night on the ground elsewhere, it’s their freedom. Piggy will never take a glimpse.
But if somebody wants to draw to the development of history backward, they would be left behind by history. Piggy “sure enough”.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2022 01:22 am
Piggy has been made dizzy by those guys who actually don’t know physics exactly, I think. Haha
Next, piggy has to clarify something: Such things as time, mass, etc, are scalar in physics and have no direction. Vector has direction.
The so called what -m, -t in the opinion of some stubborn guys are not direction, but the PROPERTY of mass and time.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2022 07:20 pm
Piggy moves the ongoing topic of “outside” world here, because piggy has to do something serious in the thread “T vs B”.

First, piggy often has to consult my Chinese – English dictionary to make clear what guys are saying. Sometimes piggy needs to ask for help in the Foreign Language Bar of Cosmos. Haha …Piggy has such a language bar in PHF too. It’s in the lounge column, which opens for registered users only. If you are not registered user in PHF, you can’t see it.

Second, the “off-grid shack” is something good…... “Had to escape society’s temporary (I hope) ...madness.” sometimes we have to actively “lose contact with the outside world”. We have to “take a rest and stop toggle toggle”…But nowadays the virus is rampant. Piggy can go nowhere. What a shame.

Third, a few days ago, when piggy found that the local 360 browser couldn’t visit this galaxy, piggy was shocked: that obviously means those bastards are trying to isolate piggy from the outside world. Piggy recalled something: a few years ago, the local dark lord of Jiangmen city Mr. Zhong 钟永康, who actually was piggy’s old classmate, said to piggy: you die hard. Piggy really doesn’t know how much social resource those bastards have CONTROLed. Primary black hole effect has formed in this society, piggy guesses. This poor porky pile is just something struggling on the event horizon. Piggy always wants to contact Mr. Feng冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor, but afraid to do that, because piggy is “crystal clear” that he will say he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city. Then, piggy will passively “lose contact with the outside world”. That’s the First Limitation claimed by the First Order. That’s the First Law of Cosmos, never change. Piggy “sure enough”.

Ig – Travelling / Journey to the West (大话西游), touchy and feely 2

Actually piggy always wants to “travel back in time” to Ronggui township (容桂) to seek where’s that beautiful lady Chuchu (楚楚). But this little piggy is afraid of something: if that grandmother of some kids show up her tears again… This poor porky pile really doesn’t know how to answer…
If she can show up something else, perhaps the pig will never come back, actively “lose contact with the outside world” forever.
That pig head neila9876 was an outstanding example, piggy guesses.
Whether guys have a good suggestion?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2022 12:13 am
Piggy recommends an alternative American cowboy:
Whose name is Dandan (Toppy Sir), in New York, carrying no rifle.
Perhaps izzy Sir like it…
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 May, 2022 08:23 pm
Tail, touchy and feely:

htam9876 @ Neila9876:
That “standard” rabbit’s short tail would not change when it bounces ahead, or when it bounces onto the top of the hill, short is short.

Neila9876 @ htam9876:
Yeah. That “standard” rabbit’s short tail is its inherent property and would not change following movement or in gravitational field.
We pigs have long tail. High five!

htam9876 @ Neila9876:
Piggy tells you a good news: people here in Xinhui love in pig tail very much…

Neila9876 @ htam9876:

htam9876 @ Neila9876:
For soup. Good taste…

0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 May, 2022 08:32 pm
Constraints, touchy and feely

Actually, piggy has to give up all old classmates and relatives, because piggy feels they were all trying to set up “constraints” for this pig. Piggy can have a try again to “travel back in time” to contact Mr. Feng冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor, but afraid to do that, because piggy is “crystal clear” that he will say he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city.
Piggy always dubs it “the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order)”. The First Law of Cosmos. s呵呵. Never change. Actually piggy was AWARE that the pig has already become an alive - dead man in the local society many years ago.
Piggy feels primary black hole effect has formed in this society. But piggy really has no idea who sits in the center of the black hole because piggy never can see it from outside. If piggy goes through the event horizon to explore, piggy “sure enough” the pig would be “smashed like a bug”. The result (at the end of the tale) would be the same “I don’t know”.

Piggy feels the pig is really something struggling on the event horizon…
In the 21st century around the world, the most complicated game would be the First Order’s game. No matter how much social resource they input, no matter how complicated the game would be, piggy has to be a dead man… Piggy “sure enough”. 呵呵.

How can piggy break through that absolute, all around, step by step “constraint”? The only way is waiting for those bastards to “have compassion for” piggy and “lead to charity”…= waiting to die.

Science now has a most fatal “constraint” in its history too. It’s the so called what “standard” MODEL. There is no such thing in nature.
Reply Sun 8 May, 2022 07:52 pm
Constraint vs gun, touchy and feely

Piggy derived one more equation:
The First Order style of absolute, all around, step by step “constraint” = invisible murder
Why a gun is needed?

Piggy doesn’t think that a cowboy carrying a rifle is a terrible phenomenon. Piggy doesn’t think that a true cowboy would point his rifle to people randomly. Piggy feels that the image of American cowboy is somewhat alike the Chinese 侠客 (something in Chinese martial fiction). Hutiehua胡铁花 is famous侠客 in “Jianghu” 江湖. He often drunk but never do something harmful in “Jianghu” 江湖.
Next, 有请江湖上消失了几十年的胡大侠. Wish the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 can see it here.

Too much “dark energy” operating to set up “constraint” (no matter how nice the excuse is) would lead to black hole effect in society. It would be a fatal threat to human’s civilization.
Some people such as the First Order might take setting up “constraint” as pleasure or to demonstrate their social ability. It would be a disaster for human beings on the Earth.

The existence of black hole in this cosmos is obviously the prelude of the contraction of this cosmos.
Human beings on this Earth are just a tiny part in this cosmos. Perhaps their behavior can’t escape the overall rule of this cosmos?

But people always battle with nature and try to conquer nature.
Piggy wishes people on the Earth live as happy as, as free as and as long as they can.

Have a lovely day, guys.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2022 05:42 pm
If piggy lucky enough to get a chance, piggy would carry a rifle and “travel back in time” to the Normandy beach 1944 too with those American cowboys, at least piggy could have 1 percent of survival rate in front of those MG machine gun , I guess. Heroism. No scientists review, please.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2022 11:18 pm
Piggy is observing the PHF galaxy

Those “authentic” guys are arguing the old topic of “magnetic monopoles” again in PHF.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
1. The great physics philosopher woody always can deliver some meaningful questions for deep thinking.

2. Piggy’s answer is also “no”, the same as that “authentic” rabbit Dandan. But piggy’s analysis is a bit different:
Magnetism is a phenomenon generated by current or say moving charge(s). This point had been well – proved in classical electromagnetism. Static charge(s) would not.
While the polarization or say the property of charge ever exists, no matter the charge moves or not. Charge is the inherent property of matter. And “matter” or “anti - matter” ever exists, no matter they move or not. So, it’s appropriate to employ charge to identify “matter” or “anti - matter”. A vivid analogy would be: when a rabbit bounces ahead, it might sweat. “Sweat” is a phenomenon generated by movement. But we can’t rely on “sweat” to identify what’s a male rabbit and what’s a female rabbit.

3. If we adopt the bilateral conception of current, we can explicitly explain why any attempt to search the so called what “magnetic monopoles” would be destined to be “unsuccessful”.
Actually, the bilateral conception of current is “one thing two aspects”.
So, logically, the magnetic phenomenon generated by current would be “one thing two aspects” too. Speaking formally in physics, it would be magnetism has two poles. The “right hand spiral rule” is just something artificial. A vivid analogy would be: a coin has two faces.
The 3D space math is not capable to DESCRIBE this point.

4. The what coffin box from what CN still PRESENCE in PHF galaxy too. But talked something non – sense. Perhaps only the First Order would appreciate it. 呵呵.
Piggy played a match stick game in PHF in 2020 and lost.
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize for physics or for astronomy.呵呵

Nor it means PHF galaxy won out in science.

Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
April 19, 2022
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 12:15 pm
Very good piece. Very good. Thankyou. So the security guard is a physicist!
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 19 May, 2022 12:17 pm
Very good stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:11 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Ah, yeah, maybe piggy looks like a physicist here. But if piggy asks for good liquor from my old classmate, the pig will AUTOPILOTly become a security guard again…the First Limitation ever is waiting there. Piggy “sure enough”.
Perhaps “security guard” is just the unilateral / artificial definition of those old classmates of piggy, I think.
But piggy really doesn’t know whether “physicist” is the pig’s inherent property. The pig loves in literature, poem and classical music /song too, especially love story. When pig saw somebody “travel back in time” to amend the unsatisfactory love story in film, piggy used to tear…
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:15 pm
The problem of rabbit, touchy and feely

That “authentic” rabbit Dandan noticed the bilateral conception of current:
“We have negative charges (electrons) moving so we have a current. The other way to look at it is to say we have a flow of positive charges (holes) and get the same current. (The flow of positives is in the opposite direction of the negatives.)”
Also he noticed the conception of “one thing two aspects”.
“I suppose it might seem reasonable to suggest that the two particles would experience different changes to the electric potential, but in actuality the magnitudes of the potentials are the same so the two particles react the same.”

But piggy noticed he dared not to go on with the research in this way. Perhaps he was AWARE that it might beyond the “standard”. Piggy guesses.

Piggy really feels human’s thought has been constrained dead by the “standard”.
Then, Dandan said:
“However there is room for a monopole and a single monopole in the Universe would explain why charge is quantized. Freaky, isn't it?”

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Magnetism is a phenomenon generated by current or say moving charge(s). This point had been well – proved in classical electromagnetism. Static charge(s) would not. While the polarization or say the property of charge ever exists, no matter the charge moves or not. Charge is the inherent property of matter. And “matter” or “anti - matter” ever exists, no matter they move or not. (Smart researcher already can observe this point in piggy’s physics model / unit charge model too, in the thread “matter vs anti matter”)
Logically, magnetism relies on charge. So, why the property of charge (quantization) needs to rely on magnetism? Logic confused?
Piggy’s physics model / unit charge model was there long ago. It can explain why charge is quantized, very simple and explicit, a vivid analogy:
Left – handed spiral spring: one piece, two pieces, three pieces…
Right – handed spiral spring: one piece, two pieces, three pieces…
If not yet vivid enough, then, another one:
Male rabbit: one, two, three, …
Female rabbit: one, two, three, …
It’s that simple. Why “sweat” is needed to meddle in the affair? Absurd.

The tragedy might be this:
If the fact is that the experiment was “unsuccessful” to search the so called what “magnetic monopoles” (it’s a conjecture only), why theory must insist “there is room for” it?
Experiment eyes model is one cancer in modern physics research, piggy always says.

“…saying it's never been observed is not proof, as it has not been observed to this moment.”
This is just a way of thinking. In this way, perhaps people will have to spend hundreds / thousands / millions of years to wait (and see)…science wanders there…

Another way of thinking is: why we can’t observe it in practice? If we can essentially deny it in “meta” theory, then, science can move on…

After the cross roads are two roads extending in two directions, which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 May, 2022 05:48 pm
Unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field, touchy and feely

First think it in philosophy: can a single man establish a society? Actually society is a conception of “field”. People deal with each other (“interact”) in the “social field”. People in society all have their own social ability (except this poor porky pie). If you and he constitute a group, your social ability and his social ability just simply add up together or they multiply? Perhaps, if view from the angle of you only, you might have double levels of social ability while view from the angle of him only, he might have double levels of social ability…Actually, that’s the joint effort of you two, just sometimes your contribution are ignored or his contribution is ignored.

Next, turn to science.

In “standard” classical electromagnetism:
The intensity of electric field E = KQ / r²
It’s actually a unilateral conception of field. It considered the single charge of “Q” contributes to the whole field only, while the contribution of another charge of “q” is ignored.

In piggy’s unit charge model, the “wave function distribution field” of a charged particle is represented by the equation: Ψ(P ) =(1/r)sinr P. The amplitude of wave function naturally means the intensity of electric field E.
So, the equation for the intensity of electric field for any charge could be E = KQ / r.
If we adopt bilateral conception of field, then, E1 = K1q1 / r, E2 = K2q2 / r;
The effect of electric field as a whole would be E = E1 × E2 = (K1q1 / r) × (K2q2 / r) = K1 K2 q1 q2 / r²
Let K1 K2 = K, and ignore the contribution of “q2” (just considered the single charge of “q1” contributes to the whole field only), then the equation would be: E = K q1 / r². It’s intensity of electric field E = KQ / r² in the “standard” classical electromagnetism.

Once upon a time, in the Pig Head Award 2022 No. 3 position, piggy employed such a form:
“Actually, in classical electromagnetism:
The intensity of electric field E = KQq / r”
It’s an exploration in bilateral conception of field. Perhaps, it’s not an exact equation in math but to demonstrate the bilateral conception of field. If the effect of “q” incorporated into “Q” and “q” itself ignored, it would be the same as the intensity of electric field E = KQ / r² in the “standard” classical electromagnetism.

When we talk about the “force” or “interaction”, it would be always a bilateral conception.
In “standard” classical electromagnetism:
The magnitude of electric force F = KQq / r²
Actually, the item of “1 / r²” is consisted of “1 / r multiply 1 / r”.

Liqiang Chen
May 27, 2022
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 May, 2022 12:04 pm
Unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field (amendment), touchy and feely

Piggy thinks some amendment is necessary in the above chapter of “Unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field”.
(Real time research it is. Piggy doesn’t know when the pig will not be “allowed” to visit the a2k galaxy entirely…)

Set out from the magnitude of electric force F = KQq / r² in “standard” classical electromagnetism.
Let K = K1 K2
Then the electric force formula can be transformed as F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r)

In piggy’s unit charge model, the “wave function distribution field” of a charged particle is represented by the equation: Ψ(P ) =(1/r)sinr P. The amplitude of wave function naturally means the intensity of electric field E.
So, the equation for the intensity of electric field for any charge could be E = KQ / r.

Then, electric force should equal to the product of the intensity of bilateral fields.
A denotation ahead should be revised as:
F = E1 × E2

Reorganize stuff ahead:
F = E1 × E2 = (K1q1 / r) × (K2q2 / r) = K1 K2 q1 q2 / r²
Let K1 K2 = K, and ignore the contribution of “q2” (just considered the single charge of “q1” contributes to the whole field only), then the equation would be: E = K q1 / r². It’s the unilateral intensity of electric field E = KQ / r² in the “standard” classical electromagnetism.

Have a lovely day, guys. Haha

Liqiang Chen
May 28, 2022
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 May, 2022 02:08 pm
Field vs old classmates, touchy and feely

Maybe many guys in this world think that old classmates should be a bilateral conception.
But when old classmates became the First Order (the First Logic), the conception would become unilateral…This poor porky pie only is “allowed” to do a security guard in their field.

Actually this principle can be denoted in math:

In bilateral conception of field: F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r)
In unilateral conception of field: F = (KQ / r²) × q

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2022 01:00 pm
Unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field (amendment 2), touchy and feely

Piggy supposes in unilateral conception of field, the electric constant should be denoted with upper letter K. Then, electric force F = (KQ / r²) × q;

Piggy supposes in bilateral conception of field, the electric constant should be denoted with lower letter k. Then, electric force F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r) = (kQ / r) × (kq / r)

K = k²
In unilateral conception of field, intensity of electric field E = KQ / r²
In bilateral conception of field, intensity of electric field E = kQ / r

Liqiang Chen
May 30, 2022
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2022 08:47 pm
Actually, the magnitude of electric force F = KQq / r² in “standard” classical electromagnetism is just a “formula” by “experience”, while piggy’s equations are purely theoretical derivation. The conclusion is the same effect. “Coincidence” again?
The significant thing is that the “authentic” / “standard” theory of probability wave can’t do that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 02:41 pm
Math vs physics again, touchy and feely

In math, “1 / r²” could be considered as the same meaning as “1 / r multiply 1 / r”.
But in physics, “1 / r²” is unilateral, while “1 / r multiply 1 / r” is bilateral, different meaning.

In unilateral conception of field: F = (KQ / r²) × q
It means field deal with particle.

In bilateral conception of field: F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r)
It means field deal with field.

Both conceptions should be meaningful in theoretical physics, piggy thinks. But the unilateral one should be more or less artificial “definition”, while the bilateral one seems a bit more fair and reflects the physical rule in nature.

Have a lovely day, guys.
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