T vs R (2)

Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2022 04:05 am
Why this thread PRESENCE in this cosmos?
Because the thread “teacher vs researcher” bas been destroyed and forced to stop by abuser.
Whose mission is it?
The First Order?
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Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2022 05:17 pm
Piggy feels human being on the Earth loves in artificial definition and unilateral conception. It seems their inherent PROPERTY. Human’s will is biggest rather than nature.

Piggy can do that experiment again: contact Mr. Feng 冯生, who was my former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor. Piggy “sure enough” he will say that he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city.
But piggy did hear bobsal called me a “physicist”.
Piggy’s consciousness has been made confused. Inward outward inward outward all day all night...while can't do anything

Have a lovely day, guys.
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Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2022 10:30 am
Smart researchers might be AWARE what piggy’s new model of neutron reflects is that the so called “strong nuclear force” is actually electromagnetic interaction too, just appears strong due to short distance…
That means the effort in the unification of physics could be one step forward.
High five!


Have a lovely day, guys.
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Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2022 10:53 am
Horrible, an extremist stalker successfully attacked an orator in Japan…To be safe, piggy has to put on a steel helmet.
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Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 05:48 pm
Piggy is researching a new type of T – 33 fighter jet. Vertically take off, because piggy’s road pavement technology is not very good. Haha

Perhaps some hard problems created by their “quark” model troubling modern physics for decades have been solved by piggy’s “duck” model in a lump sum.
Those intelligent “organic oxygen/glucose fuelled electrochemical computer that works at the molecular level” would climb up onto the tree and pick the fruits as soon as possible when they are mature. Science would be promoted by them into a new era, even the First Order can bury up this small galaxy. 呵呵

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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2022 03:45 pm
Mr. Jewels Vern’s comment in a2k:
“A big part of science is conjecture, which means making up "What if" scenarios. Often those scenarios get discussed a lot for a long time, and people begin to assume they are true just because they keep hearing them.”

(He won Pig Head Award 2021No. 6 position.)

The “quark” could be an outstanding example, piggy guesses.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2022 03:04 pm
History vs development 3, touchy and feely
As piggy said once upon a time, in the thread “T vs R” that “At least there were 10×10×10×10 philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, poets, and even unknown ordinary people believed that everything in this cosmos is INTERCONNECTED or say sciences are all INTERCONNECTED hundreds of years ago. Piggy guesses. But up to this day, nobody can DESCRIBE it in one physics theory.
The key is how to do it and who can do it.”

Piggy really doesn’t know how can the “quark” theory INTERCONNECT with Relativity.
Piggy’s physics model can INTERCONNECT with Relativity, QM, classical electromagnetism, particle physics, cosmology, etc. There are many “coincidence” in all territories.

Nowadays, those guys of the so called “authentic” / “standard” community are lack of the research in respect of the first fundamental natural system (the PRESENCE – PROPERTY system). That means their cognition about nature at most can reach half part.

The fact is that a “standard” rabbit has a short tail as its inherent property. Just the rabbit is habitual to ignore it, perhaps because it’s too short. Haha
Piggy really doesn’t know how the internal energy deposits in a “quark” in their theory. An abstract “mass point” has true energy? Really very “standard”. Haha
If the elementary particles have no shape and size, where do the macroscopic conceptions of shape and size come from? Logic confused?

Actually, piggy’s physics model, as piggy has illustrated in other threads, the model of elementary particle, the model of released photon, the model of neutrino, the new “inward Hydrogen atom” model of neutron, has provided a new method to research the particle physics in the new era of PRESENCE - PROPERTY.

Even kids have changed their toys from 1G mobile phone to 4 or 5 G over the past ten plus years. Piggy feels history is developing very fast except physics and religion.

Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2022 08:28 am
Piggy can do that experiment again: contact Mr. Feng 冯生, who was my former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor. Piggy “sure enough” he will say that he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2022 07:42 am
As piggy said ahead the unilateral conception of field should be more or less artificial “definition”, while the bilateral one seems a bit more fair and reflects the physical rule in nature.

If it’s true, that means some problems can solved with bilateral conception of field only. What piggy refers to are some problems in science rather than “problems facing mankind”. The latter never can be solved until them doomed.
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2022 10:40 am
Piggy heard a fun guy said in his thread:
“Trump's credo is that there is no such thing as truth. Opinion is the only thing that matters, and the louder you are the more correct you are. Science is obsolete because truth is displaced by opinion.”

Piggy never is willing to talk something in that kind of rubbish thread. It’s a shame.
Piggy moves it here for research:

The loudest one in science nowadays is the so called what “standard model”, occupying over 99 percent of the territory of “science”. It obviously matters.
J – 10 style of “delusional squat” is very loud too, that “lobotomised” idiot is very loud too, kicking in this small nest only, while matters nothing in international scientific community. haha

How can that guy “sure enough” science is obsolete? How much science does he know? Just pee on the ground as a mirror and take a look at himself, please.
What obsolete is human’s morality and spirit. Too many negative minds. They always “sure enough” that their opinion can represent mankind as a whole and they are the core of cosmos, “hyper lord” / displacing G*, etc…

Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2022 03:57 am
Piggy can’t deny probably nowadays is the darkest period in the history of science. Over 99 percent of the territory of “science” is in the hands of those “standard”, who are actually “heavy accumulated and hard to go back积重难返”.
No doubt the cost of scientific research now is very high, almost one train of bills one train of “?” in experiment. Models are much more than good man in theory. Seems it’s lost.

But says “science is obsolete” is inappropriate, dictating, negative minded, even conspiracy.

Piggy recommends that “loud” guy to learn from that great physics – philosopher Mr. woody mentioned ahead. Take a look how he is fighting for the development of science, trying to do something substantial and steadfast in normal scientific research. Once upon a time, he was the second “loudest” in PHF galaxy except the rabbit. But he matters. He won people’s honor, from different countries, different levels and different groups (both the “authentic” and “eccentric”). Haha
Thereafter, most important, think about this question: whether it’s “science is obsolete” or just his own morality /spirit / mind is obsolete / negative.
Piggy always says:
In society, truth = bull ****;
In nature, truth = touching the elephant

Three cancers in modern physics research:
1. Math > physics;
2. Experiment eyes model;
3. Depending on the external behavior / environment to speculate matter itself.

Have a lovely day, guys.
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2022 06:08 am
Trump vs rabbit, touchy and feely:

Piggy has a newest research scenario:
If Trump PRESENCE in PHF galaxy, what can that “authentic” rabbit Dandan do?
Which one matters? Which one will become a “loser”?
Very fun…haha
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2022 05:53 pm
Positive mind vs negative mind, touchy and feely

Piggy doesn’t think that pig head neila9876 is an educator. At most that guy can count as half of a cow boy as well as a “drunk cat”. Piggy knows him very well. Haha…But seems he knows exactly what’s promoting force and what’s stumbling stone in the critical juncture of history. After the cross roads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
May Lord direct their steps.
Smart researchers should be AWARE Mr. woody would deserve more PHA because of his keen thinking about some specific issues in modern physics as well as his positive mind, spirit and motivation to promote the development of science.
It’s not “the loudness” matters first. It’s “the mass” matters first.
Of course, “the mass” + “the loudness” = horrible power
Those negative minds never can win anything in science. This is the credo of science. If who doubts it, he can go to consult the big brother Mr. “Oscar”. 呵呵

Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2022 05:22 pm
Positive mind vs negative mind (2), touchy and feely

Mr. Jet Fire in a2k said science never can reflect truth. It sounds a bit negative mind. But he also said “… science is an evolving field - the state of our knowledge is constantly changing.” Add them up, it reflects a positive mind and spirit and encourage exploration.
He won Pig Head Award 2023 No. 10 position. (Perhaps the No. 1 position would be “touching the elephant” again. haha)


In contrast, that fun guy’s statement:
“Trump's credo is that there is no such thing as truth. Opinion is the only thing that matters, and the louder you are the more correct you are. Science is obsolete because truth is displaced by opinion.”
That’s “Trump style of bull ****” + “fun guy’s own alleged opinion” = “gangster’s logic / philosophy”. (Piggy doesn’t think that Mr. Nobel would appreciate Trump very much. They don’t match. 呵呵)
It reflects a negative mind at all, even an obsolete dead mind. (The worst, it might be a conspiracy.)
Young boys please don’t learn that kind of obsolete dead mind. It’s unfavorable to their career.
But it’s okay for piggy to learn it, because this pig has been defined a dead man by the First Order. Any endeavor, effort, struggle is useless.

Perhaps, Lord is AWARE he created something wrong at last…he has no idea how to sympathize with / have compassion for them. But Lord still appreciates those people who can create brightness at night instead of those people who pour ink into the darkness.
May Lord direct their steps.

Addendum: Please don’t annoy that rabbit Dandan. Otherwise, perhaps he would slam a piece of mud onto the lion head of Trump. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2022 03:48 pm
Touching the elephant, touchy and feely

Piggy always says the angle to touch the elephant is not sole / single one. If you are tired of touchy and feely from the front, you can have a try to touch it from the side and see whether it can give you a fresh feeling…
But it doesn’t mean man can design the elephant with his casual imagination and free will (randomly “output” from whose mind). Otherwise, the elephant could look like this guy.
Have a lovely day, guys. haha
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Oct, 2022 03:18 pm
“Capital punishment” vs science, touchy and feely

Why can’t humans solve the problems facing mankind?
Piggy’s answer was very explicit, absolutely very loud: Perhaps, Lord is AWARE he created something wrong at last…he has no idea how to sympathize with / have compassion for them.
Perhaps “capital punishment” is a favorite of human being. People must try every means to terminate the conflicting counterpart in battle field.

Next, piggy says something with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig:
In these special days of Nobel Prize in physics 2022, some guys again take the chance and pull out the “hard” problem of the incompatibility between Relativity and QM to hassle Einstein. Actually this “hard” problem in science has been solved by piggy. They just reflect / describe different aspects of the elephant, which can be INTERCONNECTED / unified in the pig’s physics model. There is no such problem as whether Einstein must defeat QM or QM must defeat Einstein in nature. It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.
Actually, many “hard problems” in science have been solved IN ONE WAY here in this galaxy. However, perhaps those “authentic” guys occupied over 99 percent of the “scientific” territory will argue with their “loudness” even after hundreds of years. They are “heavy accumulated and hard to go back 积重难返”.

Piggy hereby repeats relevant materials for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative angle:
The chapter “The first fundamental natural system vs the second fundamental natural system 2, touchy and feely” in the thread “T vs R”.

The presentation / appearance of relative (constant velocity) movement in the second fundamental natural system is Einstein’s SR.
The presentation / appearance of relative (constant velocity) movement in the first fundamental natural system is the root of Einstein’s SR:
“Actually, the physical essence of the relativistic principles is the inherent property of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”). Summarized briefly as below:
In dynamic situation, the kinematic energy appears and then the internal energy increases; according to the energy – mass equation, the mass increases; according to the mass – space equation, the radium or circumference would contract; and then the wavelength decreases; and then the frequency would increase (time inflates).”
Supplement: such “increase”, “decrease”, “contract” or “inflate” is constant.

The presentation / appearance of relative accelerated movement or gravity in the second fundamental natural system is “space – time curvature” described by Einstein’s GR.
The presentation / appearance of relative accelerated movement or gravity in the first fundamental natural system is:
“Also the inherent property of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”). Summarized briefly as below:
In dynamic situation, the kinematic energy appears and then the internal energy increases; according to the energy – mass equation, the mass increases; according to the mass – space equation, the radium or circumference would contract; and then the wavelength decreases; and then the frequency would increase (time inflates).”
Supplement: such “increase”, “decrease”, “contract” or “inflate” is variable.

Piggy’s physics model has another additonal inherent property: the spiral chilarity. (For details, please see the thread “matter vs anti - matter”).
In piggy’s theory, the electric interaction is directly reflected by the spiral chilarity of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”)
Those smart researchers who are willing to advance to higher dimension should be able to find that such inherent property has two presentation / appearance.

And in piggy’s theory, QM should be the science to research the wave characteristics of electric interaction.

Perhaps, relative movement, gravity, electromagnetic interaction, QM can be INTERCONNECTED through the pig’s physics model.

As well as

The chapter “X4 Explanation of Double Slits Experiment for Electron” in the thread “matter vs anti matter”.

Because the wave function for free particle is just a mathematical form while the physical meaning of wave already lost, the application of it to explain the generation of interference pattern in the double slits experiment of electron is inappropriate (e.g. “all possible paths, interference with itself, etc”).
An alternative method to explain it is as below:
Actually the electron moves in electric field in the apparatus.
The electron passes through either one of the slits. No matter which slit the electron passes through, the wave characteristic of electric interaction will cause interference information in the slits.
When electro - magnetic detector(s) fixed to observe, those interference information created in the slits will be disturbed by the physical interaction between electron and detector(s), and then the interference pattern will disappear.
The principle is also applicable to explain the diffraction pattern in the single slit experiment for electron.

The chapter “The physical mechanism of the generation of probability by the wave characteristic of electric interaction” in the thread “matter vs anti matter”:
No matter in the single slit or double slits experiment of electron, on the diffraction pattern or the interference pattern, the areas of bright strips means electric interaction exists while the areas of dark strips means electric interaction does not exist.
At this time, the electron presents its certain property in 3D physical space. According to the X4 physical model of elementary particle, it’s a tiny round ball.
The tiny round ball has to drop onto one of the areas of bright strips on the screen / film RANDOMLY. This is the first step of the generation of probability.
And then, the tiny round ball has to drop into one point of the area of bright strip chosen in the first step above RANDOMLY. This is the second step of the generation of probability.

A vivid analogy can be this:
When you are a young boy once upon a time, you possibly might have a few targets (beautiful ladies) in your mind. However, you had to choose only one at last. Thereafter, your trajectory of life became a certain one, until the coffin cover put onto the coffin box…Oh Lord…
Piggy suggests scientists do the single slit or double slits experiment of electron in cloud room. There is nothing “uncertain” in 3D space.

Actually the so called what “standard” MODEL means a “capital punishment” to science.
But it doesn’t mean they can claim a “capital punishment” to the elephant in nature. Positive minds are AWARE there might be an alternative angle to touch the elephant.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2022 05:32 pm
Entanglement of quantum, touchy and feely

Piggy says something here with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig.
Piggy can access very limited scientific resource in this respect. So, no detailed analysis can be delivered. (Piggy’s situation is getting worse and worse domestically. Piggy is afraid the pig will be constrained to be a dead man at any time.)

The typical type of entanglement of quantum should be “entanglement of photo - quantum”, because it’s talked mostly.

Yesterday piggy read an essay on the local web and noticed a section of that author’s comment: “Although scientists discovered the phenomenon of entanglement of quantum and can do some experiments, they not yet reached consensus on the mechanism…it even could go beyond the fundamental research on QM…”
Piggy agrees with his opinion very much. Perhaps only those “Lord of creature” can “sure enough” they hold the truth. 呵呵
What scientists can do actually is touchy and feely only and to provide some views and opinions.

Piggy has a bit humble opinion for reference too. Piggy always says the angle to touch the elephant is not sole / single one. Different angle different DESCRIPTION.

Some guys employed the word “instantaneous”, even the term “beyond space - time” to describe the effect of entanglement of quantum and are puzzled: “the upper limit of velocity of movement should be the speed of light c?”

Piggy feels they sneaked into the era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY again, while are not AWARE of it. The first case was Einstein’s energy – mass equation and relativistic kinematic equation. (For details, please see “Pig Head Award memorial 2”.)

Movement belongs to the second fundamental natural system, namely the PRESENCE – PRESENCE natural system. So is Einstein’s theory too, because it belongs to the category of Mass Point Dynamics. Then, the speed of light c became a constraint to his theory. (In GR, Einstein employed the method of Mass Point Dynamics to DESCRIBE the existence of gravity. But it doesn’t mean GR is gravity itself.) But people can’t say he is wrong. Any method of DESCRIPTION is limited ability.
The first fundamental natural system, namely the PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system not yet entered the consciousness of those UNAWARE people. In this natural system, the “speed” of transmission of information should have nothing to do with movement and time. It’s the affair of “the mechanism of formation of matter”.
Piggy found that people nowadays are lack of the research and cognition about the first natural system. Such UNAWARE people occupied over 99 percent of the “scientific” territory and perhaps will be the “loudest” even after hundreds of years.

Relevant materials for reference:
Some chapters in the physics thread.
As well as the chapter “The first fundamental natural system vs the second fundamental natural system, touchy and feely” in the thread “T vs R”.

Next, rabbit PRESENCE again to show a vivid analogy:
Assume these two rabbits are a couple. Left A is a male rabbit, while right B a female one. They must entangle each other in their “lovely” lives.
Now if man has an idea to turn left A into a female rabbit, Lord will have to turn right B into a male one instantaneously.
It’s that simple in philosophy, if you are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative way.

Piggy never heard scientists can employ neutrino to do such experiment as “entanglement of neutrino”. Why?

Relevant stuffs for reference:
The chapter “photon vs anti photon” in the thread “matter vs anti – matter (2)”.

Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2022 01:11 am
“…it even could go beyond the fundamental research on QM…”, touchy and feely

Analysis of Speed of Probability Wave:
The speed of probability wave of a free particle could be calculated as below:
If v is the moving speed of the particle, then, the speed of the corresponding probability wave:
u = γλ = (E/h)( h/P)
Since the frequency γ and wavelength λ of probability wave are meaningful in physics, their product, the wave speed u should be meaningful in physics too. The question here is what’s the physical meaning of the speed of probability wave? Meaningless actually? How lame it all sounds.
That just mean the traditional “authentic” QM is a freaky theory. (Once upon a time, we discussed the problem what’s the physical meaning of the speed of probability wave in PHF galaxy. No satisfactory answer.)
Moreover, the speed of probability wave u can be a limited value. Actually, the traditional “authentic” QM is also belongs to the category of Mass Point Dynamics. So, the speed of probability wave u would not exceed the speed of light c.
As the author of that essay mentioned ahead said: “…it even could go beyond the fundamental research on QM…”

Next, piggy says a bit more here with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig:
The fun thing is if Mr. “Oscar” honored something really beyond those two base stones of modern physics. Where should theoretical physics go in the future? “toggle toggle inward outward blah blah bubble bubble” all day all night? Perhaps the First Order would advocate it. But piggy doesn’t think that normal scientists around the world would accept it. 呵呵
Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2022 02:39 pm
Piggy recalls something: that pig head neila9876 attached the primary version of “analysis about speed of probability wave” in the thread “wavicle, an old topic” in the quantum column of PHF galaxy about two years ago. (Piggy doesn’t know how to display the file here. It contains some complicated calculation in math.)

Rigorous analysis about speed of probability wave in math demonstrates the rule as below:
(v is the moving speed of the particle, u is the speed of the corresponding probability wave.)
When v → 0 , Lim u = 0,
When v → C, Lim u = C,
When 0 < v < C, v >u
Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2022 02:26 pm
“…it even could go beyond the fundamental research on QM…” (2), touchy and feely

Scientists say entangling quantum can switch from one state to another. “Two states” can be an inspiring clue too.

Is it the principle of superposition of quantum states? No.
We know that in traditional “authentic” QM, quantum states can be countless:
Ψ = Ψ1 + Ψ2 + Ψ3 + Ψ4 + Ψ5 + Ψ6…

Piggy saw some guys wanted to use the concept of “Wavicle” in traditional “authentic” QM to explain “two states”. Piggy feels it’s inexplicit, doubtful, too complicated.
Rigorous analysis about speed of probability wave demonstrates the concept of wavicle in traditional “authentic” QM can’t establish always.
A question: what does the inconformity between moving speed of the particle v and the speed of the corresponding probability wave u in case of 0 < v < C mean exactly in physics? It represents a contradiction? It represents the wave state separating from the particle state? How lame it all sounds. It’s too abstract and not understandable. It just means the concept of wavicle in traditional “authentic” QM can’t establish in this case.
That just mean the traditional “authentic” QM is a freaky theory.

The fun thing is analysis in piggy’s physics model also can demonstrate the concept of wavicle can’t establish always.
In piggy’s “elementary particle – wave characteristic of electric interaction” model, wave is the wave characteristic of electric interaction, not a state of the particle itself. The “wave” and the “particle” are different independent things. (Note: Piggy thinks that piggy now has to abbreviate the long term of “the wave characteristic of electric interaction” as “electric wave”. Pay attention please, it’s not the well known “electro – magnetic wave” in classical electromagnetism.) There is no need for the speed of electric wave “u” to be in conformity with the moving speed of the particle “v”.
In piggy’s physics model, “both wave and particle are the characteristics of that thing” / “unification of contradiction” is applicable to the released photon (a section of electromagnetic wave travelling in straight line) only. But that’s “wave” (electromagnetic wave travelling in straight line) and “particle” (a section) are two aspects of the released photon. They are not “two states” can switch. Another fun thing would be “when v → C, Lim u = C” in analysis about speed of probability wave in the traditional “authentic” QM.

Very fun, seems piggy’s physics model and the concept of “electric wave” can be in perfect consistent with Mr. Duc de Broglie’s original idea of “γ = E/h, while λ = h/P”. Coincidence again? haha

(Relevant materials for reference: Pig Head Award 2021No. 4 position as well as unit charge model series chapters in the thread “matter vs anti matter.”)

As the author of that essay mentioned ahead said: “…it even could go beyond the fundamental research on QM…”

Next, piggy says a bit more here with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig:
The fun thing is if Mr. “Oscar” honored something really beyond those two base stones of modern physics. Where should theoretical physics go in the future? “toggle toggle inward outward blah blah bubble bubble” all day all night? Perhaps the First Order would advocate it. But piggy doesn’t think that normal scientists around the world would accept it. 呵呵

Liqiang Chen
Oct 21, 2022
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