T vs R (2)

Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2022 05:53 pm
Secret lab vs secret lavatory, touchy and feely

If a guy feels this thread is like a “secret” lab, he can take away the “experimental data”. They are free;
If a guy feels this thread is like a “secret” lavatory, he can “poop” here in the pubic too. It’s free. Piggy really has no idea how to stop that kind of ugly behavior.
If a “secret agent” stole “experimental data” while “poop” in the lab, it’s immoral. But piggy doesn’t think there is the word of “morality” in the dictionary of a “secret agent”. Haha

Please don’t relate piggy with that wasp / bully bully. It’s absolutely an obscure conspiracy. Piggy has no relation with that wasp / bully bully any more. Piggy now even is reluctant to talk anything with that guy.

Wasp, “lobotomised” donkey, T – 33 coffin cover, now a “secret agent”… all **** to sabotage normal scientific research again and again. Piggy has to step on their **** and marches ahead…It’s a shame in the history of science.
Piggy expects such abnormal incident would happen again and again. Which galaxy the First Order attacks, there would be no normal life there.

Next go on with normal scientific research.
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Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2022 06:03 pm
The stuff of “unilateral conception of field vs the bilateral conception of field” was a bit rough and chaotic ahead, because that’s real time research and in urgent time.
Now piggy reorganized a part of those stuff and repeats them here for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative angle.

The magnitude of electric force for point charge in classical electromagnetism is F = KQq / r².
The intensity of electric field for point charge in classical electromagnetism is E = KQ / r².
(The upper letter “K” is the electric constant.)

We transform the equation F = KQq / r² in math.
Let K = K1 K2
Then the electric force formula can be transformed as F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r)
(Note: the symbol “×” means multiply only here.)

At this moment, smart guys who are sensitive in physics would be aware of this point: there might be two conceptions for the intensity of electric field.
So, we initiate the unilateral conception of field E = KQ / r² as well as the bilateral conception of field E = K1Q / r or E = K2q / r.

In unilateral conception of field: F = (KQ / r²) × q
It means field deals with particle.

In bilateral conception of field: F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r) = E1 × E2
It means field deals with field.

I supposes in unilateral conception of field, the electric constant should be denoted with upper letter K, while in bilateral conception of field, the electric constant should be denoted with lower letter k. K = k².

In unilateral conception of field, electric force F = (KQ / r²) × q;
In bilateral conception of field, electric force F = (K1Q / r) × (K2q / r) = (kQ / r) × (kq / r)

In unilateral conception of field, intensity of electric field E = KQ / r²
In bilateral conception of field, intensity of electric field E = kQ / r or E = kq / r

(The math here is simple. Even a schoolboy can understand it well. But it can expand human’s thought. Piggy thinks these two conceptions of field are meaningful in theoretical physics. But some specific problems are destined to be solved by bilateral conception of field, piggy guesses.)

Have a lovely day, guys.
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Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2022 06:11 pm
Piggy always consider such research as “the mass – space equation”, “analysis of the speed of probability wave”, “what’s meant by the amplitude of wave function in QM”, “unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field”, etc, are epoch making affairs in science.

The “authentic” scientific community might be really “obsolete”, “no save”. Perhaps even G* is not able to pull it out of the mud pit. They are “heavy accumulated and hard to go back”.

In the other hand, too many guys drunk on delusion and emit fringe ideas / DREAM. Seldom guys are really willing to engage in real learning. It’s a tough job.

Piggy is working on the 3D space unit charge model and the amendment of the 4D space version.
Really has no spare time to argue with who.

If somebody here wants a newest version of “analysis of the speed of probability wave”, he can contact piggy in PM. Of course, piggy has to know his identification.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2022 11:28 pm
Piggy thinks professional physicists around the world will have to focus on the problem of rabbit’s “tooth decay” and negotiate how to amend it this century, unless they all really have been “obsolete”. They have to find out the real physics meaning of those complicated math games in traditional “authentic” QM and show up its real power.
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2023 01:56 pm
Piggy thinks any professional physicist would be able to understand the article “analysis of the speed of probability wave” well. The question “what’s meant by the amplitude of probability wave” was just delivered by a student Adesh. Rabbit’s “flawed tooth” is not just one.

What the traditional conception of probability wave can do, the new conception of electric wave can do it too.
The difference is the new conception of “electric wave” has a “sound base” and explicit physical meaning and is more understandable. Moreover, it can solve the problem of “incompatibility” between Relativity and QM. The wonderful affair is it can INTERCONNECT classical electromagnetism. Another significant affair is it can correspond Einstein’s conception of gravitational wave and direct excellent researchers to think about “why interaction has the wave characteristic?”
People can either keep on dancing on the “tower floating on the air” and playing math game or step on the sound base / ground first, thereafter touchy and feely forward.

Smart guys should be AWARE that the “mainstream” is “heavy accumulated and hard to go back”. They have formed a dull conformist community. A “standard” church has been established. Smart guys should try to find a way out by themselves understand nature better.

Science has passed the cross roads. It’s human can’t solve the problems they are facing…
After the cross roads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
There is no what “opinion clash” between problem and solution. It could be the “flawed thinking” of an“egotistical” / “lobotomised” idiot only, even a conspiracy to hold back the development of history.

Actually piggy has completed the “simple 3D space unit charge mathematical model (dynamics)” / “3D space electric wave function”. Piggy thinks any professional physicist would be able to understand them well.
But piggy decided to suspend delivering it in this galaxy temporarily in order to avoid “opinion clash” with somebody. Piggy makes place for that “lobotomised” / “egotistical” idiot to enjoy the charity of this galaxy and “maximum speaking” trash…like AI, “maximum” consume the resource. Piggy is a good man. 呵呵

If a guy wants to know about the newest development in scientific research, piggy suggests him to join the Pig Head Committee.

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2023 03:59 am
I think the pig has made clear the real physics meaning of those complicated math games in “authentic” QM. Piggy can’t imagine how many professional physicists are researching it at present. Piggy “sure enough” they would feel it very interesting, unless they are “obsolete”..
But piggy decided to suspend delivering it in this galaxy temporarily in order to avoid “opinion clash” with somebody. Piggy makes space for that “lobotomised” / “egotistical” idiot to enjoy the charity of this galaxy and “maximum speaking” trash…like AI, “maximum” consume the resource. Piggy is a good man. 呵呵

If a guy wants to know about the newest development in scientific research, piggy suggests him to join the Pig Head Committee.
Seems the pig has become a pro - “loser” in this galaxy. 呵呵

Piggy played a match stick game in PHF in 2020 and lost.
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize for physics or for astronomy.呵呵

Nor it means PHF galaxy won out in science. Actually that “authentic” rabbit Dandan now lags behind one era.

Next, those guys with positive mind and spirit of exploration / innovation who are willing to touch the elephant from an alternative angle and enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY go on the journey with the pig.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2023 04:08 am
Piggy moves the topic of that pig head neila9876’s wavicle thread in PHF galaxy here.
Actually piggy now can’t access PHF galaxy. I remember it’s about so:

I read an essay about a physics test once upon a time in a scientific site.
A professor asked his student a question: why seems a glass has no wave – particle duality? The student t answered: its probability wave length is too small and not easy to observe. (Note: the Plank constant h is very small value, the momentum of the glass p is relatively very big, according to the equation λ = h / p, λ should be a very small value.)
The professor kept silent. Perhaps he was thinking why the train would not jump on the trails before stop?

Perhaps the amplitude is too small?

Neila9876: It’s not mechanic wave…


“authentic QM”
If I were that student, I would answer:
The glass could be considered as a big neutral particle / free particle. The amplitude of its wave function is a constant A. Probability density | A |² is a constant. That means the chance of its presence in the whole space is the same. Oh Lord, one woody glass of beer, please, sir…and then you will see it too.

Obvious absurd things usually can be defined as “standard” by human being. 呵呵

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, piggy answers it as below:
Such elementary particles as electron and proton are spherical electromagnetic wave. “Inward Hydrogen Atom Model of Neutron” show that such synthetic particle as neutron is made up of spherical electromagnetic wave too. As a whole, spherical electromagnetic wave doesn’t demonstrate wave characteristic.

The answer is very explicit, simple and understandable .
Perhaps only that “egotistical” / “lobotomised” idiot with negative mind, argue for argue, can’t understands it, piggy thinks.

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…

Science has passed the cross roads. It’s human can’t solve the problems they are facing…
After the cross roads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2023 05:43 pm
The professor mentioned by that pig head neila9876 in the essay he read is a winner of Nobel Prize in Physics, who almost teaches in MIT for his whole life.
The student’s answer was a “standard” one.
But the professor seems unsatisfied with it…
Wave – particle duality is a basic principle of QM. The thinking about it in a deeper level obviously can count as meta physics.

Have a lovely day, guys.

(Piggy wonders why the professor didn’t test his student with such a question:
“Does energy carry information or does information carry energy?”
It can be translated into another form:
“Does donkey carry **** or does **** carry donkey?”
Piggy move that great English physics – philosopher woody’s statement in PHF galaxy here for reference: It leads to nothing.

Real scientific research should be in such a way:
Why donkey eats grass while emits ****?
It might lead to very advanced research in chemistry.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jun, 2023 02:37 pm
Amendment: “It leads to nothing.” Should be “It leads to nowhere”. Sorry.
Actually, the pig has amended and reorganized the stuff of this thread and completed the article “Research on the Root of Quantum Mechanics”.
But piggy decided to suspend delivering relevant new research in this galaxy temporarily in order to avoid “opinion clash” with somebody. Piggy makes space for that “lobotomised” / “egotistical” idiot to enjoy the charity of this galaxy and “maximum speaking” trash…like AI, “maximum” consume the resource. Piggy is a good man. 呵呵
If a guy wants to know about the newest development in scientific research, piggy suggests him to join the Pig Head Committee.


Hereby piggy just shows its abstract:
This context is to analyze the obscure flaw of fundamental concepts in QM and to propose solutions to them. The concept of “electric wave” would be initiated. The real physical meaning of some mathematical operations would be made clear.

The article “Research on the Root of Quantum Mechanics” obviously can count as meta physics.

If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of those so called what “authentic” / “standard” / “mainstream” constraint, he would do it in the case wasp;
If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of wasp, he would do it in the case of donkey;
If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of donkey, he would do it at last in the case of the First Order...
He has no idea how to “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” them. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 03:30 am
Some guys resort to the idea of microscopic – macroscopic to explain the wave – particle duality problem of a glass. They say QM is applicable to microscopic particle, while Relativity is applicable to macroscopic object.
There is a question: anyone can find out the border between the microscopic vs the macroscopic? Perhaps they would have to spend thousands of years to do it…at last get nothing.
The funny thing is actually SR can reflect the movement of fundamental particles in an accelerator very accurately, while QM can’t do that.
Or people can have a third way of thinking. Why we can’t suspect whether wave – particle duality always established or not? Originally, the concept of wave – particle duality was a speculation / assumption only. According to some statement, once upon a time, when people knew released photon is “wavicle”, Duc de Broglie initiated a genius – rated ASSUMPTION “all microscopic particles should be wavicle”. Then, the conception of “matter wave” / probability wave appeared on the stage of physics. In philosophy it equals to “the father pig is a good swimmer, then, the little piggy should be a good swimmer too”. Gangster’s logic. Oh Lord, please don’t throw the little piggy into water to do experiment…People mistake some theories as truth, just because they kept hearing them.
If people resort to the third way of thinking, the answer is there.
Anyone can accelerate the glass to the speed of light c?
According to Analysis of the Speed of Probability Wave, in case of 0 < v < c, the concept of wavicle (wave – particle duality) in QM can’t establish.

Analyze from different angle / with different method, the result is the same. Coincidence again? Or Sciences are all INTERCONNECTED?
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