T vs R (2)

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2022 03:00 am
“Capital punishment” vs the pig, touchy and feely

Many years ago piggy was AWARE the pig’s peripheral social resource has been entirely controlled by the First Order. Only unfavorable factors are allowed by them to come to my life. In order to prevent myself from falling into their complicated and absolute cruel game / trap again and waste the last a bit time in my life, piggy has given up all the relatives as well as old friends in what CN and even to such an extreme degree that piggy has nothing to talk with the Chinese except给他江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团及新会一中九一四班谁谁一个超文革赛阎王光荣称号快快全世界全宇宙打靶啦。当今时代,全世界没有什么人能够值得如此殊荣。呵呵. Piggy now is just like an isolated private without ammo and serious wounded in the battle field, surrounded by a Division of enemy. What he can do is just rushes ahead with the pig head on the neck.
Piggy feels the First Order has decided their “execution”. The “capital punishment” will come at any time. Oh Lord, this pig will disappear entirely in this cosmos. “hard landing”. Bounce…

No matter how much social resource they input, no matter how complicated their game would be, this pig has to be a dead man. This is the First Law of Cosmos established by the First Order. This law has been verified by countless experiments over the past many years.呵呵

Piggy can do that experiment again: contact
Mr. Feng (冯生), who was my old classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班for good liquor. Piggy “sure enough” he will say he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city.

Piggy ever agrees cabals ever win. Piggy is in public, while the First Order operates invisibly. They know everything piggy is doing and know now to destroy it, while piggy knows nothing about what they are doing.
Piggy dies hard. 我自横刀向天笑。

But “capital punishment” is not necessary for QM. Piggy has arranged it to another appropriate position:
QM should be the science to research the wave characteristics of electric interaction.

Science has passed the cross roads. It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

In the 21st century around the world, the most complicated game would be the First Order’s game. Piggy can “assure” anyone on the Earth. In their absolute cruel game piggy is ever a “loser”. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2022 03:24 am
The physical meaning of the speed of probability wave is inexplicit as well as the concept of wavicle in traditional “authentic” QM can’t establish in case of 0 < v < C are two important reasons resulting in piggy given up the traditional conception of probability wave.
Now we have better choice.
Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2022 05:34 pm
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy really can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize in physics or for astronomy.呵呵
The newest honored list of Nobel Prize in physics 2022 has no what coffin box from what CN either. 呵呵
But if you input Einstein’s name in the search engine, everywhere it would be: Albert Einstein won Nobel Prize in physics in 1921. But funny, it was in respect of QM, rather than in his great works of Relativity.

Nor it means PHF won out in science. They now actually lag behind one era.
Although the First Order would advocate “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism” “inward outward bubble bubble” is science, but piggy “sure enough” Mr. “Oscar” would not honor him. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2022 03:05 pm
Wonderful conformity, touchy and feely

Next, piggy goes on to say a bit more here with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig:

The wonder is that when v → c, Lim u = c too. Conformity appears in this situation.
What does this conformity mean exactly in physics? It should be the concept of “wavicle” establishes in this situation.
Piggy’s physical model can explain it explicitly.
Piggy’s physical model for a released photon is “a section of electromagnetic wave travelling in straight line”, “a section” is from the angle of “particle” while “electromagnetic wave” is from the angle of “wave”. Of course v = u = c. Perfect conformity. Notice, at this moment, u changes to the speed of electromagnetic wave rather than the speed of the “electric wave”. And it’s known that the released photon is considered as non – charged in “authentic” / “standard” theory.

In piggy’s theory, the electric interaction is directly reflected by the spiral chilarity of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”).
As piggy said in the chapter “photon vs anti - photon” in the thread “matter vs anti matter (2)”, released photon should have spiral chilarity too. Why piggy considers released photon should be non – charged too? Because the released photon travels in straight line. The PRESENCE (matter state) is different. The PROPERTY should be different too. No contradiction.

All sciences are INTERCONNECTED. Anything can be explained in explicit physical concepts. Why it must not be a good thing? 呵呵
Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

Another example of “The PRESENCE (matter state) is different. The PROPERTY should be different too” is the relativistic principle is not applicable to released photon.
(Relevant materials for reference: some chapters in the physics thread and Pig Head Award 2021
No. 5 position for Mr. pmb)

Liqiang Chen
Nov1, 2022
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2022 08:35 pm
“Flawed physics” vs flawless physics, touchy and feely
According to rigorous analysis about the speed of probability wave in math, seems the concept of probability wave (matter wave) can’t be in perfect consistent with Mr. Duc de Broglie’s original idea of “γ = E/h, while λ = h/p”. Seems the traditional QM is “flawed physics”. While piggy’s physics model and the concept of “electric wave” can be in perfect consistent with it.
If Duc de Broglie + htam = flawless physics .Very fun,
Ah,seems it deserves the pig to entangle with Mr. Duc de Broglie in the future. 呵呵
Piggy always says that in the old era of Mass Point Dynamics, people ignore the effect of matter state.
Piggy speaks again with “accent”:
But “capital punishment” is not necessary for QM. Piggy has arranged it to another appropriate position:
QM should be the science to research the wave characteristics of electric interaction, or say, wave function should be to DESCRIBE “electric wave”.

Piggy really is reluctant to waste time to entangle with those stubborn and negative minds. Non – sense.
Obviously not everyone can be “a bird that is shunned from the flock” due to limitation of intelligence, ability, negative mind, or other miscellaneous factors perhaps even including “whether white enough”, etc.

Perhaps, staying on the ground and pleasing “the flock” would be much easier job to do than to do a bird flies into the sky and view the world from higher lever. Sounds piggy honored somebody’s nice DREAM only. Haha. But sometimes DREAM might be a good thing. At least the pig has no nice DREAM at night for many years.
Perhaps, to please the First Order is the most important in this cosmos… 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2022 05:30 pm
Sense vs non-sense, touchy and feely:

In traditional QM, we really don’t know what physics meaning is the amplitude of probability wave. The square of (absolute value of) amplitude is intensity of probability.
If * is non-sense in math and physics, how can the square of * make sense in math and physics? How lame it all sounds… “gangster’s logic”?
That just mean the traditional “authentic” QM is a freaky theory / “flawed physics”.

That’s one more of the reasons why piggy decided to give up the traditional conception of probability wave and nominated Mr. Adesh, who dared to research such sharp question as the amplitude of wave function, Pig Head Award 2022 No. 3 position.

Piggy feels the traditional QM seems a “tower floating in the air空中楼阁” no matter how delicate its mathematical system is.
Strictly speaking in physics, if people can’t find out the exact physics meaning of the basic, then the whole theoretical building is doubtful.
Perhaps people should touch the elephant from an alternative angle and see whether there could be a better solution to make sense.
Strictly speaking, physics has to tackle such specific problem.

Liqiang Chen
Nov 3, 2022

Nowadays, piggy really is surprised why such a non – strict conception of “intensity of probability” can prevail in the mainstream physics for so long a period. It can count as a miracle in the history of science.
Piggy really feels people’s thought has been constrained dead by the “standard” over the past decades.
Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.
After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:52 pm
Pilot vs bird, touchy and feely
Smart researchers with positive mind should be AWARE the Pig Head Award 2022 No. 3 position for Mr. Adesh is to dig the root of QM.

A pilot might have good knowledge about gravity. Piggy agrees with and appreciates this point. Piggy is fair.
But gravity is only a subject of scientific research.
Actually there are at least 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 pilots in this world who can drive a plane into the sky.
Human’s bills spent in respect of QM research in the past one century at least can fill one train, piggy guesses. It’s not piggy’s physics. Physics is the affair of physicists around the cosmos.

Seems Mr. Pilot is not capable to understand piggy's analogies. Piggy has to make a tough decision: give him up. One more regrettable affair it absolutely is. Perhaps he’s really not the appropriate guy to take up the task to promote normal scientific research in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. Seems he’s more suitable to “Maximum speaking” with that “lobotomised” donkey. Haha. That’s his freedom.
His past, present and future is just his past, present and future, while piggy’s past, present and future is just piggy’s past, present and future. Who has a positive mind to research the essence of time in physics understands this point. Entanglement is non – sense. Absence of him, the Earth would not stopping turning…

science has passed the crossroads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵

Actually wasp was the very few guys at present who are AWARE and can enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. Unfortunately, he misconsidered himself as “hyper Lord”. At last, it turned out to be committed a crime of “hijack" only.

History ever is full of regrettable affairs.
Perhaps, Lord is AWARE he created something wrong at last…he has no idea how to sympathize with / have compassion for them.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2022 02:36 pm
Smart researchers with positive mind should be AWARE actually piggy has solved such specific problem.
In piggy’s unit charge model, wave function is to DESCRIBE the “electric wave”. The amplitude of wave function naturally means the intensity of electric field E.
(Relevant materials for reference: unilateral conception of field vs bilateral conception of field ahead.)
The unit charge model piggy post in the thread “matter vs anti - matter” was actually that old version post in “authentic” rabbit Dandan’s PHF galaxy. It’s a primary and rough configuration. It could be a very important model in theoretical physics in this century. We can primary see its power; INTERCONNECTs the classical and modern, Relativity and QM, fundamental natural force, particle physics, cosmology, etc…
Now piggy thinks the pig has to spend some time to do a bit more jobs on that basic to make it a more perfect version.

Moreover, it’s 4D space version containing all around information. Piggy is contemplating “travel back in time” to design a simpler 3D space version for easier understanding. Research should be step by step, from shallow to deep.

Piggy really has no spare time to argue with who in this small nest.
Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
But piggy really doesn’t think that anyone here is qualified enough to sink the “whose physics” INTERCONNECTs with so many elite scientists / researchers around the world including Einstein and Duc de Broglie, unless the First Order PRESENCE. Piggy speaks with “accent”. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2022 01:56 pm
“Flawed physics” vs flawless physics (2), touchy and feely

Ah,seems one more reason is worthy of the pig to entangle with Mr. Duc de Broglie in the future. 呵呵
If Duc de Broglie + htam = flawless physics .Very fun.

Perhaps Einstein should feel very happy now because the argument between Relativity and QM at last can find a way out. 呵呵
Even Duc de Broglie should feel very happy now because QM can escape “capital punishment” and moves onto the correct track at last. It might show up its real power in the future.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2022 03:32 am
Piggy heard a fun guy talked about “peer review journal” in the physics forum.
But perhaps no journal dares to take up the responsibility of revolution of science this time, piggy guesses. They would rather keep on playing math games on that “tower flowing in the air”. DREAM. Perhaps the “authentic” scientific community is really “obsolete”. But the “eccentric” not yet.
As SievrikovAS said: “…brewing – scientific – revolution - online”
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2022 08:30 am
Piggy “sure enough” there might be at least 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 pilots in this world who can drive a plane into the sky.
But seems no pilot can answer Mr. Adesh’s question: what’s meant by the amplitude of wave function in QM…
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2022 03:27 am
Piggy can do that experiment again: contacted Mr. Feng 冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor. Piggy “sure enough” he would say again that he can arrange piggy to do a security guard in Jiangmen city. Soft landing.

Science has passed the crossroads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2022 06:45 pm
QM vs tooth decay, touchy and feely

Piggy has tooth decay. When I shake the tooth, it would be painful. haha

Piggy feels the magnificent mathematical building of the traditional “authentic” QM is just like tooth decay. It lacks of a sound base.
Piggy has pointed out its obscure “flaws” and initiated an effective and explicit solution of “electric wave” to amend it, so that the “flawed” tooth can escape “capital punishment”.
Piggy recalls that pig head neila9876 talked with the great physics – philosopher woody in PHF galaxy in 2020: if people just drunk on playing math game, they would feel they knows QM very well, but to find out its real physics meaning destined to be a tough job.

A storm of revolution is brewing in science.
But the thought of those “authentic” guys has really been constraint dead by the “standard” over the past decades. They are “heavy accumulated and hard to go back”. Perhaps even G* is not able to pull it out of the mud pit. They will be destined to suffer “tooth pain” endlessly while can’t find a way out.
So, piggy estimates this time the situation might be very odd. The “eccentric” would go ahead of the “authentic”. Positive mind would be the decisive factor. They (the “authentic”) are destined to lag behind one era, perhaps.

Intelligent monkeys would climb up onto the tree as soon as possible to pick the fruits when they are mature.

In any critical juncture of historical development, there always would be a part of people unhappy.
The “unhappy” psychology might be caused by very complicated and miscellaneous factors. Of course, the most unhappy guys would be the First Order.

Piggy expects coffin covers would appear in this galaxy again and again, until the glory of this galaxy is buried up into the sea bed.

May Lord bless science.

0 Replies
Agent Smith
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2022 07:21 am
T vs. R and J - 10.

Are we in a secret laboratory or something?
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2022 07:34 am
@Agent Smith,
More like a secret lavatory.
Agent Smith
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2022 07:38 pm
Laughing Hahaha hohoho!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 02:34 pm
Piggy has no habit to talk with abnormal users.
Perhaps the First Order changed tactics again. 呵呵
Direct attack again.
Such kind of attacker never talks about something concerning the ongoing normal scientific research.
Piggy expects such kind of attack would happen again and again.
Piggy really has no spare time to argue with who here.
What piggy can do is to prepare some new research materials for those guys with positive mind who are willing to touch the elephant from an alternative angle.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 04:00 pm
Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 05:08 pm
Tooth decay vs Oscar, touchy and feely

Piggy appreciates Mr. Chuck in the movie “Cast Away” very much.

His courage of employing a piece of iron to knock the “flawed” tooth away deserved Oscar Award. Haha
In this world, sometimes people really have to give up something, thereafter, new life start.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 05:43 pm
Scientist vs gangster, touchy and feely

According to the statement in “authentic” QM textbook, once upon a time, when people knew released photon is “wavicle”, Duc de Broglie initiated a genius – rated ASSUMPTION “all micro particles should be wavicle”. Then, the conception of “matter wave” / probability wave appeared on the stage of physics.
In philosophy it equals to “the father pig is a good swimmer, then, the little piggy should be a good swimmer too”. Gangster’s logic. Oh Lord, please don’t throw the little piggy into water to do experiment…

Again, piggy says that at Duc de Brogiel’s era, people weren’t yet AWARE of the (effect of) PRESENCE (matter state).

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, piggy’s physics model of elementary particle and released photon as well as the conception of “electric wave” have explicitly demonstrated why released photon is “wavicle” while electron is not.
In piggy’s Physics Model of elementary particle, elementary particles can be divided into two big categories depending on matter state:
Matter state 1: Spherical electromagnetic wave. It’s the physics model for such elementary particles as electron, proton, etc. Such elementary particles do not demonstrate wave characteristic as a whole.
Matter state 2: A section of electromagnetic wave travels in straight line in the speed of light c. It is the physics model of a released photon. Of course it’s “wavicle”. Wave is electromagnetic wave while particle is “a section”.

A significant affair is it successfully explained two hard problems in “analysis of the speed of probability wave”:
What does the inconformity between “v” and “u” in case of 0 < v < c mean exactly in physics? It represents the wave state separating from the particle state? How lame it all sound. It’s too abstract and not understandable. It just means the concept of wavicle in QM can’t establish in this situation.
What does the conformity between “v” and “u” in case of “v → c, Lim u = c” mean exactly in physics? It should mean the concept of wavicle established in this situation. Why?

After touchy and feely for one century, human at last make clear Duc de Broglie’s original idea, the frequency of matter / probability wave γ = E / h, the wavelength of matter / probability wave λ = h / p actually should be to DESCRIBE “electric wave”. Very fun…

Duc de Broglie + htam = flawless physics
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