That may be so, but irregardless (irregardless is totally a word), our "esteemed" Kamala Harris made a
faux pas worthy of starting a war by suggesting it.
Quote:I think that most of the people of Ukraine lean toward the West and a free society.
1. America is not a free society. If I were to sleep outdoors, I would probably be harrassed by police and asked to move along. I am not free to be an outdoorsman, but rather am treated as homeless when camping on government-owned land. And increasingly, the government owns most of the land. All of it, really, since they also exact property taxes on the rest. Nor is it truly a free society in other aspects. When commerce can be shut down at a whim by a rumor of disease, your right to gather has been suspended. When unpopular ideas are shut down because of being outside "free-speech zones," we don't have free speech. When websites can be taken down by censorship, we don't have freedom of the press. So in what way are we free?
2. More importantly, Ukraine is not an independent state. It is at best a buffer state, and at worst a puppet state of either the US or Russia or some neighboring state. It doesn't matter what its ambitions are. Ukraine's geographical position is too close to other states for it not to have an impact. 3. To give an idea as to the impact of adjacent countries making a decision, I want you to think of the effect of Italy being surrounded by hostile Protestant countries. Russia has several adjacent buffer states (Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, etc) acting as walls against invasion by the West and China.

While Ukraine may not seem to matter much, the borders of its *ahem* properties are in effect its own borders. If part of its border decides to join the rest of the European Union, they have lost that stretch of land.
Russia's philosophy of country defense is kinda derpy, but I very much understand it. They are attacking because their buffers are joining (or threatening to join) NATO. It's crappy, it's immature (akin to a spurned lover trying to take back an ex), but I totally understand it.