Quote:I haven't been reading this thread. Someone may have pointed this out already. Independent voters will carry the election in all probability. So it's important for Democrats to show up. But independents have to be enticed. They don't automatically fall in line.
1. I agree that getting the independent voters vote will be important.
2. I also agree that it will be extremely important that the democrats show up.
3. I would also add that it is very important that the dems do what Congressman Tim Ryan is currently doing.
4. The dems should be touring their local districts and States to see and listen to
real everyday people.
5. The dems need to be doing that now. Later will be too late.
6. The dems should be touring and telling the voters in their local districts all of the good things they have done.
7. The dems should be touring and telling the voters what we stand for and what we want to fight for.
8. The dems should be touring and showing the voters how the republicans do not stand for their interest or concerns.
9. In fact the dems should expose the republicans for the bad things that they truly do stand for.
10. Also, the dems should be touring and telling the voters in their districts that the democratic party would be able to do even more if it weren't for the repulican party unwillingness to work with us in good faith.
11. Also, the dems need to prevent any republican who voted against the bi-partisan infrastructure bill from taking any credit of the benefits that bill may have brought to their district.
12. Many of those republicans dare to campaign about on the good things that the bi-partisan infrastructure bill while they in fact voted against that very bill.
13. Don't let any of those particular republicans claim any of that good credit. They will try to take credit. Some are already trying to take credit.
14. Challenge those particular republicans every single time they dare try to take credit.
15. Don't let those republicans get away with that crap.
16. Let me be clear. I am a democrat and I am proud to be a democrat.
17. I want every democrat to lift their head up, stick their chest out, and show the voters how proud we are to be democrats and how we truly and genuinely want to help real people and the voters.