Quote:There's no reason to be sad or traumatized by a decision that's right.
1. That's not entirely true.
2 A person can be sad and traumatized by a decision regardless to whether a decision is either right or wrong.
3. A person can honestly and truthfully say that if they had to do it all again, they would do the exact same thing.
4. And a person can honestly and truthfully believe that it was and is the right thing to do.
5. My point is, even when a person truly and honestly believe that they are doing the right thing, they can still become sad and traumatized by their decision.
6. What I am saying, isn't necessarily about the topic of abortion.
7. It can be about the topic of abortion, but it can also be about whole range of difficult decisions a person might make in their lives.
8. Yes, I am using the term "difficult decision"
9. Yes, a person can make a very difficult decision that they know deep inside is the right decision and still be hurt and traumatized by that decision.
10. One example: If someone was left to make the decision to pull a love-one off of life support, because they were brain dead, that can be a sad and traumatizing to have to make that decision.
11. In that example, just because it is the right thing to do, doesn't mean that the decision won't cause you pain and sadness.