Reasons to not want Hillary in '24

Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 01:54 pm
Even the actions Biden can take on his own without Congress but doesn't gets dismissed with a "but they are helpless to act ..."

Executive orders are easily overturned if the next president is a Republican. Student loans, for instance. What's needed is thoughtful legislation that completely changes the way these loans are awarded, distributed, and paid back. The whole process needs rational reform. Instead, progressives want him to just unilaterally cancel these debts – how is that fair to the millions of students who have repaid their loans? Why wouldn't it just be seen as a convenient measure to buy the votes of those affected without providing a replacement program?
Think Joe public is going to accept this?

Not if people like you explain it to them! Very Happy
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:00 pm
Bullshit. That's like a boxer saying I better not hit the opponent or he might knock me out. It's craven and totally not what the voters are going to forgive this year - It's three years before a different president might change all or some of it back. Three years of looking stupid and helpless.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:13 pm
@Real Music,
Sorry, I meant the elections, what is being contested?
Real Music
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:30 pm
Executive orders are easily overturned if the next president is a Republican.

Some executive orders could be ruled as unconstitutional and never get the opportunity of being enacted into law.

Student loans, for instance. What's needed is thoughtful legislation that completely changes the way these loans are awarded, distributed, and paid back. The whole process needs rational reform. Instead, progressives want him to just unilaterally cancel these debts – how is that fair to the millions of students who have repaid their loans? Why wouldn't it just be seen as a convenient measure to buy the votes of those affected without providing a replacement program?

1. Of all of the proposals that was previously contained in the Build Back Better bill, the student loan provision was the one thing that I was never really on board with.

2. Student loans, student loan debt, and addressing the issue of affordable college is important. But, as you have indicated, that would be unfair to the millions of students who have (already) repaid their student loans.

3. I think the better solution would be to (expand) pell grant programs or improve financial aid programs.

4. I was okay with the removal of the student loan provision from the Build Back Better bill.

5. As far as the provisions that are still contained in the Build Back Better bill, I would like to see it pass into law. That is only based on my (limited) knowledge of what is or isn't in the bill.

6. Regardless of what any of us want, Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Senator Joe Manchin, and every Republican senator have and continues to use their powers to prevent the Build Back Better bill from being passed into law.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:35 pm
It's three years before a different president might change all or some of it back.

Not if they actually draft legislation to restructure the program and begin dealing with the problems it has created.
Three years of looking stupid and helpless.

Actually, legislation is constructive. It's what Congress is supposed to do. What looks helpless is issuing orders like a would-be autocrat, only to have the program reinstated after he leaves office.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:40 pm
Legislation, of which they're not having any, would be great if there was going to be any legislation but since they are not about to have any legislation on these questions whatever they better make a move that shows an effort and some results however it has to be done. Especially since there is not going to be any legislation that is.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:48 pm
Sorry, I meant the elections, what is being contested?

I'm not sure of what you are asking.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 02:51 pm
@Real Music,
The Senate, Congress, what?
Real Music
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 03:05 pm
1. All of the above.
2. Various national races in the Senate and in the House.
3. Various different governor races in many states.
4. Many different local, city, state, county, and State legislators all around the country.
5. Mayor races.
6. Judge races
7. There will be thousands elections for other titles, positions, and offices all over the country.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 03:21 pm
@Real Music,
Thank you.

I take it the make up of both Congress and the Senate could change.
Real Music
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 03:24 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 03:48 pm
Could you explain to me why any party in power doesn't reach out to the opposition and work together? I'm sure some will think I'm naive, but don't you think the legislation might pass if it were bi-partisan? Working together seems so much more logical than trying to work with a stalemate or impasse. Most, if not all, of the issues would have been worked out before it goes to a vote. It would also help ameliorate the polarization, don't you think?

I know it'll never happen, but I think it's a sound idea.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 04:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

bobsal u1553115 wrote:

I would gladly vote for Mrs Clinton overr any Republican I can think of who might want to run in 2024.


And I would do it with a smile on my face...and with enthusiasm.

.... While dancing and drinking from a wineskin.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 05:08 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 08:09 pm
The choice couldn’t be more clear: We either win big this November by defeating the coup and its Republican enablers — or we kiss our democracy goodbye.

On its surface, this shouldn’t be hard to do. A record-setting 81 million Americans came out to vote for Joe Biden just 14 months ago — 7 million more than those who voted for the defeated former guy. That made this election the seventh of the last eight presidential elections where the Democrat won the most votes from the American people.

That’s right. The Republicans have won the popular vote only ONCE since the election of the first Bush in 1988. For the past 34 years the American people have made it abundantly clear that they do not want Republicans running this country. Only voter suppression, gerrymandering and the racist invention called the “electoral college“ have given the Right any power at all. WE hold the real power because there are tens of millions more Americans who agree with us, not them.

Women, young adults, and people of color make up more than 70% of the total eligible voters in the U.S. These groups also make up the massive hardcore base of the Democratic Party. In the 2020 election Biden won¹ 92 percent of the Black vote and 60 percent of the Hispanic vote. Biden also won 55 percent of the women’s vote and 61 percent of the young adult vote.

That is now the country we live in, no matter what the pundits say, no matter how many fat white guys I grew up with who now storm the Capitol or threaten to kidnap the governor of Michigan. Their days of holding power are now in catatonic remission — they know it, and their current decision to commit literal suicide in their own Berlin bunker of COVID denial and vaccine rejection is one for the history books. Our side never had to learn how to fire a single gun in that “civil war” they told us that was coming. The other side simply chose to die by a thousand Corona blood clots, because suffocating to death was more noble than trusting facts, science, and two hundred million fellow citizens who fought to keep them alive. But we weren’t listened to because we got our booster shots, wore our masks, and believed in things like universal health care and other socialist rot.

But here’s the ugly rub. The Trumpsters have every intention of taking us down with them — and that means Republican victories in the upcoming elections of ‘22 and ‘24. Of course, these will be their final victories, just before the last of them occupy the final available ventilator in the last hospital on the last mile in the last town in northernmost Idaho, just a few hundred ironic feet from a country where everyone has a free doctor.

How will the Republicans win in November? They can only pull it off with our help. The best way to help them win is to make sure just enough of the 81 million who put Biden into the White House end up deserting him by staying home on Election Day this November. As many surely will, dejected and demoralized because there will be no promised hike in the minimum wage, no paid family leave, no help with the price of groceries and a complete abandonment of saving the Earth from the catastrophe at hand.

Mr. Biden — the first thing that you must do for us to win in November 2022 is for you to do what you said you’d do in November of 2020!

Here’s the recipe for how we can win this year’s midterm elections:

1. Biden! Listen up! You must fulfill your campaign promises by doing an end-run around Manchin to give the American people what they need — RIGHT NOW!

If the people who voted for you immediately have more money and more help with child care for their kids, if they have more assistance with their aging parents, if they begin paying far less for prescriptions and can go to community college beginning next semester tuition-free, then they will return en masse to the polls in November and elect more Democrats to Congress. Do this NOW, and we can stop the oncoming tsunami of insurrectionists taking seats in Congress next year.

If the problem is Manchin and Sinema, you must consult the ghost of Lyndon Johnson. You’ll know what to do. Threats and pork work in our messed up political system. Give them what they want. Yes, they are sticking you and all the rest of us up. They are holding the country hostage. Pay them off and let’s get on with it! Do it.

Note: Yesterday, you finally announced that the filibuster must go to get the voting rights act passed. It took you a while to get over your old self as a centrist Senator. We may soon know if this action of yours succeeds. Even if it does, though, the Republicans will continue to abuse us with the filibuster, and little in the Senate will get passed.

That is why, President Biden, you must immediately start signing a series of executive orders. You can legally do this. You have numerous emergency powers for moments like this. You can:

1. Immediately offer federal unemployment checks to all who don’t have work or are underemployed.

2. Send a rebate check each month this year to every family in America that earns less than $110,000.

3. Send a child security check to the parents of every kid in America. We are in a NATIONAL EMERGENCY and the law allows for it.

4. Announce that ALL seniors can immediately get hearing aids, glasses and dental care through Medicare. Who is going to challenge you? Who is going to stand up and say our parents and grandparents don’t have a right to see, hear or chew? NO ONE! Do it!

5. Announce that we are in a medical emergency when it comes to the mental health of our children. Declare the government will provide free PRE-K and 3-K.

This is also so that parents can work. It’s a pandemic.

You have the authority to do a whole host of things when the country is in collapse. Don’t wait for Congress — immediately reduce the price of prescriptions. That alone will bring victory in November. To make double-sure that will happen, throw this in:

Because it has been declared a Homeland Security IMPERATIVE, every child in America will now be given A FREE HOT BREAKFAST AND LUNCH everyday at school and throughout the summer.

And because the Homeland cannot be secure if it’s own citizens have been reduced to being wage-slaves that keep them in poverty, declare that no American or resident will be forced to work for less than $15 an hour.

That’s how you win in November. But you/we must also do two more things:

2. We must, right now, recruit beloved, winnable candidates to run for the Senate, House, and local elections all over the country.

There are five Republican senators who have announced they are retiring this year. So we need to run the best candidates for these open seats who can defeat the new unlikable Republicans on the ballot. Many are already running.

These next couple months are our last best chance to run the best Democrats in our districts and states. The local state party hacks are already looking for boring, centrist, moderate candidates. Those candidates will lose. Political scientists who’ve studied why Democrats lose so much have learned it’s because these moderate Dems believe the only way to beat the Republicans is to be more like them. This does not work. Running left of center and being a true progressive Dem is the best path to victory, as shown by the massive turnout by young voters and voters of color in 2018² and 2020³.

The winning candidate will be the one who is authentic, decent, and a fighter for the working person. She’s a teacher, or a veteran. He’s an astronaut, or a General who opposed invading Iraq. She lost a child in the Parkland high school massacre. He is a business owner who pays everyone a living wage, whose employees all get paid family leave. She’s a former local TV anchor who people wish was still on TV. He’s a coach with a conscience in San Antonio. She was one half of the Miami Music Machine. He was the other half. She’s the Stacey Abrams of your state. He’s Michael Jordan of North Carolina. She’s America Ferrera. He’s Rob Reiner. She’s Meryl Streep (She’s gonna kill me for writing that). So let's say she’s the fighting Congresswoman, Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio.

(Here she is in my film, “Capitalism: A Love Story”. Watch after you finish this letter.)

Let’s run the right people for once and win like they did in Georgia in 2020.

3. Put ballot proposals on your Statewide ballots that will bring out The Base to vote. Once in the voting booth, they’ll also vote for Dems over Republicans.

I have seen this succeed numerous times. Get your base out to vote by giving them the chance to make their own laws.

In 2018 in Michigan, we had record turnouts of young people and people of color in an off-year election because we put two proposals on the ballot: Legalize marijuana and outlaw gerrymandering. They both passed by big margins — and the bonus was, with so many progressives drawn to polls by these ballot proposals, they ended up tossing the Republicans out of the top leadership positions in the State Capitol and replaced them with all Democrats: a woman Governor, a Black Lt. Governor, a lesbian Attorney General and a female Secretary of State. Not one straight white male calling the top shots in Michigan. Sweet.

That wouldn’t have happened without the voter cat nip of those ballot proposals.

Ballot Proposals to Legalize Marijuana

The same thing happened in 2020 in Arizona. One of the reasons both Joe Biden and Sen. Mark Kelly won Arizona in 2020 was because there was a ballot proposal to legalize pot⁴. A landslide of 60% of the voters said yes — which caused an 18% increase in youth turnout over 2016⁵, and thus turned Arizona blue in 2020. Without Arizona Biden would not be President. All because of a ballot proposal for weed!

This November there are already TEN states⁶, including Missouri, Ohio and Florida, that are slated to vote on ballot initiatives on legalizing or decriminalizing recreational marijuana. Shouldn’t your state be one of them to help tip the results against the Republicans? Start those petitions circulating now!

Ballot Proposals to End Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression

In addition to Michigan outlawing gerrymandering in 2018, Colorado and Ohio did the same. Turnout? 14%⁷ and 9% over the previous election. In Ohio, the measure to stop gerrymandering passed with 74% of the vote⁸.

Ballot Proposals to Raise the Minimum Wage

Here’s an amazing statistic. Every single ballot proposition to raise the minimum wage in the 21st century has WON⁹, Red state or Blue. It’s the one sure way to increase turnout. Whether it’s to lower the cost of prescription drugs, pass the Equal Rights Amendment, or expand Medicaid, ballot proposals for the things the public wants bring out the voters and help to elect the right candidates.

That’s it! The three steps to victory! All it takes is the will of each of us to say, “That’s it. We’re doing this. Everyone off the bench! Everyone in the pool!”

The result? The Coup is crushed. Free dental and mental for everyone within a year! Let’s do this!!

Michael Moore
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 08:53 pm
# President Total executive orders
43 George W. Bush 291
44 Barack Obama 276
45 Donald Trump 220
46 Joe Biden 75
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 08:58 pm

edgarblythe wrote:

What too many Democrats don't seem to understand is that being "not Trump" is not enough to be successful. You actually have to do things that Joe citizen understands is going to improve his own increasingly dire situation.does.

I pretty much agree, but in 2016, I held my nose and voted for Clinton just because she wasn't Trump. I would have to do it again.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 09:23 pm
roger wrote:

edgarblythe wrote:

What too many Democrats don't seem to understand is that being "not Trump" is not enough to be successful. You actually have to do things that Joe citizen understands is going to improve his own increasingly dire situation.does.

I pretty much agree, but in 2016, I held my nose and voted for Clinton just because she wasn't Trump. I would have to do it again.

Same here.

But unfortunately, this moot speculation of Edgars that Hilary is Running ~ and let us be real, that has absolutely zero percent happening. Edgar, you are making some great points. But bringing this near impossibility up is dangerously chumming the waters and fueling antiDemocratic fervor from antiClinton Republicans who would so want Hilary to run in 2024 as she would be destined to lose [any loss would be terrible] terribly even if she wins the popular vote but not the electoral college as she did in 2016.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 10:17 pm
There's already a stir out there without any help from me.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 04:22 am
From who?

From an op-ed in the WSJ from Doug Schoen? Yes, the one who was just hired by Newsmax, the conservative media company with extreme bias and conspiracy theorists... And Andrew Stein, currently employed by Fox News, the tax cheat ( https://nypost.com/2010/05/28/2m-tax-cheat-rap-for-once-high-flying-stein/ )

Wow, some interesting reading from those two...

Very credible stuff.

Bigly. Credible.

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