Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 04:58 pm
John Wayne sought to enter the military as an officer. When that was not allowed, he refused to join up.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 05:02 pm
Teeny, I agree with almost everything you have said here. I saw horrific discrimination visited upon Blacks. No one suffered from discrimination in the USA as did the Blacks.

However, you damage your credibility when you say that Blacks are not racists. When given the somewhat rare opportunity to discriminate based on race, the Blacks never hesitated in doing this.

I guess it is all a matter of human nature.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 05:07 pm
Quote: I guess it is all a matter of human nature.

Perhaps it is a black person's way of compensating for all his people have been denied, and for generations of brutality visited on them, rather than inherent racism.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 05:17 pm
edgar, I agree; the blacks have had it the worst and longest discrimination in this country. The sad part is that many blacks still suffer from discrimination within our legal system, job opportunity, and access to good schools.

Even in South Africa, even though history shows apartheid was from 1948 to 1994, the situations for blacks are not very good. I saw a few college age black kids working at the restaurants at Victoria Harbor in Cape Town, and very few blacks at the university. However, the saddest of all is the shanty towns that most blacks still live in.

We visited one shanty town, and their leader told us they like (white) tourists to visit them, because it shows their children that "everybody is the same." The leader also expressed optimism, but from my observations, it's going to take several more generations before they see any type of "equality" in living standards.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 05:18 pm
I don't know what you mean by "rare opportunity". Credibility? I'm speaking from my own experience and unless you are NOT Black, You wouldn't know and be like those who say, "lets' move on", while Jews aren't told to forget the Holocaust, which they and the Japanese, in the concentration camps, were compensated for.

So what did you do, when you saw the "horrific" discrimination? Cringe?
Look, if you think Blacks are racist, so be it. When whites stop discriminating, Blacks will still try to eke out a living, no matter whether they be educated professionals or the janitor at the school.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 05:23 pm
I'm speaking from my own experience and unless you are NOT Black, You wouldn't know and be like those who say, "lets' move on", while Jews aren't told to forget the Holocaust, which they and the Japanese, in the concentration camps, were compensated for.

Poor, pitiful, picked on teeny.
You just shot yourself in the foot, and I dont think you realize it.

You just said that nobody can understand what anyone else is going thru.
So, since you arent white, or latino, or asian, or male, then you cannot know and cannot speak about what anyone of them have gone thru throughout history.
So, what makes you think that you are qualified to speak on anything else that you havent PERSONALLY gone thru?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 08:38 pm
teenyboone wrote:

Correct! Military is what Eisenhower said, but now the biggest industry in America is the 2 million Blacks incarcerated. The NEW slavery! John Wayne, never served his country, but he surely "played" them in the movies! He was gallant in the calvary too! Never Served! Look it up! I don't need to see no propaganda film by a man who served Hollywood and himself! What did he do for America? He perpetuated a lie, based on white Americans being the best, the hero, yada yada! A country based on white supremacy has to be reminded that they're great, to justify discriminating against others deemed inferior.

Actually, I am not going to sit here and defend John Wayne, as I am no fan of movies or movie stars, but I just thought his talk about hyphenated Americans makes alot of sense.

Actually, although I think you are wrong on this subject, and that you wrongly carry a chip on your shoulder, I perceive you as possibly open to a reasonable discussion. First of all, the world is not fair, life is not fair, but face it, hundreds of thousands of white guys died in the Civil War, one objective was the slavery issue, so they died for you, teeny, whether they intended to or not, and I think a great many of them did care about the black race.

Secondly, if anyone, anyone, got that? if anyone is looking for a reason to be mad about something done to them, they can and will find one or more. And if you have a pre-conceived reason that you will not get the job, or that you will be treated badly, your life experience will prove that reason. Its called "self fulfulling prophecy." If you think you will fail, you will, I don't care if you are black, brown, white, yellow, or red. Virtually everyone has suffered disappointments and failures, not being hired, fired, whatever, but if you already think you will because of race, you will believe that to be the reason when that occasion occurs, as it surely will. Perhaps if you are white and have freckles, the freckled among us think it is because of that. The short people may think its because of being short. The list is endless. Or you could choose to be optimistic and have a healthier attitude. And that may be possible if your parents did not indoctrinate you with the feeling of racial expectations of bias. And you will still have disappointments in life, as all people do, but you will end up being successful, there is little doubt about that.

And teeny, you have posted little or nothing to convince me that Democrats are the party that has done anything for you. You said it was the party of Lincoln, and it still is, that more closely stands for individual liberty and responsibility, regardless of race. It is the Democrats that do not believe you can accomplish anything without the government giving you handouts daily. If its socialism you want, continue to vote Democrat, so that they can continue to demagogue the individual and our personal freedoms, but if you truly believe in freedom and equal rights, do not vote Democrat.

And last but not least, this may be a tough pill to swallow, but if you don't want to see blacks incarcerated, tell your fellow people to get an education, do not drop out, do not accuse them of being "too white" if they study in school, be responsible, raise children as two parent families instead of single parents, and stay away from drugs, alcohol, and all the rest. Same advice works for whites, and if you want to see a bunch of non-succeeding whites, trailer trash, etc, it includes those people that are irresponsible, drop out of school, don't work, and they have children without a decent education or job, and may be into drugs.

The government is not here to guarantee everything to everybody, cradle to grave, without regard to how one lives. Life does carry with it some responsibility, and you cannot blame everything on racism.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 10:32 pm
Famous okie quote from the king of "chip on his shoulder," who incessantly bitch about what Obama has been doing:
"...and that you wrongly carry a chip on your shoulder,..."

Look in the mirror, okie!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 11:24 pm
I have heard that you were a writer, edgarblythe. But, if you are, it does not appear that you read very much.

One of the most highly praised books about Slavery is "Roll. Jordan, Roll" by the renown scholar, Eugene D. Genovese.

In his book, he wrote:

P. 59

"Reviewing the conditions of the workers and peasants of Europe, Raimondo Luraghi, the learned Italian historian who has written a detailed study of the United States during this period, concluded that the slaves fared, as well, in material terms, as a substantial portion of the workers and peasants of Western Europe and 'CERTAINLY BETTER" than the mass of the Russian, Hungarian, Polish and even Italian peasants"

Try to do more reading,edgarblythe. Skip "The Nation" once in a while.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2009 09:20 pm
You watch too much television! Everything you've said reflects what's shown on TV. Read your history! The Civil War was about class! The ruling class, (plantation owners) over Africans that they STOLE and brought over here to America, SOLD them to others, paid them NOTHING! Not one Johnny Reb, fought for ME. They fought to keep a system in place and the North profited from that same system. Cotton picked in the South was sent North to be made into cloth, so all whites profited off the backs of free labor.

Slave ships were built in the North by the Brown family, the University is named for them and the ships were insured by the Aetna Insurance Co., which payed for every slave lost during the Middle Passage, from Africa to America.
Millions of Africans were brought over here to toil on the Plantations of the Caribbean, South America, see Brazil and North America in the Southern Hemisphere Black women were raped and had children by their owners, see Thomas Jefferson. Your founding fathers were mostly slave owners!

See George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Please, spare me your opinions because the history books speak for themselves.
Oh, because I speak the truth I have a chip? Oh, because my Black father fought in an all Black Division, I have a chip? Funny, in Fascist Italy, my fathers outfit captured 37,000 Nazis.

My father was in the 371st, 92nd Division, Buffalo Soldier from Ft. Huachuca Arizona. I don't have no damned chip! YOU have an identity problem. I know who I am. My people are part of the foundation of this nation. No where on earth, can a Black man from Hawaii, President of the Harvard Law Review, a Community Organizer could not be denied the Office of the President! See we CAN overcome!

You are in denial of the fact that Blacks CAN overcome racism and the racist attitude of SOME! I have and I've had a great life so far, even with a society that until 1964, I was not able to fully participate in. Thanks God for LBJ!
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2009 09:47 pm
teenyboone wrote:

You watch too much television! Everything you've said reflects what's shown on TV. Read your history! The Civil War was about class! The ruling class, (plantation owners) over Africans that they STOLE and brought over here to America, SOLD them to others, paid them NOTHING! Not one Johnny Reb, fought for ME. They fought to keep a system in place and the North profited from that same system. Cotton picked in the South was sent North to be made into cloth, so all whites profited off the backs of free labor.

I watch very little television. Theres nothing much worth it.
I cannot argue for slavery. I am against it, and believe I would have been against it if I had been alive at that time, but I wasn't. My parents were staunch FDR Democrats, but were never racist, they never taught us that, but I knew of most Democrats were when I was young. They quit voting Democrat when JFK and LBJ came on the scene. The Repbulicans led the way out of that mindset, until the Democrats decided it was to their advantage to use the black people to further their socialist agenda.

And obviously many whites died fighting to eliminate slavery, face it, its a fact. Tens of thousands died. A life is worth alot, and they gave it all.

Slave ships were built in the North by the Brown family, the University is named for them and the ships were insured by the Aetna Insurance Co., which payed for every slave lost during the Middle Passage, from Africa to America.
Millions of Africans were brought over here to toil on the Plantations of the Caribbean, South America, see Brazil and North America in the Southern Hemisphere Black women were raped and had children by their owners, see Thomas Jefferson. Your founding fathers were mostly slave owners!

See George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Please, spare me your opinions because the history books speak for themselves.

Slavery was a culture not owned by whites. I understand blacks still practice it somewhere in Africa. And I don't think whites were the only ones selling slaves for the ships coming here, teeny.

Oh, because I speak the truth I have a chip? Oh, because my Black father fought in an all Black Division, I have a chip? Funny, in Fascist Italy, my fathers outfit captured 37,000 Nazis.

My father was in the 371st, 92nd Division, Buffalo Soldier from Ft. Huachuca Arizona. I don't have no damned chip! YOU have an identity problem. I know who I am. My people are part of the foundation of this nation. No where on earth, can a Black man from Hawaii, President of the Harvard Law Review, a Community Organizer could not be denied the Office of the President! See we CAN overcome!

You are in denial of the fact that Blacks CAN overcome racism and the racist attitude of SOME!

Your father deserves honor, and I am not here to defend racism, and your own statements prove that blacks can succeed. Also, my Dad fought in WWII, and I am a Vietnam vet. I was drafted, just like many blacks were drafted as well.

I agree that something was proven when Obama was elected, but the reason I vote for any man or woman is not race, it is their politics. I voted for McCain, not because he was not a black man, but because I thought he was more in line with what should be done, not radical like Obama.

I have and I've had a great life so far, even with a society that until 1964, I was not able to fully participate in. Thanks God for LBJ!
Good for you, I am glad you have succeeded, but its not because of LBJ or because you were too helpless without the government, sorry to disagree with you there. LBJ used blacks to further his own agenda, as those that knew him personally could have told you. The same thing was happening in the last few years, the Democrats were using Obama, but it got out of control and he beat the next in line, beloved Hillary Clinton that was supposed to win, they thought, but it backfired on them. I actually supported Obama over Hillary, or I should say I hoped he would beat her, I was fed up with the Clintons, but the more I see of Obama, he is bad medicine indeed.

Here is a thought I would like to leave you with. If Obama turns out to be a huge bust, and I think he will, he will do more damage to the black cause than he helped. You should never vote for a man because of the color of his skin, never. You should vote for character and policy, not color of skin.

Teeny, you sound like a nice person, thanks for civil debate, but I think you are misguided as many blacks are. You vote for Democrats, blindly, and you are being used. Have you read this site? Do yourself a favor and read it. I probably cannot convince you of anything, but I would appreciate it if you would at least consider what I have said, in a fair minded way.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2009 10:13 pm
Please tell us what you believe McCain would have done as president?
1. Iraq war
2. Afghanistan war
3. Economy

okie wrote:

I agree that something was proven when Obama was elected, but the reason I vote for any man or woman is not race, it is their politics. I voted for McCain, not because he was not a black man, but because I thought he was more in line with what should be done, not radical like Obama.
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2009 10:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Please tell us what you believe McCain would have done as president?
1. Iraq war
2. Afghanistan war
3. Economy

Reasonable questions and actually good ones.
Iraq war, about the same thing that is happening now would be happening under McCain. I don't believe Obama has done anything radically different than what McCain would have done. Most of the heavy lifting was already done by Bush, and even McCain, to succeed inasmuch as we have succeeded in Iraq so far. No credit to Obama, as he only was a Johnny come lately in regard to Iraq. If he really believed this was a bad war, he should have gotten alot more troops out by now.

Afghanistan, again, I don't think it would be alot different than it is now with Obama. I do believe McCain would have a much higher degree of respect from the military than what Obama gets, so that would be a positive. I am not particularly optimistic about Afghanistan, nor am I very optimistic about Pakistan. This is a very troublesome issue, no matter who is in charge.

Economy, I think we would see alot different glide path for a McCain policy. We would not have seen the massive spending and debt as proposed by Obama. We would see a more reasonable approach to stimulating the economy, by stimulating the private sector more instead of growing government. I do not think the economy would have suffered as greatly as it is now, and I believe a recovery would have been starting sooner and better, with tax cuts and incentives to private enterprise, which I think would be more likely under McCain. It would not be easy sailing, but it would not look as grim as Obama's policies look. I believe we would at least have more mature adults running the cabinet, not a tax cheat running the IRS. We would not be intimidating businesses on the scale it is being done, and hopefully Wall Street could react to normal market pressures instead of also worrying about Obama nationalizing another industry tomorrow. Fear is a market killer. Housing, I would hope we could look into Fanny and Freddie and actually do something to fix the damage done, and hopefully avoid more debacles down the road.

The biggest factor is that hopefully McCain would not be threatening government intervention in every business. That factor alone is enough to kill the economy, innovation, and job growth.

Also, there are alot more issues than the 3 you mentioned. Energy. We would be talking alot more about nuclear, and possibly more active initiatives to get going on more reasonable solutions to energy. We would not be fear mongering and scaring the wits out of the energy business with cap and trade talk, taxing the bejeebers out of profitable businesses, etc. And maybe we would be proposing more drilling in new areas.

Needless to say, there are a host of other issues, such as Supreme Court nominees, we would have more hope for balance there. The list is endless. McCain would be far from perfect, but at least we would have a president that we trusted alot more, and at least not running around the world apologizing, bowing to dictators, telling people this is a Muslim country, and undermining Israel, propping up the Iranian madman, etc.

It will take time to truly see the dire results of Obama's policies, but I think it won't be pretty. The debt is staggering. Government intervention and intimidation of business is terrible. Appeasement in foreign policy could be disastrous down the road. Obama's view of the world is just really haywire, and it is very difficult to predict all of the negative effects of this until more time evolves.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 10:17 am
And I married a VietNam Veteran! You Assumed I voted for Obama because he's Black. Is that why you voted for POW-McCain? You don't substantiate any of your accusations as to why I believe what I believe as opposed to yours, because you think you're "entitled" and I'm not!

I am going to be married 40 years in a few months and he is the finest man, Black or white, that I've ever met! We are an American Legion Family and I've worked hard on legislation aimed at ALL veterans getting much needed benefits from an "ungrateful" nation, that asks for you to put your body on the line for an ungrateful electorate that "never served". See Cheney, Gingrich and the rest of the pseudo-patriots that thump their chests while they send you and your children off to war, engage in deployment after deployment from its' reservists and National Guard, then "hide" the caskets as they return home.

If you reply or not, I couldn't give 2 schitts, because I'm sick of people like you that pretend the current cast of Republicans are the "good" guys! Whether I be white or other, other whites feel the same as I do, which is why Obama is in the WH, instead of "cardboard McCain"! Imagine a dumb *itch like Palin, if McCain had kicked the bucket! She can see Russia from HER house! You and people LIKE you, would be tearing down the White House to get her and unwed mother, daughter OUT! Please do me the favor of NOT replying!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 10:47 am
okie wrote:
Economy, I think we would see alot different glide path for a McCain policy. We would not have seen the massive spending and debt as proposed by Obama. We would see a more reasonable approach to stimulating the economy, by stimulating the private sector more instead of growing government.

Exactly how do you think McCain would have accomplished this? What are the "more reasonable approach?" How does McCain "stimulate the private sector?"

okie wrote:
I do not think the economy would have suffered as greatly as it is now, and I believe a recovery would have been starting sooner and better, with tax cuts and incentives to private enterprise, which I think would be more likely under McCain.

In what ways would the McCain approach minimized "would have suffered as greatly as it is now, sooner and better?" The Obama plan has already cut taxes for 95% of workers. What "tax cuts and incentives to private enterprise" would stimulate our economy? Details please, instead of generalities that mean nothing!

okie wrote:
It would not be easy sailing, but it would not look as grim as Obama's policies look. I believe we would at least have more mature adults running the cabinet, not a tax cheat running the IRS.

Please name the economic/financial experts under McCain? Also, what do you mean by "more mature adults?"

okie wrote:
We would not be intimidating businesses on the scale it is being done, and hopefully Wall Street could react to normal market pressures instead of also worrying about Obama nationalizing another industry tomorrow.

How is Obama "intimidating businesses? Please be specific.

okie wrote:
Fear is a market killer.

What is this "fear" you speak of?

okie wrote:
Housing, I would hope we could look into Fanny and Freddie and actually do something to fix the damage done, and hopefully avoid more debacles down the road.

They've already acted on this. What's your point?

okie wrote:
The biggest factor is that hopefully McCain would not be threatening government intervention in every business. That factor alone is enough to kill the economy, innovation, and job growth.

How has Obama "threatened government intervention in every business?"

okie wrote:
Also, there are alot more issues than the 3 you mentioned. Energy. We would be talking alot more about nuclear, and possibly more active initiatives to get going on more reasonable solutions to energy. We would not be fear mongering and scaring the wits out of the energy business with cap and trade talk, taxing the bejeebers out of profitable businesses, etc. And maybe we would be proposing more drilling in new areas.

You have not listened to Obama's energy plans. Go to his website; most of what you mention is included in his energy plan. There are some that are being challenged by environmentalists and NIMN groups which has been on-going for decades. That's the reason why it didn't matter whether we had a GOP or liberal government; they couldn't overcome the politics of advancing other energy sources.

okie wrote:
Needless to say, there are a host of other issues, such as Supreme Court nominees, we would have more hope for balance there. The list is endless.

When the president is a republican, they nominate people who they think will support their agenda. It's also true when it's a democratic president.
What's your beef? Don't you understand how our government works yet?

okie wrote:
McCain would be far from perfect, but at least we would have a president that we trusted alot more, and at least not running around the world apologizing, bowing to dictators, telling people this is a Muslim country, and undermining Israel, propping up the Iranian madman, etc.

How can McCain be trusted more? Even during the campaign, McCain changed his mind on many issues because he believed it would win more votes for him. That's honesty?

Your observations about how Obama is interacting with the leaders of Arab countries is a smart move; it distances him from the Bush policies that have alienated almost every Muslim country. That's a good thing! Something you'll never learn about diplomacy.

okie wrote:
It will take time to truly see the dire results of Obama's policies, but I think it won't be pretty. The debt is staggering. Government intervention and intimidation of business is terrible. Appeasement in foreign policy could be disastrous down the road. Obama's view of the world is just really haywire, and it is very difficult to predict all of the negative effects of this until more time evolves.

Here again, you are using fear and generalities without explaining the why's. You say "the debt is staggering," but don't explain why it's staggering. Many developed countries have had over 100% debt of their GDP and came out just fine. Your knowledge about economics is nil, because you fail to understand the fundamentals of a) why debt is necessary, b) the purpose of the debt, and c) the short-term and long-term effect of those debts. Have you ever studied economics? Doesn't seem like it from your posts.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 11:42 am
Well, you pretend the Democrats are always the good guys, which is nonsense. They believe you can't do diddly without some program to quote unquote "help you." Get a backbone, teeny. As far as people sending people off to war, this might be a surprise, but it was your beloved LBJ that sent us to Vietnam, and it is your beloved Obama sending troops to Afghanistan.

I was not particularly a supporter of Palin, and if you followed my posts, you would know this, nor was I supporter of McCain in the primaries, but he was the only choice I had left. I am not going to vote for a corrupt Chicago street organizer that has no experience doing anything, except knowing how to read a teleprompter. The guy is a loser, and a socialist / Marxist, that despises his own country. If thats the politics you believe in, vote for him next time. Be assured I will cancel out your vote.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 11:50 am
I am not going to vote for a corrupt Chicago street organizer that has no experience doing anything, except knowing how to read a teleprompter.

It's funny how you justify your nonsense okie by making the Democrats bad with made up "facts." Couldn't you try looking at the actual facts sometime?

Obama was a US Senator which means he has some experience with the Federal government. That quickly points out the falsity of your claim he has "no experience." You prefer to denigrate with falsehoods rather than stick to actual facts.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 11:51 am
If thats the politics you believe in, vote for him next time. Be assured I will cancel out your vote.

Good thing you are canceling teenybone's vote. That means mine will break the tie. Wink
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 02:44 pm
okie's charges not only lack factual evidence, but his logic and common sense are also vacant. He believes his future prognostications about economics or politics has any reality attached to them based on his claims imagined from his own brain that's missing a few batteries.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 04:38 pm
Obama was a US Senator which means he has some experience with the Federal government.

Lets be honest.
He was the JUNIOR Senator from Illinois, and he had very little actual power in the Senate.
He also started running for POTUS almost as soon as he was elected, so he missed quite a bit of time in the Senate.

I spent 24 years serving my country, so using your logic I have more experience with the federal govt then Obama does.

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