Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Merry Andrew
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 03:27 pm
Jay Leno had good line last night (or maybe it was Letterman). He said (I'm paraphrasing): "The Republicans got all excited when it was learned the President was going to appoint a minority member to the Supreme Court. 'At last,' they said, 'one of us.' But..."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 03:30 pm
Okie wrote:

Lets be serious, Powell endorsed Obama, rated as the most liberal or almost most liberal senator in Congress. Now, lets all be honest, that is not typical of somebody that claims to be a mainstream Republican, or a Republican at all. The guy has lost his marbles if he thinks reasonable people are going to swallow that. Either Powell returns to being a Republican, or he just isn't one.

Admittedly, quite a few Republicans were hornswoggled by Obama into believing he was some kind of a moderate, but the truth is you have to look at what Obama has done, what he has voted for, not what he says. I think Powell has a few things to learn about politics. And I tend to agree with Limbaugh, Powell was taken up with the "historic" nonsense about Obama being elected as the first black president rather than what Obama stands for politically.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 03:32 pm

Okie, Obama did not get a majority of the white vote. Despite the fact that there was a weak candidate put up by the Republicans, Obama got a little less than 48% of the white vote.

He got almost all of the Afro-America vote. Of course I have learned that Afro-Americans would vote for Minister Farrakhan rather than, let us say, Ted Kennedy. Blackness is all.

He got most of the Latino vote. Of course, many of the Latinos were and still are unable to read the Editorial Pages so they voted blindly.

But, back to Barack Hussein Obama. If you read his autobiographies, you will pick up a sense that he agrees with Minister Wright when Minster Wright said, from the pulpit--God Damn America. Obama has a vision of where he wants America to go. African Americans must be uplifted. Greedy CEO's must be punished. America must apologize to the scumbags in the Muslim Countries.

Obama is and was angry. Read his autobiographies!

But, there is still hope Okie. There is an election in 2010. How will the American people react when there is still a 10%( or more) Unemployment Rate in 2010 when the campaigns begin? How will the Obama apologists explain to the people that, even though the Messiah has been in office for a year(January 2010), the Unemployment Rate has been horrible since he was elected.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 04:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That bunch gives a whole new meaning to the word, "ignorant"! On the other hand they earn millions selling race hate, while pretending to be "just one of you"! Before talk radio, racial hatred was carefully taught, at home. The rich today, never serve in the US military, but pound their chests about freedom and democracy; words they should look up! No, they are full of hatred by a perceived notion of entitlement, being seized from them and given unfairly to minorities.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 04:33 pm
The word, "conservative" is codespeak for "whites only", "states rights" and other stupidity that led to the Civil War. The Texas Governor runs his mouth about "seceding" and is the biggest recipient of federal funds! Hypocrite!
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 10:55 pm
So, teeny, you are saying it is impossible to be black and a conservative at the same time. That is ludicrous. You do realize, I hope, that Michael Steele, current chairman of the Republican Party, is black? I know Republican Party is not a one to one equation to conservative, however, it is much closer to it than the Democratic Party. I hope you also realize Martin Luther King was a Republican? You might want to check out the National Black Republican Association for a history lesson. The photo is of the chairman of the association, Frances Rice, and Michael Steele.


Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 11:31 pm

Okie, Obama did not get a majority of the white vote. Despite the fact that there was a weak candidate put up by the Republicans, Obama got a little less than 48% of the white vote.

He got almost all of the Afro-America vote. Of course I have learned that Afro-Americans would vote for Minister Farrakhan rather than, let us say, Ted Kennedy. Blackness is all.

He got most of the Latino vote. Of course, many of the Latinos were and still are unable to read the Editorial Pages so they voted blindly.

But, back to Barack Hussein Obama. If you read his autobiographies, you will pick up a sense that he agrees with Minister Wright when Minster Wright said, from the pulpit--God Damn America. Obama has a vision of where he wants America to go. African Americans must be uplifted. Greedy CEO's must be punished. America must apologize to the scumbags in the Muslim Countries.

Obama is and was angry. Read his autobiographies!

But, there is still hope Okie. There is an election in 2010. How will the American people react when there is still a 10%( or more) Unemployment Rate in 2010 when the campaigns begin? How will the Obama apologists explain to the people that, even though the Messiah has been in office for a year(January 2010), the Unemployment Rate has been horrible since he was elected.

Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 11:33 pm
She doesn't know it, okie because she doesn't read anything except left wing screeds. She probably does not know that many Blacks voted Republican for many years( until the race carders like Jesse and Al convinced them that welfare would lead to a better life.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 11:43 pm
teenybone wrote:

That bunch gives a whole new meaning to the word, "ignorant"! On the other hand they earn millions selling race hate, while pretending to be "just one of you"! Before talk radio, racial hatred was carefully taught, at home. The rich today, never serve in the US military, but pound their chests about freedom and democracy; words they should look up! No, they are full of hatred by a perceived notion of entitlement, being seized from them and given unfairly to minorities.
teenybone is, unfortunately, almost completely in error.

l. They earn millions selling race hate, she says. Who are you talking about? Moveon.org or Huffington post? The race hate there is for conservatives.

2. racial hatred was carefully taught at home--NONSENSE. Apparently teeny boone has never read about or heard about the draft riots during the civil war; Sacco and Vanzetti or Father Coughlin.

3. The rich today, NEVER serve in the military. I don't know how RICH they are but I assure you that Senator McCain and former Senator Dole served in the military and gave their blood for their country

4. But Barack Hussein Obama, who apparently listened to his pastor reverend Wright, when Wright said God Damn America--NEVER went near a recruiting station.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 May, 2009 11:48 pm
Teenyboone displays the typical ignorance of a left winger. She savages the governor of Texas and calls him a hypocrite for taking the MOST federal funds of any state.

Teenyboone apparently does not know the facts.

Below is the allocation per person of federal funds by state( top ten states)

States Receiving Most in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:

1. D.C. ($6.17)
2. North Dakota ($2.03)
3. New Mexico ($1.89)
4. Mississippi ($1.84)
5. Alaska ($1.82)
6. West Virginia ($1.74)
7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61)
9. South Dakota ($1.59)
10. Arkansas ($1.53)
Reply Fri 29 May, 2009 04:03 am
when i posted those numbers, a few days ago; i noted that they were from 2005. you have not.

when i posted the numbers, i also posted a link. you have not. just sayin'...

now. maybe you don't know this, but the District of Columbia is not a state. as the name implies, it is but a wee district.

it is also the Capitol of the United States of America. you know, where the president, the congress, the supreme court and alla those super duper american memorials are? ooh, ooh.. and the smithsonian too!

but since you want to talk funny money, just a quick question for genoves; what do you think about rick perry of texas taking 10 million dollars in stim money to make repairs to the texas governor's mansion?
Reply Sat 30 May, 2009 12:50 am
Do you have data that is more recent, DTOM? If so, please replicate it so we can see it. If not, you will just have to be satisfied with what I have given you from 2005.
Do you need a link? Here you are--
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 May, 2009 12:57 am
http://www.taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2004/09/red_states_feed.html -

You will note that the link does indeed include D. C. as one of the top ten states.

Complaints should be forwarded to the creator of the site.


Governor Perry using Stimulus funds to repair mansion?

l. The Governor can use NO funds to repair anything unless approved by the legislature. The report below shows it was indeed approved by the legislature.

2. The Mansion had been ravaged by fire.


Federal stimulus opens door for Mansion repairs
Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
May 21, 2009, 10:29PMShare Print Email Del.icio.usDiggTwitterYahoo! BuzzFacebookStumbleUponAUSTIN " Guess the federal government isn’t telling Texas what color to paint the Governor’s Mansion.

Texas budget negotiators have set aside $11 million in federal stimulus dollars to help repair the fire-ravaged Governor’s Mansion " even as GOP Gov. Rick Perry rails against Washington for attaching strings to $555 million in stimulus dollars for unemployment insurance.

“I would not want to be a member voting to let Washington D.C. tell us how to run our business in Texas,” he said of Texas legislators trying to decide whether to take the half a billion from the government for jobless benefits.

House and Senate budget writers also have agreed to spend stimulus money on other projects favored by Perry: $40 million to help attract film projects, $20 million for the Enterprise Fund meant to spur economic development and $24 million for the Emerging Technology Fund.

Senate Finance Committee Vice Chairman Juan Hinojosa, D-McAllen, called the situation ironic " even as he has disagreed with Perry’s stand against the extra unemployment insurance money. But he added: “Under the circumstances that we find ourselves in, we had to use the money the best way we can.”

House Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Richard Raymond, D-Laredo, said expenditures like repairing the ruined Mansion were necessary.

“Funding that with stimulus dollars to me is just a non-issue ... have ‘X’ number of dollars. We did as good a job as we could to invest those dollars wisely.”

The proposal awaits a formal vote by negotiators and approval by the House and Senate before going to Perry.

Perry hasn’t blocked the bulk of stimulus dollars coming to Texas, but he has stood against the extra money for unemployment insurance because the state would have to expand its benefits to more people to get it.


However, if Perry has done something wrong, he should be impeached.

It can be done.

In Illinois, the governor, Rod Blagojevich, a close friend of Barack Hussein Obama, was impeached by the state legislature.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2009 05:38 am
Since the 1964 Civil Rights decision, the word "conservative" came to mean "separate" or "stop the blacks, etc.". BTW, my mother was a Republican too, back when Eisenhower was President. He warned us of the "prison industrial complex", back in 1953. Back then Blacks identified with the "party of Lincoln". Kennedy was a Democrat who advocated Civil Rights but was assassinated in 1963. His Vice-President, a southerner from Texas pushed through the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights act and Dixicrats from the South fled the Democratic Party, changing forever what a Republican is/was. When Southern White politicians favored "states rights" and dragged their feet on integrating schools, housing and accomodations for Blacks, Black Republicans vacated the Republican Party for the Democrat Party as I did back in 1965, when I first registered to vote.

I was born and raised in the segregated South and those as myself, that "lived" the Civil Rights Movement in all of the killings, lynchings and burning of churches and the bombing of Civil Rights Workers homes, don't NEED a definition of what "conservative" mean, thank you. I LIVED it, been Black ALL my life and know a racist when I see one. The very same whites that advocate separate and unequal, used Affirmative Action to get THEIR college educations but blame Blacks for "taking over", when one white job, they believe that THEY're "entitled" to, should have gone to a white person.
No, I know what the REAL word conservative means. It means Less government, but are the first to whine for help, see Texas Governor and Newt Gingrich, educated through Affirmative Action!

Gingrich's own mother with her stringy hair and teeth missing, referred to Hillary Clinton as a "bitch", while she was First Lady! Some "home training", Newt had!
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2009 05:38 am
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2009 05:41 am
#1, DC is NOT a State and all the rest are RED States, run by your segregationist conservatives! The "States-Righters"!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2009 03:43 pm
know a racist when I see one.

One question for you...

Do you believe that a black person can also be a racist?
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2009 11:01 pm
teenyboone wrote:

Since the 1964 Civil Rights decision, the word "conservative" came to mean "separate" or "stop the blacks, etc.". BTW, my mother was a Republican too, back when Eisenhower was President. He warned us of the "prison industrial complex", back in 1953.

I thought that was the "military industrial complex?" Check your quotes, teeny.
Back then Blacks identified with the "party of Lincoln". Kennedy was a Democrat who advocated Civil Rights but was assassinated in 1963. His Vice-President, a southerner from Texas pushed through the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights act and Dixicrats from the South fled the Democratic Party, changing forever what a Republican is/was.

You are talking about LBJ I presume, the same LBJ that was known as a racist, and probably pushed that Civil Rights Act for political expediency and political power, knowing the modern black movement became centered onto socialism, not equal rights anymore. If you don't believe it, witness the vicious opposition by so-called black rights groups against any conservative, including black conservatives.

When Southern White politicians favored "states rights" and dragged their feet on integrating schools, housing and accomodations for Blacks, Black Republicans vacated the Republican Party for the Democrat Party as I did back in 1965, when I first registered to vote.

I was born and raised in the segregated South and those as myself, that "lived" the Civil Rights Movement in all of the killings, lynchings and burning of churches and the bombing of Civil Rights Workers homes, don't NEED a definition of what "conservative" mean, thank you. I LIVED it, been Black ALL my life and know a racist when I see one. The very same whites that advocate separate and unequal, used Affirmative Action to get THEIR college educations but blame Blacks for "taking over", when one white job, they believe that THEY're "entitled" to, should have gone to a white person.
No, I know what the REAL word conservative means. It means Less government, but are the first to whine for help, see Texas Governor and Newt Gingrich, educated through Affirmative Action!

Gingrich's own mother with her stringy hair and teeth missing, referred to Hillary Clinton as a "bitch", while she was First Lady! Some "home training", Newt had!

What does Gingrich's mother have to do with this subject? And don't you know the political mentor and hero of Bill Clinton was the Democrat racist and socialist, Fullbright from Arkansas? You have it backwards, teeny, I think I remember Republican president Eisenhower sending troops to make sure schools were integrated, was it Arkansas?

Last but not least, watch John Wayne's video:
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 04:38 pm
Define racist or better still, look it up on Wiki. It normally means that a majority has historically discriminated and excluded a minority or minorities from enjoying certain privileges and freedom, for example, having two school systems, one for whites and one for Blacks, while all other races including Asians enjoy the privilege, while Blacks are excluded.

In America, the ruling class/race are people who define themselves as whites instead of Caucasions, usually of European descent. Blacks on the other hand were enslaved from 1619 in Jamestown, Va., until 1865, but so-called "Jim Crow" laws were enacted to further discriminate and exclude only Blacks, from enjoying the same freedoms, such as employment, housing and education. The current laws were enacted 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Lincoln.

No, I don't think Blacks are racist. Not at all. Angry? Definitely! Whites are very discriminating with their "private" clubs that not even certain whites can get into. While the US doesn't have a King or Queen like the monarchy in England, there is a "class system" in place here.

Read the history of Blacks in America. I don't speak for all Blacks, I'm speaking from my own experience. Having to drink at a "For Colored Only" water fountain and using separate restrooms with the standard "For Colored Only" signs, displayed so you couldn't miss it. Riding in the back of the bus and other Jim Crow rules, designed to make one feel inferior. So don't ask me if Blacks can be racist. You mistake anger for what YOU perceive as racism.

We have a right to be angry, when Uncle Sam forces you to serve this country, when you are considered 3/5 of a person. Sure lay down your life if you have to, but don't expect anything if you live to tell about it. Until 1975, there was a draft that you had to report in to the US Army or be tried for treason. Don't know how old you are, but before you question me, study Black History because Black History is American History. Better still read how Washington DC was laid out and who built the White House and the Halls of Congress. Read the book, "Black like Me" or "The Debt, What America Owes Black People".

There are extremists in every race. Just look at Columbine or the Oklahoma Bombing. No, look at the shooting of a doctor that provides a service to women, operating within the law and is gunned down in church!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 04:45 pm
Correct! Military is what Eisenhower said, but now the biggest industry in America is the 2 million Blacks incarcerated. The NEW slavery! John Wayne, never served his country, but he surely "played" them in the movies! He was gallant in the calvary too! Never Served! Look it up! I don't need to see no propaganda film by a man who served Hollywood and himself! What did he do for America? He perpetuated a lie, based on white Americans being the best, the hero, yada yada! A country based on white supremacy has to be reminded that they're great, to justify discriminating against others deemed inferior.

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