Mr. Bush is not Hitler and not a Nazi, and things he believes in are quite acceptable, unlike these Hitler believed in.
Definitly A 10
Bush is showing the fortitude and determination, to see this thing, through the bloody end.
The world is in an outrage, because 15 and then 48 civilians were killed. Hell, that ain't nothing yet. I wouldn't be surprised that the number goes into the millions (we're talking about 4.5 million people in Baghdad, alone that are at risk.)
The one good thing to come of all of this, is that it is hardening our troops, into a seasoned, fighting veterans. Something that we are going to need, in dealing with radical Islamic terrorists as the years start to go by, and the war is finally started to be felt, here at home.
We failed in Somalia. At the first spilling of American blood, the US pulled out of there, with our tails between our legs. The United States is now viewed as a "Paper Tiger." The United States, has no other course of action, but to see this thing through. Bush's legacy, will not be how many young men died under his leadership, but that he maintained the course, did not retreat, and finally finished the job, left undone for the last twelve years.
The question is very simple: Do we admit defeat, and pull out, or do we commit ourselves to the job that is at hand. Either way people will continue to die.
And oh yes, To quote from Gen. Patton: "while we have this army amassed, should we kick Syria's butt, too"
Everybody have a nice day, being thankful, that the bombs aren't being dropped in your neighborhood.
There is no question that we have to see this through. If the most powerful nation in the world leaves without completing the job what does that say to the tyrants of this world. There will be no deterrent.
As for civilians getting killed unfortunately that what happens in a war. What makes this a greater problem you can't tell a belligerent from a civilian. How does one separate a suicide bomber from a taxi driver? Under those circumstances I would shoot first and ask question later and I would expect if suicide bombings become the order of the day that is exactly what will happen.
Regarding the deaths in Baghdad there is still some question whether they were from American or Iraqi ordinance. However based upon the quantify of the bombs that have rained down on Baghdad and the limited number of casualties it is obvious that the US is taking extreme measures to avoid civilian casualties. However they are unavoidable and will occur i fear in much larger numbers when Baghdad is laid siege to.
Yes au1929
That's what worries me most, Baghdad surrounded and the siege taking the toll on the civilians.
Wasn't the last time Baghdad was laid siege was when the Mongols attacked. The city was decimated, the canal systems ruined, and most of the population killed?
There is no reasoning, with a creature like, Saddam. He is willing to sacrifice his own people in the hopes that world outcry will come to his aid, and try to put a stop to this. The wheels are already in motion, and the only one to stop this carnage is the one who started it. Saddam is a madman, and he is assuring a place in history, for himself. True megamania at it's worst.
And our society accommodates him, that's what is really sad.
Can't tell you was in the local brothel when the Mongols attacked and missed the whole action:lol:
Re: Definitly A 10
ferrous wrote: The world is in an outrage, because 15 and then 48 civilians were killed. Hell, that ain't nothing yet. I.
That is not the main reason the world is outraged!
Who said anything, about "main" reason.
Your response, fails to deal directly with my statement. It adds nothing. Therefore, my response stands, as originally stated.
The only thing of any importance, in your present response, is that it accomplished one thing... You now have 278 respones, here at A2K.
Re: #278
ferrous wrote:Who said anything, about "main" reason.
Your response, fails to deal directly with my statement. It adds nothing. Therefore, my response stands, as originally stated.
The only thing of any importance, in your present response, is that it accomplished one thing... You now have 278 respones, here at A2K.
No, you didn't say it was the "main" reason -- in effect, you said it was THE reason.
I could not care less how many responses I have here -- and my response most assuredly added something to the discussion. It never hurts to be subtle once in a while and allow the reader to fill in the blanks -- and quite obviously that was what I was doing.
Your statement "The world is in an outrage, because 15 and then 48 civilians were killed" nonsense. The world is in an outrage because unlike you, the world want peace -- and they don't like the idea that the United States, under the direction of a man who didn't have the guts to fight for his country when he was called, is shoving its considerable weight around in inappropriate ways.
Unfortunately, being subtle with some people is futile -- and considering what you have written here, I guess I should have realized you are one of those people.
I apologize. I'll not overestimate your intelligence again.
A Solution To This Madness?
You again, misquoted me.
I did not state that it is "The" reason ...
I stated very clearly, that the world is in an outrage, that we are killing civilians. Kofi Aman even felt that it was necessary to make a statement:
"I must say I'm getting increasingly concerned by humanitarian casualties in this conflict," Mr. Annan stated at UN Headquarters in New York shortly before he was due to chair a top-level meeting of UN relief agencies.
"We've just heard the reports that a missile struck a market in Baghdad and I would want to remind all belligerents (The United States and Iraq) that they should respect international humanitarian law and take all necessary steps to protect civilians," he added. "Besides, they are responsible for the welfare of the civilian population in the area."
You have failed, in your attempt to respond to what I have written in any clear, concise manner. You have now misquoted me twice, and have only offered some vague idea that "The world is in an outrage because unlike you, the world want peace."???
Lets see, unlike me, the world want (ooops wants) peace. Again, I disagree with you. I imagine that we both want peace, but have different methods and ideology, as to how to attain a lasting peace.
I did, make a mistake, when I used the term "world." The correct terminology should have been, that there are those certain individuals, that some, still believe that differences can always be settled with peaceful negotiations, and are outraged that we are killing innocent civilians, in a war that could have been prevented. At this time, it really doesn't matter the legitimacy of this war, only that we are engaged in it now.
Tell me, "oh so wise one," how are you purposing that we attain this peace now?
How can u support Bush???
You have just been feasting on Bush's Lies. To call this American Terrorist act Operation Iraqi Freedom is a joke. Bush is after two things: vengeance and oil. Freedom doesn't make his list of reasons. He is after money and power just like Saddam Hussein.
The Peacepipe
My, My, My... We certainly know what you've been smoking.
LAB - never mind ferrous - just check out the poll stats! Of course, maybe there was a misunderstanding about which way the scale goes.....
I'd say, that the poll is just about right, for this "Liberal Rag."
I did not misquote you -- I said " effect, you said it was THE reason."
IN EFFECT you did say it was THE reason.
You wrote:
"Tell me, "oh so wise one," how are you purposing that we attain this peace now?"
We were not discussing how to attain peace.
We were discussing your comment ""The world is in an outrage, because 15 and then 48 civilians were killed"..."
The fact that civilians were killed is ONE OF THE MANY unfortunate consequences of this pathetically rationalized war.
But there is no use trying to reason with you -- you have decided in typical knee-jerk fashion to defend this bit of bullschidt. You have the audacity to write: "Bush is showing the fortitude and determination, to see this thing, through the bloody end."
That is the kind of nonsense in which someone like you, a person who would call attention to the typo absence of an "s" on the word "want", would revel. The only reason people like Bush get away with this crap is because of people like you.
Peace, in essence, is the absence of war, Ferrous.
You attain it by not starting wars.
And you do not re-attain peace once war has begun by lauding the morons who started it.
"you can't talk to a man
with a shotgun in his hand"
This "Liberal Rag" is apparently more than you can stomach. Some Pepto Bismol is in order. Better still,
stop reading something which causes you malaise.
Here's how to "rank" GWBush. Click the link and wait a minute before moving your cursor around the picture. Have fun! c.i.