Thu 27 Mar, 2003 01:59 am
Your choice can be influenced by whatever you think is important.
Explanations for the rank you gave would be interesting, but please try to stick to giving your own reasons for the high/low score, rather than getting feisty over someone else's point of view.
too soon for me to make a choice.
is 10 the best and decending to 1 as the worse?
History will show that Bush had a disasterous effect on this country.
But for now, I'm afraid that this poll says more about us than about Mr. Bush. :wink:
Minus 10
His administration has not one redeeming feature. He is America's second Pearl Harbor.
What do you mean, ebrown?
A2K membership, though diverse, is not representative of the world's public opinion. It's not representative, either, of the American's public opinion.
Voters of this thread may or may not be representative of the opinion of the A2K membership, since the poll is not answered by a sample, but by whoever wants to make an input.
But heck, it's fun!
(I was undecided between 1 and 2, voted 1, but you can count it as 1 1/2).
Your ranking doesn't show my rating for GWBush. How about minus 20? c.i.
Bush: Hero or tyrant?
While War is a last option in all cases, it is one that nonetheless must come about in an attempt to restore freedom to an oppressed nation.
Whether that is the Americans right to do so, is debatable ofcourse.
However, standing back and allowing a regime to commit crimes against their people and for us [all nations] to stand back and and say "it's not our place to interfere" is cowardly and pitiful.
I do not advocate War, but I do not condem those who stand tall to protect a nation in chaos.
There will always be the horrors of War, but in the end Victory that allows a people to live with ALL the rights afforded to them under the protection of Humanitarian Law is a verdict I am willing to live with.
Thus Bush gets a vote of #10 from me.
welcome to a2k, forensicflirt!
one point from me, for the war, for public policy screwups (especially the step back from the job training and job search programs), for tax cuts and following public expenditure cuts, for dragging religion into politics, phew. did i leave anything out?
I give him a seven.
If the conflict in Iraq is done by the first of June, it would move up to a 9.
If we are still fighting then, it goes down to a 5.
Re: Bush: Hero or tyrant?
ForensicFlirt wrote:While War is a last option in all cases, it is one that nonetheless must come about in an attempt to restore freedom to an oppressed nation.
Whether that is the Americans right to do so, is debatable ofcourse.
However, standing back and allowing a regime to commit crimes against their people and for us [all nations] to stand back and and say "it's not our place to interfere" is cowardly and pitiful.
I do not advocate War, but I do not condem those who stand tall to protect a nation in chaos.
There will always be the horrors of War, but in the end Victory that allows a people to live with ALL the rights afforded to them under the protection of Humanitarian Law is a verdict I am willing to live with.
Thus Bush gets a vote of #10 from me.
So that is what you think this war is about!
That is so cute!
I didn't vote.
There are presidents who haves earned a 1 -- and I would not want to insult them by lumping George Dubya with them.
Yea, that he's a nit-wit.

Dubya won a
1 vote from me only because it was the lowest listed.
Without mentioning names, there has been some cooing on this thread about American public opinion and Dubya.

Let's remember that Dubya was not elected president by the American people. He was appointed president by the U.S. Supreme Court, so he has no mandate from the voters.
billhank: You may wish to remember a lie as truth, that is something that I am not comfortable doing.
The only important numbers to remember about the 2000 election are:
Bush:271 Gore:266
The American People NEVER elect the president and vice president.
The electoral college determines the winner.
And, like it or not, it was in fact Bush.
I need no tutoring from you on the way America elects a president. I know all about the Electoral College, thank you.
The fact remains that the voters in Florida, where Dubya's brother is governor, were NEVER certain of the correct outcome of their votes.
The fact also remains that a mandate of popular votes was given to Al Gore in the 2000 election. The fact still remains that the U.S. Supreme Court interceded in the "election" of Dubya under questionable circumstances.
I appreciate your tutorial, max, but you wasted your time typing it. Dubya's "election" will always bring reminders of voter fraud, etc. It is an "election" that will live in infamy. But, max, don't blame me, I voted for Gore.
So much for political science.
Yes - but what do people think of how he is doing NOW?
I voted 1. Not only because of the war - but because of environmental issues, concerns about a resurgent theocracy, health and because I can't cope with people who cannot spell!
i can't cpe with them either :wink: