So airplanes can fly.
Is water supposed to be wet?
No, it was supposed to be kinda leathery, but God goofed.
If my diet soda has no calories, no sodium, no carbohydrates, no sugar and no fat, then what the h*** is it made out of?
It's full of carbon dioxide.
Why is Chicken Parmesan called Chicken Parmesan?
Because Veal Parmesan was alread in use.
Why is there air?
As I told Equus it is so airplanes can fly, but it also helps fill the void between buildings.
Why does the sun set in the west and not the north?
Because it doesn't rise in the South.
Where is the end of the rainbow?
In a pot of gold.
Why does oil look shiny?
Because they call it black gold
Why do women drive so fast?
They're trying to get away from you.
Is this the Insult Thread?
Only for you, but you don't know it.
Is it true that gravy is really a substitute for aspirin?
Only if you like your mashed potatoes smothered with aspirin.
What does it mean when water is "bottled at the source"?
It means they placed they bottle directly under the sink faucet instead of using a hose.
Why aren't cemeteries more cheerful?
Because they aren't traditionally constructed with bright colors.
Why must you mix an egg with boxed pancake batter?
Because that's what the instructions ask for.
Why are plates made of China but not of Japan or Egypt?
They are working on it, they just haven't perfected it yet.
Why do frogs jump instead of walk?
Because their legs are too short.
Is there really a way to dig all the way to China?
Even if there was, I myself would just take a plane.
Why some do people not follow directions?
Because some people are just idiots.
Why is an orange?
Why isn't an orange, Why is a word of questioning.
Is there a reason people have baby teeth since they just fall out?
Without baby teeth, children would just be gumming until they get their other teeth.
Is it possible to speak clearly without moving your lips?