Presently, the whole of scientific principles are based upon biased +=- and -=+ logic and I argue that this all stems from a philosophical belief system that good is bad and bad is good .i.e. the GUESS, and it is is a GUESS that as good and bad cannot be defined then let’s just ASSUME they are the same.
That’s fair enough. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that apart from the FACT that it could be FALSE.As there is only a HOPE that there is OR isn’t a God because at the end of the day HOPE is all anyone has because the FACT is (science claims it likes facts) nobody has definitive PROOF one way or the other then the HALF logic statement above needs to be balanced with -=- and +=+ logic as well simply because a God may have an opposite opinion to +=- and -=+ logic.
I argue that as all sciences are interconnected then there should be evidences for the principle of -=- and +=+ logic as well. Clearly, there are factual evidences in NATURE for this alternative logic in electromechanical processes. Nature utilises -,-…-,+…+,-…+,+ logic whether we like it or not. Nature couldn't care less IF WE DISAGREE WITH THIS,
I argue that it is unwise therefore to ignore NATURES alternative -=- and +=+ logic in scientific deliberations.
Unfortunately, this is precisely what has happened over the years which has culminated in the INVENTION of the gravity theory which was conjured up in the imagination of an individual’s mind. As mentioned previously observations are not backing up this theory.
Philosophy and Nature couldn’t care less about our belief systems. Believe what you want. However, remember nature has already confirmed that with magnetic principles anyway a + and - ARE different. They ARE NOT the same.
In order to balance the books a + and - in NATURE needs to be SEPARATED.
Philosophically, as it cannot be proved that good is bad and bad is good then this opinion needs to be separated from the opinion that good is good and bad is bad at least until the statements can be definitely proved one way or the other.
I argue that science going forward should take into account -=- and +=+ logic as well in its theories because presently scientific theories are unbalanced logically hence why we are now seeing the failure of the gravity theory.
LOGIC has caught up with the gravity theory and NATURE doesn't agree with the logic that science is presently adopting to to INVENT its theories.
The gravity theory is making scientists look like total idiots. Scientist can’t blame anyone else for this.
It’s CRYSTAL clear that scientist have been adopting their biased philosophical views to their scientific theories hence why it has all gone "pear shaped". They have been and are still trying to put a square peg into a round hole because they are adopting incorrect HALF logic to their scientific principles.
The starting point for the gravity theory was a PHILOSOPHICAL opinion.
So we can now say that the foundation for the gravity theory is built upon a pure GUESS and not a FACT.....but we knew that anyway didn't we.