The MAGNETISM theory

Fri 20 May, 2022 06:30 am
Observations have always confirmed and will continue to confirm that MULTIPLE BB and MULTIPLE BC is what is actually happening in the universe.

The single BB and BC theory is not what is happening in the universe.
0 Replies
Fri 20 May, 2022 10:42 pm
Get used to hearing it.The single BB/BC theory is about to be scrapped.It’s not a case of if but when.

Fri 20 May, 2022 11:50 pm
That unknown and invented force gravity which was a figment of the imagination of the scientist/scientists who invented it along with the invented “flowery” mathematical equations that attempt support it IS only associated with ATTRACTION or 0,1….1,0 or +/-….-/+ logic.There is no directly related opposite force to explain REPULSION or 0,0….1,1…..-/-……+/+ logic.

You have to look to ELECTROMAGNETISM (The 4 off + and - magnetic force combinations) for that.NATURE utilises FULL logic forces and not HALF logic forces in its CONSTRUCTION.It has no idea what gravity is but then again neither do scientists.

The universe is full of electromagnetic fields.It’s these electromagnetic fields that cause all the many many BB and BC that are happening in the universe which didn’t come about from a single point and won’t end at a single point either as scientists claim.

All matter in the universe has always entered and exited at many many points and OBSERVATIONS confirm this.

Sat 21 May, 2022 11:43 pm
Science and its accept model doesn’t even take into account the BLATANTLY obvious.

As matter DOES enter the universe via many many holes (not black because you can’t define a hole by a colour) and IS disappearing from the universe via many many holes then how on earth can it have entered the universe via a single point and how on earth will it disappear from the universe via a single point? That is just a foolish and ridiculous notion.

The gravity theory is making scientists look like total idiots.

It’s now BLATANTLY obvious that science is into MAGIC.It needs to put its magic wand away and start practicing FACTUAL science and stop trying to re-invent the wheel.

Mon 23 May, 2022 12:05 am
Scientists need to get out there and stop all that disobedient matter from exiting and entering all the many many holes that it DOES exit and enter from/into.

The ship has started to take in water.

Abandon ship!!!!

Tue 24 May, 2022 12:05 am
Clearly,just because an INVENTED “flowery” mathematical equation appears to back up an INVENTED force or theory conjured up in the imaginations of scientists doesn’t remotely mean that the force exists or the theory is correct.That is just wishful thinking.Clearly,the gravity and BB theories are now firm contenders for relegation into the “nice try” category now that OBSERVATIONS are not backing them up.

As we KNOW we have a universe that is full of electromagnetic fields and we KNOW that things SPIN in electromagnetic fields and we KNOW that the things that SPIN are electromagnets and we KNOW these electromagnets have + and - charges and we KNOW that these + and - charges interact in 4 off possible ways -/-…-/+…+/-…+/+ , and we KNOW that these interactions cause ATTRACTION and REPULSION between two objects, and we KNOW that NATURE utilises these forces, then why is it that scientists completely IGNORE these FACTS when considering an overall scientific theory/model I wonder?

My view is that science doesn’t want to acknowledge the above FACTS because it would then have to acknowledge that -/-…+/+ logic is ACTIVE in nature, and this is the real reason why it hasn’t invested any effort in trying to establish the authenticity of electromagnetism being a fundamental part of an overall scientific model.

Tue 24 May, 2022 08:38 am
Until scientists start recognising -/-...+/+ logic, they are wasting their time when it comes to an authentic overall scientific model. They can come up with as many "flowery" calculations to back up as many INVENTED forces/theories that they want.

NATURE hasn't got it wrong.
Tue 24 May, 2022 02:19 pm
NATURE utilises the 4 off electromagnetic force interactions.Presently, science dismisses any possibility that these 4 off force interactions are in any way related to an overall scientific model even though they know their flag ship theories are floundering.

Tue 24 May, 2022 10:53 pm
Science may have its + = - and - =. + logic however that doesn’t tie up with natures logic.

Natures logic confirms and has always confirmed that a + and - are different.

Fri 27 May, 2022 06:20 am
Matter is exiting and entering many many holes and never did exit from a single hole and never will re-enter a single hole (as claimed by UNAWARE scientists with their invented theories and "flowery" equations).This is all backed up by observations which confirm that the universe is NOT expanding uniformly.

Therefore should matter eventually re-enter the many many holes then these SPINNING holes which are also electromagnets will interact with each other.

These attracting /repelling interactions between the spinning holes occur due to the electromagnetic fields that these holes reside within according to the magnetism theory.

Sat 28 May, 2022 01:07 am
Pulsating of stars happens due the the alternating magnetic push/pull interactions within them.This pulsation has absolutely nothing at all to do with gravity and pressure interactions.This idea has been invented by scientists.So says the magnetism theory.
Sat 28 May, 2022 01:20 am
In nature a + is not the same as a -.Magnetism has proved this.You therefore have separated + and - magnetic charges within all spinning holes.As you have both these charges active within spinning holes then spinning holes can attract or repel each other according to the magnetism theory.
Sat 28 May, 2022 01:41 am
Electromechanical/Electromagnetic processes not only make the world go around these same processes are responsible for the operation of the universe and the human body.

Gravity is just an invented word conjured up in the imagination of UNAWARE scientists.
Sat 28 May, 2022 01:53 am
Adequate processing logic cannot be produced by the gravity theory because this theory is only based upon 0,1….1,0 HALF logic.Electromechanical/Electromagnetic processes on the other hand produce 0,0…0,1….1,0…1,1 FULL logic due to their 4 off possible magnetic charge interactions.This is how you KNOW that the gravity theory is a FLAWED theory.

The AUTOPILOT or “machine like” part of our make up requires FULL logic combination interactions to operate correctly.

The gravity theory is finished.It has too many failings and is not a “team player” theory.

This puts many many scientists “out on a limb” flogging a dead horse.

Sat 28 May, 2022 03:46 pm
How does gravity process logic? It doesn’t because gravity doesn’t exist and therefore how can it form part of an electromechanical system which produces electromagnetic interactions that operate absolutely everything in the universe including the thought processes within the brain,

Sun 29 May, 2022 12:06 am
How does the gravity theory relate in any meaningful way to psychology and human thought processing?

It doesn’t because it is a very basic and incorrect shallow theory that has not made the connection yet that all sciences are interconnected and the human make up utilises FULL logic possibility processing rather than HALF logic possibility processing.
Mon 30 May, 2022 02:53 am
Presently, the whole of scientific principles are based upon biased +=- and -=+ logic and I argue that this all stems from a philosophical belief system that good is bad and bad is good .i.e. the GUESS, and it is is a GUESS that as good and bad cannot be defined then let’s just ASSUME they are the same.

That’s fair enough. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that apart from the FACT that it could be FALSE.As there is only a HOPE that there is OR isn’t a God because at the end of the day HOPE is all anyone has because the FACT is (science claims it likes facts) nobody has definitive PROOF one way or the other then the HALF logic statement above needs to be balanced with -=- and +=+ logic as well simply because a God may have an opposite opinion to +=- and -=+ logic.

I argue that as all sciences are interconnected then there should be evidences for the principle of -=- and +=+ logic as well. Clearly, there are factual evidences in NATURE for this alternative logic in electromechanical processes. Nature utilises -,-…-,+…+,-…+,+ logic whether we like it or not. Nature couldn't care less IF WE DISAGREE WITH THIS,

I argue that it is unwise therefore to ignore NATURES alternative -=- and +=+ logic in scientific deliberations.

Unfortunately, this is precisely what has happened over the years which has culminated in the INVENTION of the gravity theory which was conjured up in the imagination of an individual’s mind. As mentioned previously observations are not backing up this theory.

Philosophy and Nature couldn’t care less about our belief systems. Believe what you want. However, remember nature has already confirmed that with magnetic principles anyway a + and - ARE different. They ARE NOT the same.

In order to balance the books a + and - in NATURE needs to be SEPARATED.

Philosophically, as it cannot be proved that good is bad and bad is good then this opinion needs to be separated from the opinion that good is good and bad is bad at least until the statements can be definitely proved one way or the other.

I argue that science going forward should take into account -=- and +=+ logic as well in its theories because presently scientific theories are unbalanced logically hence why we are now seeing the failure of the gravity theory.

LOGIC has caught up with the gravity theory and NATURE doesn't agree with the logic that science is presently adopting to to INVENT its theories.

The gravity theory is making scientists look like total idiots. Scientist can’t blame anyone else for this.

It’s CRYSTAL clear that scientist have been adopting their biased philosophical views to their scientific theories hence why it has all gone "pear shaped". They have been and are still trying to put a square peg into a round hole because they are adopting incorrect HALF logic to their scientific principles.

The starting point for the gravity theory was a PHILOSOPHICAL opinion.

So we can now say that the foundation for the gravity theory is built upon a pure GUESS and not a FACT.....but we knew that anyway didn't we.
Mon 30 May, 2022 06:13 am
Nature doesn't agree with only +=- and -=+ logic.

The universe IS NOT functioning on that logic alone.
Mon 30 May, 2022 10:30 am
Morals utilise logic as well and the presently accepted moral view point and GUESS is that good is bad and bad is good (once again we see the biased HALF logic of +=- and -=+ at play).

We could equally GUESS that +=+ and -=- bearing in mind that NATURE utilises this ADDITIONAL logic as well.

We KNOW that in nature there is a difference between + and -

We don't need to KNOW what that difference is just that there is a difference.

Therefore when it comes to NATURES logic there is no need to DEFINE + AND - in order to definitively PROVE or DISPROVE whether the statement +=- and -=+ is a TRUE or FALSE statement.

We already KNOW that it is a FALSE statement.
Mon 30 May, 2022 10:34 pm
It’s blatantly obvious that as science doesn’t want to recognise NATURES +=+ and -=- logic which is philosophically related to good is good and bad is bad logic then it has completely overlooked the REPULSIVE forces that are present in the universe with -/- and +/+ MAGNETIC FORCE INTERACTIONS.These are force interactions that scientists know occur and are FACTUAL unlike their UNKOWN gravity force which is based upon -/+…+/- logic or philosophically good is bad and bad is good logic and is NOT FACTUAL.Gravity forces are merely the INVENTION of UNAWARE and MISGUIDED scientist.Forces derived out of their imaginations and converted into flowery and nonsensical massaged mathematical formulas.

Science doesn’t have an adequate explanation for the repulsive forces that happen in nature.I mean an adequate explanation not a nonsense explanation to do with heat.This explanation is related to matter that hasn’t entered into holes yet.Scientist need an adequate explanation for how matter gets out of the holes? Scientist don’t have clue.We are not interested in the explosions that occur after matter has exited the holes which is a totally unrelated issue and doesn’t balance out their gravity force that they say causes matter to enter into the hole.

The hilarious bit is still the fact that scientist cannot explain how all matter could possibly have come out of a single hole if it is coming out of many many holes and scientist cannot explain how all matter could ultimately disappear into a single hole if it is disappearing into many many holes.

Clearly COMMON SENSE has totally undone science and it’s nonsense SINGLE BIG BANG theory.


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