The MAGNETISM theory

Tue 31 May, 2022 12:50 am
So it is totally clear that there are localised electromagnetic fields that cause matter to appear and disappear from/into the many many holes in the universe and this has been confirmed by the hot and cold spot outputs that have been observed from overall observations of the universe we know about .In other words the universe is not expanding uniformly as predicted by UAWARE scientists who have based their predictions on a mythical imaginary force rather than natures force…MAGNETISM.

These observations totally finish the idea of a single BIg Bang/Big Crunch and confirm how misguided scientist really are.

The universe is saturated with electromagnetic fields which didn’t come about after their nonsense single Big Bang.

The many many Big Bangs and Big Crunches can’t can’t happen unless these electromagnetic fields are already in place.
Wed 1 Jun, 2022 12:30 am
So how does the magnetism theory connect with psychology?

Well we know that there is an AUTOPILOT or “machine like” part to our make up.

We allow the AUTOPILOT part of our make up to operate in parallel doing mundane tasks whilst we are busy doing other things.

This machine like part of our make up requires FULL possibility logic 0,0…0,1….1,0…1,1 in order to process data fully and not just 0,1…1,0 HALF possibility logic.

Wed 1 Jun, 2022 01:44 am
The foundational origin for the creation of this full logic requirement is electromagnetism and its 4 interaction combinations.
Thu 2 Jun, 2022 01:24 am
How does the gravity theory explain the psychological connection/experience?

It can’t because it is a nonsense theory founded on an illusionary force.An arrogant and confidently wrong theory that makes no connection whatsoever with the other sciences and the only reason it has survived for as long as it has is because it pampers to secularist beliefs.

And we wonder why we are not remotely close to a united theory.

The moral to the story is don’t let secularist loose with science or it will all go “belly up”.

You can’t re-invent nature, which is what secular scientists have tried to do in an attempt to eliminate the possibility of a God.

Thu 2 Jun, 2022 01:17 pm
Secular science is doing its job at the end of the day.

It’s continuing to confirm what isn’t happening in the universe whilst it utilises it HALF logic (0=1….1=0) philosophy to invent its scientific theories in an attempt to confirm its belief systems.

Logic that is totally contrary to NATURES logic.

Personally,I’m not interested in what isn’t happening in the universe.I’m interested in what is happening in the universe.
Fri 3 Jun, 2022 02:08 am
Natures logic determines what is happening in the cosmos not secular science’s logic.

The two don’t match.

Nature's MAGNETIC force interaction logic doesn’t agree with secular science logic.

Secular science needs to explain why it is adopting incorrect logic to its studies.
Fri 3 Jun, 2022 08:18 am
It is not necessary to define what NATURES 0 or 1 is to confirm that Secular Science’s 0=1 and 1=0 is a FALSE claim.

All that needs to be confirmed is that there is a difference.Natures magnetic force interactions confirm there is a difference.

Secular Science has had to invent a force to try and justify its philosophy and belief systems.

Nature doesn’t recognise that force though and secular scientist haven’t a clue what it is either.

Sun 5 Jun, 2022 01:53 am
Secularism logic is different to Natures logic.

Secularism logic needs everything to cancel out so that it can start again by reinventing science.

Secularism needs to explain how it has cancelled out the 2 off different forces in nature which magnetism has confirmed exist.

The 4 off possible interactions of 2 off magnets have definitively proved that these 2 off forces exist and are different.

Sun 5 Jun, 2022 12:13 pm
Secularism is unable to cancel out the 2 off forces in nature because they are different.

So its 0=1...1=0 logic has now been definitively proved as false.

This explains why its invented science doesn't work and observations are now confirming that it doesn't work.

Secularism needed to cancel out natures magnetic forces to be able to justify its invented gravity force.

Sun 5 Jun, 2022 11:18 pm
The reason secularist scientists have not spotted that the 2 off KNOWN forces in nature are different (and they are) is because they have been too focussed on that UNKNOWN force gravity.

So secularism can't cancel out the KNOWN forces in nature in order to satisfy it's nullification philosophical belief system after all.

Nature definitively confirms that 0 does not = 1 and 1 does not = 0.Magnetic combination interactions confirm it. Secularism needs to explain why it has been claiming the opposite.

It also needs to explain why ALL matter is existing and entering many many holes (and it is and they know it) because its theory claims ALL matter enters and exists from a single hole (point).

Mon 6 Jun, 2022 01:07 am
If you let secularist loose with science it all goes "belly up".

They don't have sufficient AWARENESS for science.

They don't possess AWARENESS at all, full stop.
Mon 6 Jun, 2022 05:52 am
So back to REAL science.

As the 2 off KNOWN forces (magnetic) in nature are NOT the same and we have definitive proof of this with the 4 off possible magnet force interactions then how is the equation balanced?

As it is impossible to nullify these forces because with natures forces 0 does not = 1 and 1 does not = 0 then all that can be done is to put these SEPARATE and DIFFERENT forces on BOTH sides of the fence.

Mon 6 Jun, 2022 09:14 am
We are talking REAL science now because we are talking about KNOWN and different but separate forces in nature i.e. electromagnetic forces, unlike the secular scientists still UNKNOWN imaginary force (gravity) which was invented by them from flowery math following their philosophical and incorrect assumption that 0 = 1 and 1=0 which has now been definitively proven as a total load of nonsense by AWARENESS and OBSERVATIONS.
Tue 7 Jun, 2022 01:28 am
Scientists clearly don't understand the logic of nature?

The electromagnetic force interactions of 2 off spinning objects in nature clearly provides a logic of 0,0...0,1...1,0...1,1 and clearly shows that natures 2 off KNOWN forces are different.

0,0 = 2 off N - Repel
0,1 = 1 off N AND 1 off S - Attract
1,0 = 1 off S AND 1 off N - Attract
1,1 = 2 off S - Repel

Note: a 0 and 1 could be a N or a S,....who knows...who cares...there are two known forces in nature and they are different.

We know that these 2 off electromagnetic forces are different from their interactions which clearly provide 0,0 and 1,1 logic as well as 0,1 and 1,0 logic.

We know that scientists claim that their is no ABSOLUTE difference between the 2 forces in nature hence why they claim 0=1 and 1=0 and why they only adopt 0,1 and 1,0 ABSOUTE logic.

Well, we now know that is a false claim. There is 0,0 and 1,1 ABSOULUTE logic as well in nature.

So then, if we are letting UNAWARE scientists loose and they are only utilising HALF logic to determine their philosophy and science, is it any wonder that it has all gone "belly up" and they are having to INVENT a force (gravity) and get the GLUE out (gluons) to try and explain it all?

We should be questioning and challenging UNAWARE scientists who clearly have no understanding of the foundational forces and logic of nature.
Tue 7 Jun, 2022 11:38 pm
So let’s look at the ALLEGED 4 off forces of nature:

Well, we can discount gravity because that is an UNKNOWN flowery mathematical creation, invented by UNAWARE scientist who came up with it from their incorrect philosophy logic that 0=1 and 1=0 which we know is not the logic that nature adopts.

The logic nature adopts is 0,0…0,1…..1,0…..1,1….PERIOD.

Scientists can’t correlate the macro with the micro and the reason is that they are trying to compare apples with pears.Gravity doesn’t exist and yet they insist it does because they hold on to HALF logic science.

So then we come to the strong and weak forces and electromagnetism.

Well firstly, electromagnetism has two forces associated with it which are different.This has been definitively proved by the 4 off electromagnetic force interaction combinations when 2 off magnets come together.2 off interactions attract and 2 off interactions repel.

So now we are comparing 2 off electromagnetic forces with 2 off nuclear forces.

The 2 off nuclear forces don’t exist.

The only forces that exist are the 2 off electromagnetic forces.These electromagnetic forces are the common denominator between the macro and the micro.

Wed 8 Jun, 2022 11:20 pm
So we have definitive proof that the secularism biased logic of 0=1 and 1=0 doesn’t agree with natures logic.

We have and have always had definitive proof of this.

The reason secularism science hasn’t noticed this is because it is totally UNAWARE.

Science needs to get the basics right and adopt natures logic of 0,0….0,1…1,0…1,1 to its science if it wants results that make sense and correlate with actual observations.
Thu 9 Jun, 2022 12:03 am
How embarrassing is that for science that we have definitive proof and have always had definitive proof that it hasn’t been adopting a logic to its science that correlates with natures logic.
Fri 10 Jun, 2022 12:20 am
Nature utilises 0,0…0,1…1,0…1,1 logic and this is definitively confirmed by its 4 off magnetic force combination interactions which also definitively confirm that the 2 off forces in nature are different.

So why is science only adopting 0,1….1,0 logic and why is science claiming that 0=1 and 1=0 when this logic doesn’t apply to natures forces?

Also, science is yet to explain why it is claiming that all matter came from a single point and will go back to a single point when we have definitive proof that matter enters and exits the universe from many many points.

So why is science adopting nonsense logic that contradicts natures logic and also making nonsense claims about matter?

Fri 10 Jun, 2022 02:17 pm
So natures logic has definitively confirmed that the 2 off known magnetic forces in nature are different and 0=1 and 1=0 logic is incorrect.

Science needs to take notice of this rather than thinking that they are the same and continuing with that illusionary and invented from flowery math force gravity.

After all Science only invented that illusionary force gravity after they incorrectly assumed that 0 and 1 are the same.
Sat 11 Jun, 2022 12:23 am
You can try to argue with nature all you like but we have definitive proof about natures absolutes and these 2 absolutes in the form of 2 off magnetic forces definitively prove that these forces are “not the same” by their interactions.

So as far as these 2 off magnetic forces are concerned 0 does not equal 1 and 1 does not equal 0.

So why isn’t science exploring this difference but rather prefers to continue trying to find its illusionary gravity force which was invented from flowery math after it wrongly assumed that 0 and 1 are the same.


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