Tue 19 Jul, 2011 07:05 pm
Recently i was reading about the experiments done on photons in which causality appears to be violated,in that an action done in the present alters an outcome in the past,and it got me thinking about two things, the nature of light and the nature of time. In einstein's theory of relativity, time is dependent on speed, in that the faster one goes and the closer one gets to the speed of light, the more time slows down, in that all processes slow down. Is it possible that in the case of photons which self-evidently travel at he speed of light, that time slows down to an absolute stop? As this would account for the apparent violation of causality, in that there is no violation because put simply, both actions happen simultaneously, at least from the point of view of the photon. if so, because time and space are two sides of the same coin, would this also mean no space for the photon? and if so, how would the photon manifest itself in the reality we perceive? Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone can reccomend any good literature regarding these subjects that would be great also, as i am not educated whatsoever in physics, as i am sure is evident in my writing, although i have a great interest in it, especially regarding the philosophical implications
Ok, nobody seems to want to answer this, so let me ask another question, if not at light speed, then in theory, what speed would one have to go for time to slow down to an absolute stop?
i find the best way to achieve said state is to phone and request information from any governmental agency
At the speed of light the experience would be that time would stop. The photon would not experience a passage of time. This is true of all gluons that mediate a force that is infinite in range.
I certainly am not educated in physics. I have been told by people who are though that in order to understand things like this, it would help to be educated in physics. Even then, concepts like spacetime are not easily visualized as they are outside our realm of ordinary experience. Or something.
I'm not sure what experiment you're talking about but here is a
link that probably wont help. Just try playing around with google search terms.
isn't that the case for all massless particles, such as the graviton?
I am he which was, which is, and which is to come. " I am " , an infinite state of being. What was he? What is he? What is he to come? I come from the light. The light passed through the darkness. I returned to the light.
What product would that be?
The question I remarked to above must have been removed.
Darkness was created from light, light passed through the darkness, Light returns to the light from which it came. Did the light move? God is light, in him is no darkness at all. God created the light of imagination to create the imagination of light. God is the light thereof.