Stray Cat--
"It was the best of was the worst of times...."
Marvelous read.
Jespah, your advice is a good as any professional could have given. I think GD does read and absorb--he is lucky to have someone as articulate as you.
Boris Kitten, my ex-husband had a very successful career in a large corporation. When he talked to our sons about success, it was always in terms of career and monetary success. He never once talked to them about successful lives or seeking out what would make them happy and independent. Both of them are very creative and don't make much money, but they do what makes them happiest. To me, they are more successful in many ways than my ex was.
GD, the fact that you are still here, reading, analizing and responding is an excellent sign that you are starting to get the point and developing the courage to get out and actually do something. It does take lots of courage to put yourself on the line with no excuses.
Your posts and responses to all the good advice you've been given appears to me to be very positive. Keep posting and listening--there are some very wise and experienced here people who are truly caring and generous with their time and advice.
GD, I had no idea mate that you have been going through these trying times !
You have my number, anytime you want to talk abt anything, dont ever hesitate to call me. I probably can't give you any advise, but can always lend a ear, or a shoulder....
Hi Grand Duke!
I came across a particular book last night, and I thought about you. It's called "Man's Search For Meaning," by Victor Frankl. It's a classic of its kind.
Frankl was a very well known psychologist. He was also a Jew who survived life in a Nazi concentration camp.
Check it out!
Well, GD, lots of support and advice here.
I just want to remind the wellknown fact that traffic signs show the direction, but actually don't go themselves to the places the show:
you must act if you want to. :wink:
Hoping, you are doing fine, GD!!!
[QUOTE="Grand Duke"[/QUOTE]
I thank you for your son's story, Lady J, and for your advice. Although not likely to happen, I'd like to meet your son. Our histories are certainly similar, but I'm hoping that my future is more like his than the one I am currently heading towards. Thank you again.[/quote]
I would love for you to meet him sometime, GD. He is young but he is so very wise. You two would have a lot to talk about. I have thought so much about you since my last post and have worried like a good mom should. In fact, you have an entire "family" of very caring people here who don't want to see you hurting in any way.
Just wanted you to know, you're in my thoughts...