@Frank Apisa,
Nahhhh, you cannot be serious.
Let's have Hillary in her own words.
Campaign Finance: “(We need to) get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.”
(Sounds great, right? Too bad that not only is this a pipe dream, but the Clintons were found using foreign finances to back their election. So not only is there plenty of lobbyist bribes but even interests from other countries)
Free Community College for Qualified Students: “I fully support President Obama’s plan to make community college free.”
(Ever stop to think that maybe some of this comes with a price tag? Like higher taxes and more regulations? Nah, you probably don't pay taxes. Neither do I but that's because I've stopped working)
Expand pre-K Programs to More Children: “I think we have to start that in pre-kindergarten. I think we have to give more kids the chance to get ready.”
(Cradle to grave brainwashing starts young. Why not give kids a head start by involving them in as many programs as possible?)
Paid Family Leave: We are the last developed country in the world that has no national paid leave for parenting or illness.”
(Once again, zero thought to tax consequences, or that maybe less women would be hired)
Building on Obamacare: Health care: “I am committed to trying to, you know, build on what works in the Affordable Care Act… Part of what I’ll be doing during the campaign is looking for ways that we keep what works and what’s lowering costs.”
(Shall I tell you about how I stopped paying for insurance entirely after I discovered that my insurance would be more than I make in a month, and spent the rest of my time working out exemptions from Obamacare? The term Affordable Care is a joke)
Immigration Reform: “We are really missing out on economic opportunity because we haven’t been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform… We are saying to all these other people who want the same dreams and the same aspiration and the same willingness to work hard just like our families did that, ‘No, we’re not going to…make it legal for you.’”
(When conditions become as bad as the places they left, we won't have an immigration problem anymore)
Make Equal Pay More Enforceable: “We’re going to, I hope, continue to push legislation that would make equal pay more enforceable.”
(Employers are looking for a good deal. If women are the same price as men, they have to be the same work quality. Some are, which means they should get a raise later on. But some aren't. A job might hire predominantly women and pay them less because they tend not to demand as hard. This means mostly women are hired, and men have to find work elsewhere. Say that a business decides to pay women $10/hr and men $12/hr. For $60, they can pay six women, or five men. They will hire six women. Lower pay is a competitive advantage, that gets them in the door easier. Later, if their work is high quality, they can be paid as much of more than their male counterparts. To remove this advantage actually hurts women)
And here is a list of awful things she and Bill have done.