This is Biden's America

Sun 3 Jul, 2022 11:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
Don't forget, Frank, the nomination was stolen from Sanders. Rolling Eyes
Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 11:33 am
hightor wrote:

Don't forget, Frank, the nomination was stolen from Sanders. Rolling Eyes

0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 12:41 pm
Always incestual usa!
0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 12:59 pm
At the time of the primaries back then I ran countless posts about it. Not going to spend the time it would take to dredge it all up again.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 01:04 pm
Those who blame Bernie for Hillary's loss have no grasp of the situation. After she was nominated he worked harder campaigning for her than she did. Those who blame Bernie for telling people not to vote are wrong too. He told people to vote for her and he told people to vote for Joe. Anyway, this thread is dedicated to Joe and 2022 and 2024, not Hillary.
Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 01:44 pm
The Bernie people had plenty to do with the loss of the Dems in 2016. PLENTY. And anyone who does not realize that has no grasp of the situation, which may account for the fact that those same people are doing as much as possible to insure a defeat for the Dems in 2024.

Bernie ended up doing lots to help Hillary in 2016, but he was unable to control his nutcase followers. That kind of thing happens often.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 02:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yes, you live in a different universe and a different reality.

You may need mental help. Or as people who actually know what they are talking about say, psychological help. Psychological help is when there is something wrong with your mind, mental help is when you're stupid.

I was watching the election in Virginia until 11pm that night. I remember it pretty clearly. Most of my state was heading red with Abigail Spanberger losing, along with some Muslim candidate. Badly. Hours later, I awoke with a "Wtf just happened?" These two candidates were at a much closer margin, and several districts had flipped over. I should have taken pictures, cuz the next day I was treated to a healthy dose of gaslighting from the forum admin of a forum that I have since left.


Sure enough, Virginia is orange highlighted, as one of the states suspected of fraud (though they think only a small percent of fraud occurred compared to other states).

By contrast, Bernie Sanders did fare better than Joe Biden in 2020.
It's obvious to everyone from conservatives to socialists that democrats sabotaged him.

The funniest part? Now, even Bernie is telling them to change course before they crash and burn. (Though his plan probably does involve sketchy solutions)

Meanwhile in Biden's version reality, who is responsible for high gas prices? Is it Americans buying too much gas? Is it Putin in Ukraine? Big Oil Companies? Donald Trump? White Supremacists? Oil Refineries not producing? Now he's saying that the gas stations themselves are overcharging. Like this would be a viable strategy. Most gas stations make next to nothing on gas (someone quoted $0.04 per gallon) and have little control (one gas station owner got tossed on his rear after he missed a decimal point and began charging $0.495/gallon instead of $4.95/gallon), making more on chilidogs (which often cost only a few bucks). Once gas costs twice or thrice as much, how many people do you think would buy chilidogs?

How dare liberals interfere with my God-given right to eat gas-station chilidogs!
In fact, just for that, I'm changing my signature.
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 02:14 pm
izzythepush wrote:

I thought Mrs Clinton won the popular vote.

I will say that the DNC later admitted to rigging and said as a private entity it was their legal right to do so.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 02:40 pm
The reason for Hillary's loss has nothing to do with Russia. And it has nothing to do with Bernie. And it had nothing to do with "racism" unless you massively distort the definition. It has everything to do with Obama.

After 8 years of Obama forcing people to pay insurance mandates, woke LGBT policies (among the worst was a fine for misgendering people), and other such things, people had enough. They voted for a candidate that Democrats thought was a troll pick. I mean, look at Trump. The thing is, it was "anyone but Hillary." She was more of the same, more corruption, more wokeness, and more stupid rules. In other words, Hillary's loss had some to do with Obama, but a great deal to do with Hillary herself.
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 02:54 pm
but a great deal to do with Hillary herself.

Another usa prez ticket of pure evil. And the "citizens" go on playing the game their puppet masters want them to play because "well, we always have out great history to fall back on" until you just scratch the surface.

There isn't another nation to compare the usa to as regards evil save for its partner, the uk, which it fought to steal uk lands from lands which the uk stole from others in the world's largest genocide ever.

Shakespeare couldn't write a better and bigger tragedy. Comedy, if the entire four centuries long debacle was not such an entirety of deep evil. All hidden by the most appalling lies.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 03:16 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, you live in a different universe and a different reality.

You may need mental help. Or as people who actually know what they are talking about say, psychological help. Psychological help is when there is something wrong with your mind, mental help is when you're stupid.

I was watching the election in Virginia until 11pm that night. I remember it pretty clearly. Most of my state was heading red with Abigail Spanberger losing, along with some Muslim candidate. Badly. Hours later, I awoke with a "Wtf just happened?" These two candidates were at a much closer margin, and several districts had flipped over. I should have taken pictures, cuz the next day I was treated to a healthy dose of gaslighting from the forum admin of a forum that I have since left.


Sure enough, Virginia is orange highlighted, as one of the states suspected of fraud (though they think only a small percent of fraud occurred compared to other states).

By contrast, Bernie Sanders did fare better than Joe Biden in 2020.
It's obvious to everyone from conservatives to socialists that democrats sabotaged him.

The funniest part? Now, even Bernie is telling them to change course before they crash and burn. (Though his plan probably does involve sketchy solutions)

Meanwhile in Biden's version reality, who is responsible for high gas prices? Is it Americans buying too much gas? Is it Putin in Ukraine? Big Oil Companies? Donald Trump? White Supremacists? Oil Refineries not producing? Now he's saying that the gas stations themselves are overcharging. Like this would be a viable strategy. Most gas stations make next to nothing on gas (someone quoted $0.04 per gallon) and have little control (one gas station owner got tossed on his rear after he missed a decimal point and began charging $0.495/gallon instead of $4.95/gallon), making more on chilidogs (which often cost only a few bucks). Once gas costs twice or thrice as much, how many people do you think would buy chilidogs?

How dare liberals interfere with my God-given right to eat gas-station chilidogs!
In fact, just for that, I'm changing my signature.

Jesus H. Christ.

Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 03:18 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

The reason for Hillary's loss has nothing to do with Russia. And it has nothing to do with Bernie. And it had nothing to do with "racism" unless you massively distort the definition. It has everything to do with Obama.

After 8 years of Obama forcing people to pay insurance mandates, woke LGBT policies (among the worst was a fine for misgendering people), and other such things, people had enough. They voted for a candidate that Democrats thought was a troll pick. I mean, look at Trump. The thing is, it was "anyone but Hillary." She was more of the same, more corruption, more wokeness, and more stupid rules. In other words, Hillary's loss had some to do with Obama, but a great deal to do with Hillary herself.

The Bernie people had plenty to do with Hillary's loss. And Hillary's loss was America's loss...and the people of planet Earth's loss also.
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 08:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
And Hillary's loss was America's loss...and the people of planet Earth's loss also.

Are you serious? No really, are you serious?!? "Planet Earth's loss", really?!?

Dude, do yourself a favor and read Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary by Dick Morris. You see, the author isn't just some conservative type who hates liberals or whatever. They served as adviser to the Clintons for two decades. They know how they live, how they think. And that is why they very much weren't impressed by the likes of her. Neither was I after reading up on her. She's a loser. And she lost.

To put it into perspective, she's a smug spoiled dullard who literally can't type her own emails (you know, the ones that go her into hot water), who doesn't drive or shop for her own groceries. In short, she's like me, but I'm not incompetent (at least, I can type and use a computer), and I'm not so deluded I think I'd be a good presidential candidate.

I would vote for you well before I would vote for Hillary. You at least have some likeable personality traits, even though I suspect you're farther left than I'd want.
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 08:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,

Also, Jesus's middle initial is E, not H.

Jesus Emmanuel Christ.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

The Anointed
Sun 3 Jul, 2022 09:01 pm
Also, Jesus's middle initial is E, not H.

Behold, (An almah) A young unmarried woman is with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

On the day that Jesus was baptised, the spirit of the Lord God our saviour descended upon him in the form of a dove as the heavenly voice was heard to say; "You are my son, 'THIS DAY' I have begotten thee."

Or as said in Hebrews 5: 5; "You are my son, 'TODAY' I have become your Father."
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 4 Jul, 2022 05:36 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

And Hillary's loss was America's loss...and the people of planet Earth's loss also.

Are you serious? No really, are you serious?!? "Planet Earth's loss", really?!?

Dude, do yourself a favor and read Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary by Dick Morris. You see, the author isn't just some conservative type who hates liberals or whatever. They served as adviser to the Clintons for two decades. They know how they live, how they think. And that is why they very much weren't impressed by the likes of her. Neither was I after reading up on her. She's a loser. And she lost.

To put it into perspective, she's a smug spoiled dullard who literally can't type her own emails (you know, the ones that go her into hot water), who doesn't drive or shop for her own groceries. In short, she's like me, but I'm not incompetent (at least, I can type and use a computer), and I'm not so deluded I think I'd be a good presidential candidate.

I would vote for you well before I would vote for Hillary. You at least have some likeable personality traits, even though I suspect you're farther left than I'd want.

Yes, I was serious, Bluma. And I stand by what I said.
Frank Apisa
Mon 4 Jul, 2022 05:37 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:


Also, Jesus's middle initial is E, not H.

Jesus Emmanuel Christ.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

It is H.

"Hallowed" be thy name.
Mon 4 Jul, 2022 07:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
But that's God's name.

"Our Father, who Art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name."

So God's name that he likes to be called in heaven is Arthur (Art) Hallowed God.

Art H God.
0 Replies
Mon 4 Jul, 2022 08:27 am
@Frank Apisa,
Nahhhh, you cannot be serious.

Let's have Hillary in her own words.

1. Campaign Finance: “(We need to) get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.”
(Sounds great, right? Too bad that not only is this a pipe dream, but the Clintons were found using foreign finances to back their election. So not only is there plenty of lobbyist bribes but even interests from other countries)
2. Free Community College for Qualified Students: “I fully support President Obama’s plan to make community college free.”
(Ever stop to think that maybe some of this comes with a price tag? Like higher taxes and more regulations? Nah, you probably don't pay taxes. Neither do I but that's because I've stopped working)
3. Expand pre-K Programs to More Children: “I think we have to start that in pre-kindergarten. I think we have to give more kids the chance to get ready.”
(Cradle to grave brainwashing starts young. Why not give kids a head start by involving them in as many programs as possible?)
4. Paid Family Leave: We are the last developed country in the world that has no national paid leave for parenting or illness.”
(Once again, zero thought to tax consequences, or that maybe less women would be hired)
5. Building on Obamacare: Health care: “I am committed to trying to, you know, build on what works in the Affordable Care Act… Part of what I’ll be doing during the campaign is looking for ways that we keep what works and what’s lowering costs.”
(Shall I tell you about how I stopped paying for insurance entirely after I discovered that my insurance would be more than I make in a month, and spent the rest of my time working out exemptions from Obamacare? The term Affordable Care is a joke)
6. Immigration Reform: “We are really missing out on economic opportunity because we haven’t been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform… We are saying to all these other people who want the same dreams and the same aspiration and the same willingness to work hard just like our families did that, ‘No, we’re not going to…make it legal for you.’”
(When conditions become as bad as the places they left, we won't have an immigration problem anymore)
7. Make Equal Pay More Enforceable: “We’re going to, I hope, continue to push legislation that would make equal pay more enforceable.”
(Employers are looking for a good deal. If women are the same price as men, they have to be the same work quality. Some are, which means they should get a raise later on. But some aren't. A job might hire predominantly women and pay them less because they tend not to demand as hard. This means mostly women are hired, and men have to find work elsewhere. Say that a business decides to pay women $10/hr and men $12/hr. For $60, they can pay six women, or five men. They will hire six women. Lower pay is a competitive advantage, that gets them in the door easier. Later, if their work is high quality, they can be paid as much of more than their male counterparts. To remove this advantage actually hurts women)

And here is a list of awful things she and Bill have done.
Frank Apisa
Mon 4 Jul, 2022 09:20 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Nahhhh, you cannot be serious.

Let's have Hillary in her own words.

1. Campaign Finance: “(We need to) get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.”
(Sounds great, right? Too bad that not only is this a pipe dream, but the Clintons were found using foreign finances to back their election. So not only is there plenty of lobbyist bribes but even interests from other countries)
2. Free Community College for Qualified Students: “I fully support President Obama’s plan to make community college free.”
(Ever stop to think that maybe some of this comes with a price tag? Like higher taxes and more regulations? Nah, you probably don't pay taxes. Neither do I but that's because I've stopped working)
3. Expand pre-K Programs to More Children: “I think we have to start that in pre-kindergarten. I think we have to give more kids the chance to get ready.”
(Cradle to grave brainwashing starts young. Why not give kids a head start by involving them in as many programs as possible?)
4. Paid Family Leave: We are the last developed country in the world that has no national paid leave for parenting or illness.”
(Once again, zero thought to tax consequences, or that maybe less women would be hired)
5. Building on Obamacare: Health care: “I am committed to trying to, you know, build on what works in the Affordable Care Act… Part of what I’ll be doing during the campaign is looking for ways that we keep what works and what’s lowering costs.”
(Shall I tell you about how I stopped paying for insurance entirely after I discovered that my insurance would be more than I make in a month, and spent the rest of my time working out exemptions from Obamacare? The term Affordable Care is a joke)
6. Immigration Reform: “We are really missing out on economic opportunity because we haven’t been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform… We are saying to all these other people who want the same dreams and the same aspiration and the same willingness to work hard just like our families did that, ‘No, we’re not going to…make it legal for you.’”
(When conditions become as bad as the places they left, we won't have an immigration problem anymore)
7. Make Equal Pay More Enforceable: “We’re going to, I hope, continue to push legislation that would make equal pay more enforceable.”
(Employers are looking for a good deal. If women are the same price as men, they have to be the same work quality. Some are, which means they should get a raise later on. But some aren't. A job might hire predominantly women and pay them less because they tend not to demand as hard. This means mostly women are hired, and men have to find work elsewhere. Say that a business decides to pay women $10/hr and men $12/hr. For $60, they can pay six women, or five men. They will hire six women. Lower pay is a competitive advantage, that gets them in the door easier. Later, if their work is high quality, they can be paid as much of more than their male counterparts. To remove this advantage actually hurts women)

And here is a list of awful things she and Bill have done.

Hillary is ten times better a human being than Trump...or any of his supporters.

And you do not get to tell me whether I am serious or not.

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