Lash wrote:
Frank, you’ve lost that last crumb of brain. You’re making a fool of yourself.
But if you want to subsist on your current level of idiocy: You are the traitor to the promise of this country. Because of you, this country will never recover. It’s a morass of unaccountable criminals seeing who can outmaneuver the next. Multimillionaires buying news trends. FBI, CIA, IRS: all providing the muscle against the people for the highest bidder. The world built by Frank.
Frank Apisa: traitor to America, oppressor of women and minorities and their children.
You are a nut case...and so is Edgar.
It is one thing to criticize...I can do it...and will in my next post.
But for you two to put one criticism after another is doing nothing less than giving aid and comfort to the people attempting to make America into a dictatorship.
Good luck with that. For you to call anyone else except yourself and Edgar "traitor" is hilarious.
Now...for my criticism of Joe Biden.