<Ellpus gets turned on by a primal scream, and lets forth with a torrent that ends ten years of celibacy....there is a gulping sound, and someone starts to choke>
<gustav watches in horror as wet kernel of corn turns into something resembling a miniature carrot. Something alive!>
<<<still paralyzed in the corner>>>
<Kicky eyes bulge....adams apple moves up in a rapid fashion.... and the tainted English juice begins its descent into the short, fat Italian guy>
or is that just Ranch dressing from the tossed salad he was munching?
Mmmm...tastes just like chicken salad...
<Ellpus, fully sated, lights a cigarette, and considers a short nap before watching the football>
Heeven makes a quick getaway while lads are prostrate with exhaustion - time for spot of shopping on the way home - got to find new chastity belt since this one has been buckled completely.
<Gustav flicks the emu feathers off his walking stick, shakes kicky off his backside, and walks away in a rapid fashion.>
<Ellpus wipes the now flaccid todger, applies some more herpes cream, and ambles off after Gus>
and no-one even bought me dinner! bastids!
<Kicky falls asleep in a ditch with his pants down around his ankles and a satisfied grin (along with some strange viscous fluid) plastered on his face>
is everyone else typing one handed?
I have no hands - I type with my toes.
What the heck are you all doin' in here?
This place is a MESS!
Your fathers gonna be home any minute now and this better be cleaned up before he sees it!
And, wash your hands and toes for goodness sakes!
Heeven wrote:and no-one even bought me dinner! bastids!
I'll buy ya dinner ... but, eh -- <winces> some other day, 'k?
>runs like hell from cleaning suggestion<