Teacher vs Researcher

Thu 29 Apr, 2021 01:32 am
We are now becoming AWARE of the "MACHINE" like programming that is at play within which only becomes apparent with the 4 off logic pair possibilities..... not so apparent with the 2 off logic pair possibilities.

A biological machine that SELF needs to take more CONTROL of.
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Thu 29 Apr, 2021 02:26 am
Also, picking up on you point about "probability" ...I agree ...a very cunning trick...an end point needs to be known for "probability" to work.

If there is no end point known then "probabilities" based upon EVIDENCES, one way or the other, are utterly meaningless.

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Thu 29 Apr, 2021 05:30 pm
The specific issue of the “core” and charge should be the task in a later time, I think. And so are the issues of anti matter, dark matter, cosmos, etc. Physics must be step by step.
“…it (science) has now reached a cross roads”. Haha…bounce…bounce…bounce…
0 Replies
Thu 29 Apr, 2021 05:36 pm
This post is a bit odd.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.

(Seems that piggy has to do some amendment / adjustment to the comment about “consciousness” above.)
During the course of exploration, people perhaps touch the leaves of a tree first, then the sticks, and so on the stock, at last the root. But for a tree, the root is the most basic.

The PESENCE (the spherical electromagnetic wave, simplified physical model as “circle kind standing wave”) is actually the root of Einstein’s principle of Relativity.

The natural system of logic: the PESENCE (“circle kind standing wave”) → the mass – space equation (r ∝1/ M) or the energy – space equation (r ∝1/ E) SELF in control → The consciousness of the dynamic situation (L’∝1 / M) → The subconsciousness of the dynamic situation (relativistic space: L’ = L / γ; relativistic mass: M = γM0 , due to velocity, here γ is the Gama factor in SR).
So, Einstein’s SR is a reasonable theory in the “consciousness” category.

First of all, the PESENCE does have such kind of physical / substantial property of integrity of space – mass or energy.

Einstein grabbed the leaf of the tree while piggy grabs the root of tree. Obviously, the leaf and the root are interconnected by the stock (trunk) of the tree.

And we can expect that the contraction of space should be in all directions because mass or energy is a scalar without direction.
“SELF with the assistance of PRESENCE is meant to take overall CONTROL”

(This context is associated with the chapter “The second “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity” in the physics thread)

Liqiang Chen
April 30, 2021
No matter how much social resource they input, no matter how complicated / cruel their game would be, their only purpose is to play piggy down. That’s their iron law / rule, “the first law of cosmos” created by the First Order, which never changes. (Piggy would die hard in CN… absolute affair. I am sure.) But piggy trusts that history / science is ever developing.

Piggy warned the local dark lord 钟永康of Jiangmencity, who was my former classmate of the Yaxi Middle School (崖西中学), in about 2019 that he can make a decent and comfortable living in CN with his remarkable social ability he just live in his own way. Why he must be so extremely ambitious to try every means to control piggy’s fate and must try to confine piggy in his small business as a half – self payment watchman to show up how glorious he is in the Jiangmen city? It seems inappropriate.
Piggy hereby has a chat with the who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui (新会一中九一四班谁谁): you appreciate (欣赏) the social ability of the local dark lord 钟永康of Jiangmen city, you just cooperate with him to make money. Why you must use him to absolutely play piggy dead? Good idea it is? 我自横刀向天笑。哈哈
Piggy really doesn’t know when the First Order will decide to shout “execute”…And then, piggy would disappear entirely in this cosmos. Bounce…

0 Replies
Thu 29 Apr, 2021 11:39 pm
Era, touchy and feely:

Once upon a time, piggy reminded in the physics thread that “At this moment, smart researchers who are sensitive in physics might think about such a question: Why piggy can derive the mass – space equation from both Einstein’s SR as well as the pig’s physical model of elementary particle?” (At that time, piggy considered that the pig’s physical model of elementary particle is somewhat static “consciousness”. Now, piggy has made clear that it’s the PRESENCE. haha)
Now, piggy has made use of Jasper10’s philosophical principle to explain the reason clearly above.

Seems that science hereby in a2k first has formally entered into a new era.

Once upon a time, piggy asked those guys in an “authentic” site that “why piggy’s physical model has so many “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity? Is it a simple affair?” Piggy didn’t think that they were sensitive. The worst, positive spirit toward new research gone. Haha

Last time, in the transition of science from the “absolute subconsciousness era” to the “relativistic subconsciousness era”, Einstein could show the principle with math;

This time, in the transition of science from the “relativistic subconsciousness era” to the “SELF and PRESENCE era”, PHILOSOPHY shows it. (This point was in piggy’s expectation at the very beginning. That’s why piggy started the physics thread in philosophy forum.)
The mass – space equation is the iconic equation of this transition.

Thank you, guys.

Liqiang Chen
April 30, 2021
Piggy is AWARE that I have been punished dead invisibly by the local dark lord 钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui (新会一中九一四班谁谁) in what CN. Haha…我自横刀向天笑。哈哈
Perhaps piggy owes their mothers very much. Bounce…
Once upon a time, the local dark lord 钟永康of Jiangmen city, who was my former classmate of the Yaxi Middle School (崖西中学), told piggy: “you die hard”. Yes piggy hereby agrees with his humble opinion very much. He wins, always. But why must piggy be in conformity with his consciousness (a half – self payment watchman in his small business)?
0 Replies
Fri 30 Apr, 2021 03:21 pm
AWARENESS, touchy and feely:
Guys might feel strange that “where’s the AWAREENESS? It’s not in the philosophical chart!”
Oh, dear guys, AWAREENESS perhaps lies in your own heart.
If you are AWARE, you can shake off the effect of reference frame, then, the mass space equation L’∝1 / M will change to be L∝1 / M, namely r ∝1 / M . (Piggy has talked about this point in the chapter “Unified rules of the 3D physical space” in the physics thread.) You can escape the confinement of “consciousness” and transit to the new era of SELF and PRESENCE. After that you will realize that SELF turn around to control “consciousness”. (Once upon a time, piggy said: “In critical juncture of history, those guys who are willing to invert the habitual thought could be good player.
” in the physics thread.)

Liqiang Chen
May 1, 2021
Piggy is AWARE of three points:
1. Science has formally entered into a new era. “SELF with the assistance of PRESENCE is meant to take overall CONTROL”
2. Piggy himself die hard as the local dark lord 钟永康of Jiangmen city, who always tries every means to control piggy’s fate, said once upon a time.
3. The civilization of human beings “has now reached a cross roads”. The First Order will control this cosmos.
Fri 30 Apr, 2021 11:54 pm
SELF absolutely can control the 2 off “toggling” consciousness types of manual and autopilot that occur SUBCONSCIOUSLY without SELF being AWARE of the fact.

Why the “toggling”?....well the biological machine needs SELF’s help to learn new things and also requires SELF to take control when it doesn’t have the capacity/capability to do so.The individual does take CONTROL all the time but only subconsciously and because it is a subconscious act SELF is not AWARE of it. The individual is therefore a “prisoner of consciousness “.

AWARENESS is the key.

The individual needs to become AWARE/PERSUADED of the 2 off consciousness types.

The individual then needs to take the initiative and rather than being subconsciously controlled by the biological machine who dictates the “toggling” RATHER take control of the “toggling” effect themselves but CONSCIOUSLY this time.

SELF needs to exercise purposeful ENERGY/CONTROL to start the “toggling” process so that SELF can consciously EXPERIENCE it.Having purposefully started the “toggling” process SELF then needs to learn to STILL the process in order to become aquatinted with PRESENCE.

SELF can take CONTROL any time it wants.

The person who is not AWARE of the consciousness types is trapped within them...as has already been said a ......“prisoner of consciousness”

SELF IS NOT those consciousness types.SELF “toggles” between the two in EITHER a SUBCONSCIOUS or CONSCIOUS mindset...in other words SELF is either in CONTROL and AWARE of the process or they are not.
Sat 1 May, 2021 12:21 pm
“AWARENESS is the key.”
Yes. AWARENESS is about the ability of people to understand nature.
If people are AWARE, they view nature in this way;
If people are not AWARE, they view nature in that way.
Actually, many people still got trapped in the SUBCONSCIOUS era......If they are willing to derive the dynamic mass – space equation L’∝1 / M, then they can truly count as entering into the CONSCIOUSNESS era.
Piggy saw some guys still discussing whether E = mc² applicable to gravitational field in an "authentic" site. Why don’t they come to a2k to get an answer. Haha…
Many many guys are still arguing what’s time in all kinds of sites. Even not yet find out which is the true “King Shi”, how can they solve the problem? What a joke. What they can do is just “prisoner of consciousness” and speculator. haha
Sat 1 May, 2021 01:30 pm
In summary,

We now know that AWARENESS is crucial.

We now understand the concepts of SELF “toggling” between consciousness types hence SELF is NOT those consciousness types.

We also know that this “toggling” happens whether SELF is aware of it or not.

We also know that SELF has the ability to initiate the “toggling” effect CONSCIOUSLY....i.e. TAKE CONTROL by continually SHIFTING the consciousness state.

We also know that SELF needs to control/regulate or even STILL the “toggling” effect once SELF knows about it.

STILLNESS is associated with PRESENCE.

PRESENCE at the philosophical level is a real concept.........so in that case ......if I were to never think again...even so.......”i am”.

Why? because I am not a thought...I just have conscious thoughts (outward) and experience subconscious thoughts (inward).


Sat 1 May, 2021 01:33 pm
Is there any correlation in physics related to STILLNESS or PRESENCE?
Sat 1 May, 2021 01:58 pm
These are the types of “toggling” SELF experiences during the “prisoner of consciousness”

0,0 ...subconscious/subconscious toggling ((UNAWARE/UNAWARE)
1,0...conscious/subconscious toggling (AWARE/UNAWARE)
0,1...subconscious/conscious toggling (UNAWARE/AWARE)
1,1...conscious/conscious toggling (AWARE/AWARE)
0 Replies
Sun 2 May, 2021 04:03 pm
Expressions, touchy and feely:

Among the word “PRESENCE”, the word “existence” and the term “I am”, seems that the word “PRESENCE” is the best choice.

As piggy said in your thread: “SELF is just a word or say expression. An alternative word or expression for it could be PROPERTY (性质), I think. If something PRESENCE / EXISTs in this cosmos, it must have its own PROPERTY. Such as: a man has moustache while a rabbit would grow long ears. PRESENCE is true thing, so its PROPERTY is true too.”
Among the word “SELF” and the word “PROPERTY”, seems that the word “SELF” is a bit philosophical and fun. So, piggy suggests use this one.
One inherent property of matter is the integrity of mass and space (r ∝1 / M).

The word “consciousness” in philosophy actually correlates “different physical environment” in science, such as the dynamic situation and gravitational field. The focus is the “external appearance” of the inherent property of matter. Take the dynamic mass – space equation L’∝1 / M above for example: It carries the effect of reference frame. It might generate a false impression that the property of integrity of mass and space is caused by velocity.

The word “subconsciousness” in philosophy also correlates “different physical environment” in science, such as the dynamic situation and gravitational field. The focus is that it even can’t directly reflect the “external appearance” of the inherent property of matter. Mass Point Dynamics is that case. An example is Einstein’s SR: relativistic space: L’ = L / γ; relativistic mass: M = γM0 , due to velocity, here γ is the Gama factor in SR. So, as piggy said above : “Actually, many people still got trapped in the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS era......If they are willing to derive the dynamic mass – space equation L’∝1 / M, then they can truly count as entering into the CONSCIOUSNESS era.”

SELF in control: As piggy said ahead: “First of all, the PESENCE does have such kind of physical / substantial property of integrity of space – mass or energy.” Only those people who are AWARE and transit to the new era of SELF can realize it.
Mon 3 May, 2021 04:54 am
A teacher usually teaches what others have researched.
A researcher is excited to teach what he researched.
It's nice to receive a Gem from someone but it's exciting to dig and find a Gem yourself.
The world is full of hidden Gems in books, movies and now the internet, so get excited and dig. You never know what you will find.
Psalm 83:18
Mon 3 May, 2021 06:55 am
Oh? Internet…
Would Dandan / Harvey (that large rabbit) feel painful if you pull its ears? haha
0 Replies
Mon 3 May, 2021 03:01 pm
“A teacher usually teaches what others have researched.
A researcher is excited to teach what he researched.”
No bad a comment.

Why * sir’s “Rabbitism” must be considered as “standard”? Piggy likes to carve a Gem of his own.
We should try to dig our own creativity in science.
The spirit of science should be exploration never stops its feet.
0 Replies
Tue 4 May, 2021 10:52 am
Well if a mathematical explanation can superimpose a philosophical principle or a philosophical principle can superimpose a mathematical explanation, that would be pretty remarkable don’t you think?
Wed 5 May, 2021 02:38 pm
“STILLNESS is associated with PRESENCE.”
Yes, the correlation in physics could be the “rest reference frame”, I think. When we research the PRESENCE itself only, we need not to consider movement, gravitational field, etc. So, the “rest reference frame” always attached to the PRESENCE is enough.

In history, people were habitual to observe others in movement (Mass Point Dynamics). Now it’s time for us to meditate and focus on ourselves in STILLNESS.
Philosophically, people have a common illness: they like to appraise others… “you this”, “he that”… Now it’s time for us to ask quietly: how about ourselves? haha
Wed 5 May, 2021 02:49 pm
Yes. Math and philosophy are just different methods of descriptions. Analyzing with different methods, if no contradiction happens, it might mean we touched something correct.
0 Replies
Wed 5 May, 2021 03:01 pm
So SELF if AWARE can control the 2 off consciousness types (autopilot/manual) “toggling” to the point of STILLNESS at which point SELF becomes aquatinted with PRESENCE.....
0 Replies
Wed 5 May, 2021 03:05 pm
The natural system of logic in respect of energy:
The PESENCE (“circle kind standing wave”) → internal energy (E) SELF in control → The consciousness of the dynamic situation as well as the gravitational situation ( conservation of energy︱△U ︱= ︱△Ek︱)
(This context is associated with the chapter “primary unified conception of energy” in the physics thread.)

Liqiang Chen
May 6, 2021

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