Teacher vs Researcher

Mon 7 Feb, 2022 07:10 pm
Prisoner of logic 6, touchy and feely
Bull vs virus, touchy and feely
A bull has two horns. +/ -, + / -…all people scared and run away.
A bully bully then “sure enough” virus must have two mouths, +/ -, + / -…crunch all people dead. Bliss, glory and eternity belongs to virus, bully and the First Order.
A bully bully “sure enough” nature has to be output by his logic. His logic is in CONTROL of this cosmos.
Unfortunately, professional biologists found under microscope that virus looks like a crown, which has no mouths.
G* seems doesn’t like people to “sure enough” what game he plays.
The so – called what + / - logic is not a basic natural rule but an artificial tool only.

Prisoner of logic is actually a typical kind of “prisoner of consciousness”, because he is entirely CONTROLLED by his own mind. He climbed into the cage of his own psychology / consciousness. But nature is not his psychology / consciousness.

(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 12:40 am
What you state is not true htam9876.

You only ever mention +/- or -/+ logic combinations htam9876. Why is that?

Nature utilises not only +/- ….-/+ combinations but it utilises -/-…+/+ combinations as well……MAGNETISM!!!!

We all know that we don’t know whether G* exists or not so all anyone has is HOPE…..which means I can only be as sure as I can be about something but I can’t provide definitive proof which is the same for modern day science as well.

There is better science than what is presently out there at the moment….i.e. HALF science which is entirely based upon the belief (NOT FACT) that good is bad and bad is good…i.e. +/-..-/+ logic.

The cosmos is not made up of your logic htam9876 which is a lie ….it is made up of +/-…-/+..-/-..+/+ logic and you know it …you observe it with MAGNETISM!!!

Electromagnetism produces the 4 off logic combinations which produce the forces;sine waves observed in nature.

Big bangs and Big crunches happen within the electromagnetic fields that permeate the cosmos.Electromagnetic fields that scientists are only now beginning to take seriously.

All sciences are interconnected.
Tue 8 Feb, 2022 01:14 am
You could also say that G* has allowed for a belief or non belief in him.
Thu 10 Feb, 2022 01:31 am
You could suggest that the magnetic fields came after the Big Bang…on the other hand you could suggest that they came before.

You could also suggest that magnetic fields and Big Bangs were there at the same time….i.e. neither preceded the other.

Something causes Big Bangs!!!!

Electromechanical processes cause Big Bangs according to the MAGNETISM THEORY.

Does the gravity theory have an answer to the fundamental question of what causes Big Bangs….ummmmmmmmm…..NO…

The magnetism theory is a FULL theory not a HALF theory like the gravity theory.

The magnetism theory should therefore be taken seriously.

0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 02:33 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 bully bully from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 bully bully would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research.
Science is not something has to follow who to DREAM;
Science is not something has to accept whose limitation of logic either.
Science is not something has to argue with神经病 either. 呵呵
Game is over. Time wasted.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 02:36 am
History vs development 2, touchy and feely:

In the history of human society, revolution is not a rare thing. In critical juncture of history, revolution occurred, blew some limitation of logic set by the rulers and then push history develop into next stage.
At the beginning of any revolution, some guys had consensus and common purpose / direction. They were friends and dear comrades and fight side by side in battle field. Time passed away, some of them, especially speculators, ambitious conspirators might have their own plot. They might separate from the revolutionary group, even became anti – revolution. History was full of such kind of regrettable incidents.
Nonetheless, new blood joined in the revolution and pushed it ahead to success. They became new friends and dear comrades…Some guys who originally toggle toggle on the wall joined in the revolution too after they recognized the trend of development of history.

In science, the phenomenon was the same.

If somebody “sure enough” he can replace G* / Lord of creature. Why not establish his own church and sing his own “bible”? Not capable to do that? Or fear no one would go there to prey? Bully what here?

Why should piggy waste time to argue with a 神经病? How happy the First Order would be.
Piggy learned a lesson in PHF in 2020.

The spirit of science should be exploration never stop its feet. The development of history never stops due to one or two stumbling stone.
Put down the burden and head to the new life. 放下包袱,本向新生命。
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 02:40 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Yes. He (Mark)'s working to eliminate illusion. Piggy saw it.

One case is against massless particle. Piggy mentioned this point at the beginning of my physics thread, and has honored him in the pig head award 2021.

Another case is against the illusive view of the world about the issue of double – slits experiment in a fellow guy’s thread.
Piggy has “rigorously” analyzed the problem in the traditional explanation of double – slits experiment and has delivered an alternative explanation in the thread “matter vs anti matter”. As piggy pointed out ahead in this thread, it’s “theory disturbed experiment” resulted in the illusive view of the world dominating the “authentic” community. Nothing should be illusive in nature.

Illusion is just some guy’s insufficient cognition of nature, or, the love in of some idealists.
An idealist’s logic is “illusion /casual imagination + bully = G* / Lord of creature”. “Illusion / casual imagination > fact / reality”. In this way he can CONTROL this cosmos with his mind and replace G* / Lord of creature. But why others have to admit him unconditionally? Unless he can “0” output USD; “1” output English pound; “0” output RMB; “1” output Japanese Yen…haha

The development of science is the materialism breaking through the limitation of idealism. The history of science is the history of eliminating illusion. Science is ever trying hard to make cognition / subjectivity / conjecture get closer to or say in conformity with natural rule.
Galileo was the first guy. Perhaps Newton was the second one to blow the “walls”. Einstein seemed to be the third one standing on the shoulder of giants. The tall building of science was established step by step.
Many illusions had been eliminated by time, for example, the ether. Next one would be massless particle, piggy guesses. Matter wave / probability wave seems a stubborn.
The so called + / - logic and fool logic would be buried into the coffin box together with J – 10 bully bully. There he can insult nobody. haha
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 05:21 am
J10 is not a bully…….. J10 talks common sense based upon SOUND LOGIC….+ is not the same as - …modern day science research is confirming this and magnetism certainly does.This is baffling scientists because they are expecting them to be the same….I have told you all along that they are not the same.

My science/philosophy confirms the findings of scientific experiments and is based upon the logic that nature utilises i.e. full logic and not BS half logic.

Who’s the bully here?

I’m certainly not the bully according to nature.It has declared me innocent on that score.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Feb, 2022 12:43 am
Here’s a bit of home work for you…htam9876…

Provide a list of how the gravity theory correlates with psychology and then explain in more detail the contents of the list.

Now that’s a good future exam question.

If you want a united theory then the gravity theory must be able to correlate with psychology as it must correlate with all the sciences.


Sat 12 Feb, 2022 01:27 am
The magnetism theory states that electromagnetic fields and big bangs/big crunches have ALWAYS been in place at the same time.


Because you require SPIN (all stars/planets/subatomic particles spin) to create the electrical signals that are required to create the electromagnetic fields and you require the electromagnetic fields to create the SPIN that creates the electrical signals.

Magnetism is the end result of the above “closed loop” system which results in the 4 off +/- charge combinations that cause big bangs and big crunches.


The magnetism theory just continues to give and give because it is a balanced theory unlike the gravity theory which is an unbalanced theory based upon BS HALF science and philosophy.

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 12:06 am
So modern day science’s GUESS is that magnetic fields came after Big Bangs………really? ……..PROVE IT!!!!!

Electromagnetic fields were around at the same time as big bangs/ big crunches, if not before, according to the magnetism theory.
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 01:25 am
Once again, the problem modern days science has it that it ASSUMES a lot and then claims assumptions are FACTS when they are not.

Modern day science ASSUMES that the electromagnetic fields came after the big bangs because it’s BS half logic philosophy science has no answers if this weren’t the case.

It isn’t the case.

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 03:40 am
Mr. Albuquerque had a funny comment elsewhere. Piggy moves it here for reference.
Illusions IF illusions are REAL illusions…
Finally I am ending this as I was so crystal clear that any further debate is an attempt at stubbornness and is not genuinely trying to engage in any learning!”
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 03:44 am
Ig – Pig Head Award 2
Mark’s comment in a2k:
“Dreams seem 'Real' too - Until the dreamer Wakes-Up...”
Piggy’s additional comment here:
DREAM sometimes is good thing. At least it can satisfy a fool’s own mind with his psychology, e.g. travelling back in time to meet his old lover...haha
Piggy often DREAM at night too: “0” output USD; “1” output English pound; “0” output RMB; “1” output Japanese Yen…then piggy has much money to fund the Pig Head Award. But until piggy wake up, piggy found that the pig head is just a third rated citizen in the Jiangmen city, who can do nothing in this society, except waiting to die.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 03:46 am
I'm a poor wayfaring stranger
While journeying through this world of woe
And there’s no sickness, toil, nor danger
In that bright land to which I go
I’m going there to see my Father
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather ‘round me,
I know my way is rough and steep
And beautiful fields lie just before me
Where God’s redeemed there vigils keep
I’m going there to see my mother
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home
I want to wear that crown of glory
When I get home to that good land
I want to shout salvation’s story
In concert with the ohh blood-washed band
I’m going there to see my Saviour
I’m going there no more to roam
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
so I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 04:59 am
J-10 isn't dreaming though...J-10 is wide awake.....If only modern day science could wake up from its dream of ever finding out what gravity actually is, let alone finding its illusive antigravity (so that it can finally put its GLUE away).J-10 knows what magnetism is and doesn't have to MAKE STUFF UP and THEN claim it to be FACT.

The magnetism theory correlates with all the sciences ....the gravity theory doesn't.

The gravity theory is in serious trouble going forward and you know it!!!!

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 05:22 am
Here is an example of a bad scientific statement that is based upon an ASSUMPTION.

A statement that we are all expected to accept as a FACT………lol……..yeah right!

“The electromagnetic fields that permeate the whole of the cosmos at both the macro/micro levels came after the Big Bang”..……..BS!!!……..prove it.

These electromagnetic fields were around at the same time as the Big Bang/Big Crunches, if not before.

The reason modern day science makes such WILD CLAIMS/ASSUMPTIONS is because its BS half philosophy science has no answers otherwise…….…….all it has is it’s nonsense half gravity theory.

The magnetism theory has no problem at all with these electromagnetic fields being around at the same time if not before big bangs/big crunches.
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 06:02 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 bully bully from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 bully bully would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research.
Science is not something has to follow who to DREAM;
Science is not “illusion /casual imagination + bully = G* / Lord of creature”;
Science is not something has to accept whose limitation of logic either.
Science is not something has to argue with神经病 either. 呵呵
Game is over. Time wasted.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2022 06:05 pm
Amendment of the Pig Head Award (2021) No. 1 position

The original statement of “Is there a corresponding “mysterious” output in science?” from J – 10 cancelled. Actually it was just a redundant item / question.
Moreover, science and nature is not something “output” by whose logic / psychology. Science and nature is the “elephant”.
Human beings is just a very tiny part of this cosmos, who are trying to cognize natural rule (tough the elephant).

Actually this No. 1 position is to propagate a message only: the spirit of science should be exploration never stops its feet.

Game is over. Time wasted.
Put down the burden and head to the new life. 放下包袱,奔向新生命。

Liqiang Chen
Feb 15, 2022
Tue 15 Feb, 2022 09:28 am
The magnetism theory is a sound theory and not a BS theory dreamt up by scientists who don’t even know what gravity is let alone antigravity which it hasn’t found yet because it is the ILLUSION…..

Remember, because + and - are not the same …a balanced formula is:

Toggling +/- = Toggling +/-

The electromagnetic fields that permeate the whole of the cosmos were definitively around at the same time as big bangs/big crunches, if not before.


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