Fair comment, touchy and feely
Now, it’s very obvious that J – 10 rubbish is 神经病, that sort should be mandatory closed in metal hospital and take deep treatment. I am sure.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k community and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time.
Such evil trolling by J – 10 rubbish in piggy’s threads, especially in the physics thread is obviously sabotaging and intentionally disturbing piggy’s normal scientific research here. It’s far beyond normal discussion. It’s absolute insult to science and rude trampling upon human civilization. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. I am sure.
(Imagine you are cultivating in your own farm, and then a mad guy burst in and disturb your cultivation and must force you to follow him to DREAM.)
J – 10 rubbish has receded to be a stumbling stone in the development of science. I am sure. Actually such social scum as J – 10 rubbish can do nothing substantial in science except DREAMing and TROLLING others.
Actually that NO SAVE fool can’t understand what’s scientific research and scientific analysis, even not capable to read and think normally.
Such evil behavior of J – 10 rubbish / social scum is unacceptable and unforgivable. Regrettable, there is no mechanism workable to SOLVE such problem.
It’s absolutely a tragedy in science.
Freedom doesn’t mean one can casually attack and disturb others. More or less, freedom means mutual respect. You have your freedom. He has his freedom. Me have my freedom.
Perhaps in one’s mind, his view is absolutely correct and he can replace G* / Lord of creature. No matter what he does is absolute correct. But from the eye of others, it might be absurd. Useless at all.
No one has to unconditionally accept other’s view as duty. No one has to accept whose limitation.
If somebody invaded and did something harmful to others and wants to escape with just denial (gangster’s philosophy), the human civilization accumulated over thousands of years would collapse.
This time piggy invites scientists and researchers around the globe come to a2k and review whether j – 10’s behaviors in my threads, especially in the physics thread, from the date of 25 Aug, 2021
can count as trolling.
This is the first step, the beginning.
Piggy is serious.

Piggy learned a lesson from PHF last year. The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But actually what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
Obviously that guy’s mission was to sabotage and intentionally disturb piggy’s normal scientific research there.
Whether this can count as “fair comment”?