Teacher vs Researcher

Tue 23 Nov, 2021 02:04 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

We are not thoughts we initiate thoughts.We are separate from thoughts.

SELF is the one who initiates the electrical signal into the brain which instigates the electromechanical process.The electromechanical system produces sinusoidal waveforms (Oscillations)….reasonings if you like….

As I have previously mentioned,electromechanical systems produce +/- force interaction combinations which are responsible for the operation of the cosmos Big Bangs/Big Crunches and everything in it including the functioning of our physical bodies/brain.

All sciences are interconnected.

How does the gravity theory fit into this theory?

Wed 24 Nov, 2021 01:48 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

The sinusoidal waveform is related to the CAGED LOGIC output combinations of 0,0…0.1…1,0…1,1

The gravity theory needs to start relating to this stuff to see how it fits into the overall united equation.It’s dead in the water else…
Sat 27 Nov, 2021 03:06 am
I’m not trolling I can assure you…

SELF sits outside of the electromechanical system but inputs signals into it which results in the 2 off fools caged logic philosophy…..

What does modern day science know about this stuff…? not a lot it would seem…
Sun 28 Nov, 2021 02:46 am
I’m not trolling I can assure you…

You can’t have a scientific theory that doesn’t “dove tail” with the psychological make up and then still believe you are going to come up with an overall united theory….it’s not going to happen….PERIOD.

The gravity theory…...because it is a one sided biased theory..is unable to make any connection with the workings of the physical body/brain

The magnetism theory is more considerate to actual human experience and fully explains things with sound practical explanations/logic.

Thu 2 Dec, 2021 01:49 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Thu 2 Dec, 2021 01:51 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Thu 2 Dec, 2021 01:53 am
Limitation 2, touchy and feely:
Piggy absolutely trusts in the First Limitation, which claimed by the First Order. They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man. Only unfavorable factors are allowed by the First Order to come into piggy’s life.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…
The First Limitation is the most practical, successful and powerful limitation in this world. Everyone has to bow to the First Order (accept their limitation).
The First Limitation is the ABSOLUTE limitation.
Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜.
Have a lovely day.
给他江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团及新会一中九一四班谁谁一个超文革赛阎王光荣称号快快全世界全宇宙万岁! 当今时代,全世界没有什么人能够值得如此殊荣。呵呵

0 Replies
Thu 2 Dec, 2021 05:37 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

If modern day science took electromagnetic systems more seriously and realised how they impact on both the cosmos and our physical make up/workings and how both interact then we wouldn’t have to put up with the foolish and cynical comments as the last 3 off repetitive and boring posts from a scientist who claims he knows what he his talking out…he doesn’t….
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:35 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:36 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:41 am
Time waste, touchy and feely:

The cruel and all around dark sanction / affliction of the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city, (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁), over so many years has shortened piggy’s lifespan at least ten plus years. Piggy is in very bad mental situation and bad health. Piggy’s pulse could stop at any time. Bounce…
Piggy has to avoid waste time with miscellaneous, useless, meaningless argument / disturbance and treasure the last a bit time to research and have a try to solve some specific “hard problems” in science.
In order to prevent the pig head from falling to the trap set by the First Order again and play in their game and waste the last a bit time in life, piggy has given up almost all relatives and old friends, even to such extreme degree that piggy has nothing to talk with the Chinese.
But they know where I am, haha…so, all kinds of troubles would actively come to waste my time, unless piggy can dig a hole under the fence and flee to America.
Piggy really doesn’t know when the First Order would decide to shout “execute”, and then piggy will entirely disappear in this cosmos.
Oh Lord, glory and eternity will belongs to virus and the First Order. High five!
(Piggy dies hard. Actually, most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospect of my family members.)
给他江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团及新会一中九一四班谁谁一个超文革赛阎王光荣称号快快全世界全宇宙打靶啦! 当今时代,全世界没有什么人能够值得如此殊荣。呵呵
0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 08:11 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

Electromechanical systems are the direct connection between our physical body workings and the cosmos…

Science needs to catch up….the cosmos is full of electromagnetic fields with things spinning in it

Electromechanical systems produce + and - charges which interact,resulting in attraction / repulsion.These +/- charges are an output of the electromechanical process…

Electromechanical systems produce sinusoidal wave forms hence the “toggling” process in mental reasonings…

The brain operates due to electromechanical processes….

We are all bored with your constant half theory gravity calculation reworkings….yawn….
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 10:43 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 10:45 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 10:47 am
Pig Head Award for Peace (special):

The Anointed’s comment in a2k:

You're wasting your time with Jasper10, "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN."

URL: https://able2know.org/topic/555934-3

Very fun.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Piggy’s threads are to solve some specific problems in physics and cosmology. Piggy just post some “eccentric” stuff for REFERENCE to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative angle.
If somebody is “ambitious” to CONTROL cosmos, piggy suggests him to go to another appropriate place…for example, to join the First Order or should say “to lead the First Order”??

0 Replies
Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:14 pm
I am not trolling I can assure you….

What is the problem with the modern day science spokesperson….

We know that the cosmos is full of electromagnetic fields…..we know that things spin in electromagnetic fields…we know that sinusoidal waveforms are produced when this happens …we know that electromechanical systems have magnetic + and - charges….we know that + and - charge interactions are different…we know that the physical body is an electromechanical system…….we know that toggling happens in electromechanical systems….we know about caged logic toggling and the 2 off NO BRAIN …NO PAIN reasoning logic fools who can’t definitively prove anything ….we know scientist adopt only 0,1…1,0 logic in their calculation reasonings which result in one sided scientific theories….we know that the gravity theory can’t explain the Big Bang and yet the MAGNETISM theorycan……..we know that modern day science only accepts 0,1…1,0 logic and therefore repelling forces 0,0…1,1…in the cosmos are completely ignored in their calculations…….we know that modern day science has not made the common denominator connection of an overall electromechanical system which interconnects the cosmos and the physical body…...we know that modern day science hasn’t got a clue about consciousness and it’s relationship to all the above…..and on and on it goes……modern day science needs to accept that it hasn’t got a clue about anything that really matters ….i.e. in the grand scheme of things…

Mon 6 Dec, 2021 03:04 pm
I am not trolling I can assure you…

They have removed my MAGNETISM theory off the forums which is puzzling to say the least as it is a really good theory and a far better theory than the GRAVITY theory which is now out of date.

Sinusoidal wavesforms/vibration are the common denominator between the physical body and the cosmos and everything in it.

Ha Ha ..how else do modern day scientists think sinusoidal waveforms/vibration are produced (and can be observed everywhere at both the macro and micro levels) other than via electromechanical systems?

Ha Ha……”TOGGLING” charges….etc etc etc

Need I go on….The GRAVITY theory or the MAGNETISM theory…..????

The MAGNETISM theory is a game changer…..which fits nicely into a UNITED theory and all the evidence to prove it is out there.

Tue 7 Dec, 2021 05:55 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Tue 7 Dec, 2021 05:57 pm
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Tue 7 Dec, 2021 06:00 pm
Theory vs practice, touchy and feely

Below is some material in a textbook about Einstein’s SR. Piggy moves it here for further analysis.

According to the Mass Point Dynamics, the kinematic energy is:
Ek = ∫F●dr (here “F” is the combined force, “r” is distance, “●” is point product)
And momentum P = dF / dt = d(mv) / dt
Then, Ek = ∫F●dr = ∫(d(mv) / dt) ●dr = ∫(d(mv)) ●(dr / dt) = ∫0→v(d(mv)) ● v
Actually, (d(mv)) ● v = dmv ● v + mdv ● v = v²dm + mvdv

According to the mass – speed relationship m = γm0 (here “γ” is the Gama factor),
We got: m²v² = m²c² - m0²c²
Make differential on both sides and clear up,
We got: v²dm + mvdv = c²dm

Then, Ek = ∫m0→m c²dm = m c² - m0 c²
This is the relativistic kinematic energy equation.
In which, E = m c² or E = m0 c² is internal energy.
(Note, vector marks and some details of calculation omitted, because piggy doesn’t know how to display them. Sorry.)

1. During the course of derivation, a key point was that Einstein employed relativistic mass. Or, say he acquiesced that?
Of course, as Vanhees71 said in a physics site:
“Einstein abandoned quite quickly the idea of relativistic masses…utmost confusing…”
So, actually Einstein’s Relativity is still toggling between “establish” and “abandon” in theory.
2. What important is that the exploitation of nuclear energy verified the correctness of internal energy.
3. Watch this event in counter way, the exploitation of nuclear energy verified the correctness of internal energy → the correctness of relativistic mass → the "transverse and longitudinal mass" are the same → what confusing is just man’s consciousness.
4. Should people abandon fact due to confusing in consciousness, or in opposite, should people adjust consciousness according to fact / practice? This is REAL philosophical affair.

Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
Dec 8, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies

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