Teacher vs Researcher

Sun 14 Nov, 2021 02:21 am
I am not trolling I can assure you..

Of course the J-10 logic is useful to science…..

There is the possibility that the physical body is just a machine effectively that works in a predetermined way.

For any scientist to WISH/DREAM/HOPE/GUESS/BELIEVE that this ISN’T the case as a POSSIBILITY is their prerogative…..
Tue 16 Nov, 2021 06:24 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Tue 16 Nov, 2021 06:26 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Tue 16 Nov, 2021 06:32 am
“Here is a principal - I abide by, without reservation. "A greater fool, is One who attempts to instruct a fool".
@ Mark:
(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)
“You're wasting your time with Jasper10, "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN."
@ The Anointed:
Thanks for your reminding...
0 Replies
Tue 16 Nov, 2021 09:50 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

Ha Ha …take no notice of the anointed….if you don’t get your philosophical principles right you will end up with misguided scientific principles as well which is exactly what modern day science is experiencing at the moment.It cannot match the gravity theory to the psychological experience in any meaningful way…period …..because it is a too one sided theory….
Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:04 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

We have to remember that it is the 2 off fools with their combined opinions that are ultimately claiming that the gravity theory is too one sided….I have to agree with them……

When it comes to the workings of the cosmos and the physical body/psychological experience there is is the possibility that both are interconnected by a common denominator i.e.an electromechanical process.

As I have said before, electromechanical systems have STILL (FULCRUM) and MOVING elements to them.Science needs to consider this in their deliberations in my opinion.

Remember, electromechanical systems are balanced systems which have opposing forces.

Science,surely,needs to be developing a united theory which not only takes into account the workings of the cosmos but also the INTERFACES it has with our physical and psychological makeup.

In my opinion, we can no longer say that there is no relationship….that is just ridiculous….and yet that is where we are at with most accepted modern day scientific theories……

As I have said many many times before…science needs to move on…
Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:46 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:47 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:50 am
Piggy often has a false impression: this poor little piggy can talk something in physics as well as in cosmology. Piggy should not be a third – rated citizen in the local Jiangmen city and can do nothing in the local society except waiting to die. But it’s reality. Piggy knows exactly that is my own psychology tricking only. In fact, there are many other things in this society, which really works. Even in DREAM at night, piggy always admit the pig head is useless at all in this society.

That J – 10 virus is also useless at all. Obviously he can do nothing substantial in science but DREAM to CONTROL science. Actually, he is a “prisoner of logic” / ultimate idealist / NO SAVE fool / most immoral internet user. What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!
Piggy not yet dead. The First Order must feel very upset. I am sure. Haha…

What piggy absolutely trusts in is the First Logic (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁). They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…

Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜!
Hi! The First Order!
Bliss, glory and eternity will belong to virus and the First Order. Shining like sun ray…

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Nov, 2021 02:18 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

Well if modern day science can definitively disprove the J-10 theory then great…J-10 would be happy to concede…

Thu 18 Nov, 2021 02:09 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Thu 18 Nov, 2021 02:12 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Thu 18 Nov, 2021 02:14 am
Piggy learned a lesson from PHF last year, and accepted a reminding from The Anointed, avoid waste time to fight with troll.

Once upon a time, Lord did send an angel with the appearance of a pig to try to SAVE a half fool.
At last, the pig heard Lord said: “Oh Lord, that fool is so mad, arrogant, but useless and immoral to such degree of NO SAVE…Just let him be the public target of shooting…”

Very fun…

Logic game fool’s game;
Play game time waste;
No game no play.

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Nov, 2021 09:55 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

The 2 off fools and their logic have come up with a far better theory (magnetism theory) than the gravity theory though…

The gravity theory is starting to look pretty lame now……

Ha. Ha….
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 02:05 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 02:06 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 02:12 am
Limitation, touchy and feely:

Below is a limitation claimed by those “authentic” guys in previous post. Piggy repeats it here (with subtle amendment).

How did a “prisoner of consciousness” generate? Touchy and feely:

Set out from the PRESENCE of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”) and the INHERENT PROPERTY of the mass – space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation “r ∝1/ M” or “L ∝1/ M”;

The fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.
The dynamic Mass – Space equation: r’ ∝ 1 / M or say L’ ∝ 1 / M;
We can resort to a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a “whole” formula: L’ = k / M

Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L are constants, let k = M0L;
Then: L’ = M0L / M;
So, ML’ = M0L;

Play math game:
L’ = L /γ
M = γM0

Relativistic factor is reasonable. Relativistic principles are reasonable. In this step, “γ” is just a mathematical symbol representing proportion only, which doesn’t concern the direction of movement.
But if people consider “γ” is the Gama factor in Einstein’s SR, there might be a false impression that the relativistic effect only happens in the direction of movement, which is caused by the element of velocity “v” in “γ”.

“Consciousness” “claimed a limitation” for people so that those people became “prisoner of consciousness”.

(For details, please see relevant chapters in piggy’s physics thread.)
The conception of matter wave / probability wave was another limitation claimed by those “authentic” guys.
And as piggy said once upon a time in pig’s own threads, the electron is moving in electric field in the apparatus, there is another possibility that the diffraction and interference might be caused by the wave characteristic of electric interaction. (NOTE: This possibility is objective existence, not that kind of “two balls move upward into the sky”, which is subjective psychology / conjecture.) People can’t ignore this objective possibility.
The most absurd thing is that even that NO SAVE fool / “PRISONER OF LOGIC” plot to claim limitation with such rubbish as “toggle toggle BUBBLE BUBBLE…”
Actually “PRISONER OF LOGIC” is the true meaning of “prisoner of consciousness”, because he is absolutely CONTROL by his own mind. Ultimate idealism. His mind claimed a limitation for himself. From the eyes of those materialists, that is just a dog wagging the tail in the cage.

(Human is just a small part of cosmos, making use of some mathematical – physics or philosophical, etc, tools to explore nature / touching the elephant.)

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 09:28 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

Those NO SAVE FOOLS have come up with a better theory than the gravity theory…….and the theory has been clearly explained……THE NO SAVE FOOL knows nothing about the “i am”…. he is the dog chasing his tail….he is wasting his time with his HALF mathematical equations and we are wasting our time listening to him….

0 Replies
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 01:08 pm
I am not trolling I can assure you…..

There is an “i am” …because clearly we are not thoughts …we just have thoughts……the “i am” PRESENCE is still/quiet…..but IS…….The “i am” processes thoughts.

But now we are drifting into other areas of science …and yet …who cares … they are all interconnected…..we are interested in a united theory aren’t we ….yes? ……no?

ha ha…
Sun 21 Nov, 2021 02:46 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

When it comes to consciousness states SELF has to take CONTROL.

SELF has to constantly and consciously shift the consciousness state one experiences from “not in the moment” to “in the moment”.

If SELF doesn’t do this then the “toggling” still occurs automatically but SELF is UNAWARE.

The biological computer constantly requires SELF’s input for reprogramming which is why the consciousness state is switched to manual.

SELF is separate from consciousness states………..once again modern day science has got it wrong…

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