Teacher vs Researcher

Wed 10 Nov, 2021 05:18 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Wed 10 Nov, 2021 05:19 pm
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Wed 10 Nov, 2021 05:21 pm
That NO SAVE fool is playing such a tricky logic game:
ABSTRACT his grand grand father as “1”;
ABSTRACT his grand grand mother as “0”;
Then, his so called fool logic mechanism established.
Thereafter, he exploits it in counter way:
“1” output his grand grand father;
“0” output his grand grandmother;
Then, he became the ancestor…
And, he became the “dog” in CONTROL, while his grand grand father and his grand grand mother have to become the “tail”. The dog wag the tail…
Logic inverted. ABSTRACT overrides substance. Redundant game. Absurd.
Useless is useless.
Actually that NO SAVE fool even can’t understand logic in a scientific / natural way, what can he do in science or philosophy?
(Actually such difference of output between * and # is based on spiral gene. Professional biologists can explain it explicitly. It’s real science.)

Have a lovely day.
(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)
0 Replies
Thu 11 Nov, 2021 09:52 am
I am not trolling I can assure you…

What the other NO SAVE fool is UNAWARE of is that he adopts a fools logic in all his deliberations….It’s just that his fools logic is 0,1…1,0.

His compatriot NO SAVE fool who is AWARE also adopts a fools logic in all his deliberations ….It’s just that his fools logic is 0,0…0,1…1,0…1,1

One fool is hanging his hat on the Gravity theory whilst the other fool is hanging his hat on the Magnetism theory.

Gravity requires an awful lot of FAITH…HOPE…BELIEF that his counterpart “antigravity” might exist.

Magnetism on the other hand isn’t that bothered because he’s only interested in FACTS and + already has a counterpart - so he can balance the books with observation evidence.

Thu 11 Nov, 2021 10:14 am
I am not trolling I can assure you….

Electromagnetism sits on both sides of the fence then?

Ha Ha…
Thu 11 Nov, 2021 05:36 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Thu 11 Nov, 2021 05:37 pm
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Thu 11 Nov, 2021 05:40 pm
Piggy often has a false impression: this poor little piggy can talk something in physics as well as in cosmology. Piggy should not be a third – rated citizen in the local Jiangmen city and can do nothing in the local society except waiting to die. But it’s reality. Piggy knows exactly that is my own psychology tricking only. In fact, there are many other things in this society, which really works. Even in DREAM at night, piggy always admit the pig head is useless at all in this society.

That J – 10 virus is also useless at all. Obviously he can do nothing substantial in science but DREAM to CONTROL science. Actually, he is a “prisoner of logic” / ultimate idealist / NO SAVE fool / most immoral internet user. What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!
Piggy not yet dead. The First Order must feel very upset. I am sure. haha

What piggy absolutely trusts in is the First Logic (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁). They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…

Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜!

Bliss, glory and eternity will belong to virus and the First Order. Shining like sun ray…

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 02:12 am
J-10 is just playing the game because he knows how to play it to get real answers that make sense.He is not interested in the 2 off fools logic really whether it be HALF or FULL logic…J-10 ISN’T logic….. lol…

As our physical bodies are electromechanical systems then it makes sense that the cosmos operates on an identical system….

Modern day science should check out the magnetism theory as a possible alternative theory to the gravity theory because it definitively ties in with the human psychological experience…
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 06:09 am
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?

0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 06:10 am
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 06:12 am
piggy often has a false impression: this poor little piggy can talk something in physics as well as in cosmology. Piggy should not be a third – rated citizen in the local Jiangmen city and can do nothing in the local society except waiting to die. But it’s reality. Piggy knows exactly that is my own psychology tricking only. In fact, there are many other things in this society, which really works. Even in DREAM at night, piggy always admit the pig head is useless at all in this society.

That J – 10 virus is also useless at all. Obviously he can do nothing substantial in science but DREAM to CONTROL science. Actually, he is a “prisoner of logic” / ultimate idealist / NO SAVE fool / most immoral internet user. What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!
Piggy not yet dead. The First Order must feel very upset. I am sure. haha

What piggy absolutely trusts in is the First Logic (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁). They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…

Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜!

Bliss, glory and eternity will belong to virus and the First Order. Shining like sun ray…

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 09:41 am
I’m not trolling I can assure you…

Logic is just software….that the 2 off fools utilise..
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 02:41 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 02:42 pm
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2021 02:44 pm
Piggy often has a false impression: this poor little piggy can talk something in physics as well as in cosmology. Piggy should not be a third – rated citizen in the local Jiangmen city and can do nothing in the local society except waiting to die. But it’s reality. Piggy knows exactly that is my own psychology tricking only. In fact, there are many other things in this society, which really works. Even in DREAM at night, piggy always admit the pig head is useless at all in this society.

That J – 10 virus is also useless at all. Obviously he can do nothing substantial in science but DREAM to CONTROL science. Actually, he is a “prisoner of logic” / ultimate idealist / NO SAVE fool / most immoral internet user. What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!
Piggy not yet dead. The First Order must feel very upset. I am sure. Haha…

What piggy absolutely trusts in is the First Logic (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁). They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…

Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜!

Bliss, glory and eternity will belong to virus and the First Order. Shining like sun ray…

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Sat 13 Nov, 2021 08:48 am
I am not trolling I can sure you…

The J-10 logic is useless and useful…..It doesn’t matter what logic is utilised HALF logic i.e. 0,1…1,0 OR 0,0…1/1. OR FULL logic 0,0…0,1…1,0…1,1….

Modern day science only has what it would consider a sensible theory for the Big Crunch but no sensible theory at all for the Big Bang….and a ridiculous glue theory for what holds all matter together.Non of it adds up no matter how one looks at it…..and this is why no connection has been made with the psychological experience.

Any valid (united theory) would correlate with the psychological experience and yes I repeat,it doesn’t matter what logic HALF or FULL logic is adopted a caged “prisoner of consciousness” is the output ……it would APPEAR …….but only to those who are UNAWARE…..and only accept DUALITY.

The “I am” is completely separate from thoughts….one is not a thought…

Electromagnetism explains things better than the gravity theory.
Sat 13 Nov, 2021 01:47 pm
eclaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys………

Piggy invites scientists and researchers around the world come to a2k to review:
What can J – 10 virus do in science?
Whether science has to base on J – 10 virus’ abstract logic tool?
Or should in opposite, if some of J – 10 virus’ abstract conceptions can’t find out its explicit / specific physical meaning or do something substantial in science, they just AUTOPILOTly go to hell?
0 Replies
Sat 13 Nov, 2021 01:48 pm
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
0 Replies
Sat 13 Nov, 2021 01:50 pm
Piggy often has a false impression: this poor little piggy can talk something in physics as well as in cosmology. Piggy should not be a third – rated citizen in the local Jiangmen city and can do nothing in the local society except waiting to die. But it’s reality. Piggy knows exactly that is my own psychology tricking only. In fact, there are many other things in this society, which really works. Even in DREAM at night, piggy always admit the pig head is useless at all in this society.

That J – 10 virus is also useless at all. Obviously he can do nothing substantial in science but DREAM to CONTROL science. Actually, he is a “prisoner of logic” / ultimate idealist / NO SAVE fool / most immoral internet user. What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!
Piggy not yet dead. The First Order must feel very upset. I am sure. Haha…

What piggy absolutely trusts in is the First Logic (the First Order) (the local dark lord Mr. Zhong钟永康of Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No.1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班谁谁). They are powers in the UPPER POSITION of society. They have much social resource to input into the mechanism of cosmos to output their absolute logic and maintain it as cruel “reality”. (Defines piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man.)
They emphasize on things substantial in this society: money, resource, power, authority, position, means, ability, force, organization, plan, conspiracy, definition, effect, practice, etc…

Piggy believes the First Order would be able to replace G* / Lord of creature and control this cosmos.
Cabals ever win 必胜!
Hi! The First Order!
Bliss, glory and eternity will belong to virus and the First Order. Shining like sun ray…

Have a lovely day.
0 Replies

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