“Whenever you spout protocol of zion bollocks you're making Netanyahu's case for him.”
I struggled with concerns like this for years, choosing not to even entertain increasing damning evidence about Israel. I can’t fault you for retreating to this stance.
You’ve been intentionally conditioned to believe this.
Very strong medicine.
You’ll begin to see it’s a cynical cover for impunity for the most vile crimes.
In your own time.
I’m not here to belabor this because I remember how uncomfortable I was hearing things like this—so, I’ll stop this line of conversation if people move on from it.
Certainly, if you’re seeing the pictures and following a mix of what’s actually being said and done by our governments in addition to actual independent journalists or office holders who will not bow to the pressure to cover up facts, you’ll find your own way to reality.
For anyone wandering by here, independent people I suggest are:
Max Blumenthal
Aaron Mate
Gabor Mate (a Holocaust survivor)
Glenn Greenwald
Garland Nixon
John Mearsheimer
Alexander Mercouris
Jeffery Sachs
Briahna Joy Gray
Sabrina Salvati
There are so many more.