Let me explain why your offering here is so woefully incorrect.
Forgive a brief background:
All presidents since Kennedy have been puppets for the power behind the US to increasing degrees with each passing administration as Zionist advocates have incrementally achieved power in the US. They assassinated Kennedy because he was going to expose them.
Biden and Harris’ supposed religions, genders, experiences etc have ZERO effect on anything. They are OWNED by Israeli oligarchs & will always comply with their directives. Harris was inserted in her current VP spot because she married her Zionist handler, creating a very powerful control over the US for Israel. She received almost 0 votes in the 2020 primary, dropped out first, and was selected as VP by That Power to be elevated if Joe died or to benefit from the VP spot in the next election—a plush spot for a cackling imbecile who has to have her Town Hall answers typed up for her on a teleprompter. She’s never won votes.
People in our government have warned us about the dangerous moves by Israel to control our government since the Kennedy era—and they were all immediately discounted as crackpots and antisemites because of the ridiculous cover supplied by the holocaust. Can you imagine being completely above all criticism?
We reflexively turned away from so many warnings—and now here we are—drowning in Israeli spies who populate MANY CRITICAL positions of power in the US.
I expect you to bat this down too—afraid to be called an antisemite—but you should investigate—if your govt won’t bust into your house and take your electronics due to unsettling keywords.
The real antisemitism is the holocaust of actual Semitic people in Palestine by a bunch of cosplaying settler-colonialists.
So, back to the smaller point, Harris has claimed that Iran is the US’ greatest enemy. (Because Iran is ‘Israel’s’ greatest impediment to murdering the Arabs who are living on the land they want—Greater Israel—you’ve seen the map, I’m sure.)
All of the controlling entities will exert pressure on whoever is elected to go to war with Iran. Trump may also follow orders, but he’s been known to talk out of school. This is why I think he won’t be alive to assume office. I’m still thinking they want Haley.