Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Region Philbis
Thu 17 Oct, 2024 05:54 pm

Biden has approved $175 billion in student loan forgiveness for nearly 5 million people
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Thu 17 Oct, 2024 06:02 pm
Michael Weiss@michaeldweiss
The Prime Minister of Canada says under oath that RT, which the U.S. State Department alleges is engaged in "information operations, covert influence, and military procurement," is funding Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson.
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 02:02 am
America's ultra-right puts the Capitol strikers on a par with resistance fighter Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was murdered by the Nazis. The theologian's descendants are appalled by this abuse of his legacy.
‘As direct descendants of the seven siblings of the theologian and resistance fighter executed by the Nazis, we can testify on the basis of family tradition that he was a peace-loving, liberal-minded philanthropist,’ they continued. ‘He would never have seen himself in the neighbourhood of right-wing extremist, violent movements that are trying to appropriate him today.’

It was only in the middle of the week that German bishops also protested in an open letter against the appropriation of the Nazi resistance fighter: ‘Out of concern for the common good, we warn against the misuse of Bonhoeffer's legacy,’ reads the letter, which was signed by the former chairmen of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and Wolfgang Huber, among others.
‘In our concern for the common good, we warn against the misuse of Bonhoeffer's legacy,’ reads the letter, which was signed by the former chairmen of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and Wolfgang Huber, among others.
In the US election campaign, Trump supporters and Christians willing to use violence would equate ‘their political opponents with Nazi criminals’ and place ‘their own militant actions on a par with the resistance against the Nazi reign of terror’.
(Sources: German media)
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Fri 18 Oct, 2024 03:56 am
In a new rule released yesterday, the Federal Trade Commission requires sellers to make it as easy to cancel a subscription to a gym or a service as it is to sign up for one. In a statement, FTC chair Lina Khan explained the reasoning behind the “click-to-cancel” rule: “Too often, businesses make people jump through endless hoops just to cancel a subscription,” she said. “Nobody should be stuck paying for a service they no longer want.” Although most of the new requirements won’t take effect for about six months, David Dayen of The American Prospect noted that the stock price of Planet Fitness fell 8% after the announcement.

When he took office in January 2021, with democracy under siege from autocratic governments abroad and an authoritarian movement at home, President Joe Biden set out to prove that democracy could deliver for the ordinary people who had lost faith in it. The click-to-cancel rule is an illustration of an obvious and long-overdue protection, but it is only one of many ways—$35 insulin, new bridges, loan forgiveness, higher wages, good jobs—in which policies designed to benefit ordinary people have demonstrated that a democratic government can improve lives.

When Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday, she noted that the administration “has driven a historic economic recovery” with strong growth, very low unemployment rates, and inflation returning to normal. Now it is focused on lowering costs for families and expanding the economy while reducing inequality. That strong economy at home is helping to power the global economy, Yellen noted, and the U.S. has been working to strengthen that economy by reinforcing global policies, investments, and institutions that reinforce economic stability.

“Over the past four years, the world has been through a lot,” Yellen said, “from a once-in-a-century pandemic, to the largest land war in Europe since World War II, to increasingly frequent and severe climate disasters. This has only underlined that we are all in it together. America’s economic well-being depends on the world’s, and America’s economic leadership is key to global prosperity and security.” She warned against isolationism that would undermine such prosperity both at home and abroad.

The numbers behind the proven experience that government protection of ordinary people is good for economic growth got the blessing of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on Monday, when it awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, both of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and to James Robinson of the University of Chicago. Their research explains why “[s]ocieties with a poor rule of law and institutions that exploit the population do not generate growth or change for the better,” while democracies do.

Although democracy has been delivering for Americans, Donald Trump and MAGAs rose to power by convincing those left behind by 40 years of supply-side economics that their problem was not the people in charge of the government, but rather the government itself.

Trump wants to get rid of the current government so that he can enrich himself, do whatever he wants to his enemies, and avoid answering to the law. The Christian nationalists who wrote Project 2025 want to destroy the federal government so they can put in place an authoritarian who will force Americans to live under religious rule. Tech elites like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel want to get rid of the federal government so they can control the future without having to worry about regulations.

In place of what they insist is a democratic system that has failed, they are offering a strongman who, they claim, will take care of people more efficiently than a democratic government can. The focus on masculinity and portrayals of Trump as a muscled hero‚ much as Russian president Vladimir Putin portrays himself, fit the mold of an authoritarian leader.

But the argument that Americans need a strongman depends on the argument that democracy does not work. In the last three-and-a-half years, Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Democrats have proved that it can, so long as it operates with the best interests of ordinary people in mind. Trump and Vance’s outlandish lies about the federal response to Hurricane Helene are designed to override the reality of a competent administration addressing a crisis with all the tools it has. In its place, the lies provide a false narrative of federal officials ignoring people and trying to steal their property.

Their attack on democracy has another problem, as well. In addition to the reality that democracy has been delivering for Americans for more than three years now—and pretty dramatically—Trump is no longer a strongman. Vice President Kamala Harris is outperforming him in the theater of political dominance. And as she does so, his image is crumbling.

In an article in US News and World Report yesterday, NBC’s former chief marketer John D. Miller apologized to America for helping to “create a monster.” Miller led the team that marketed The Apprentice, the reality TV show that made Trump a household name. “To sell the show,” Miller wrote, “we created the narrative that Trump was a super-successful businessman who lived like royalty.” But the truth was that he declared bankruptcy six times, and “[t]he imposing board room where he famously fired contestants was a set, because his real boardroom was too old and shabby for TV,” Miller wrote. While Trump loved the attention the show provided, “more successful CEOs were too busy to get involved in reality TV.”

Miller says they “promoted the show relentlessly,” blanketing the country with a “highly exaggerated” image of Trump as a successful businessman “like a heavy snowstorm.” “[W]e…did irreparable harm by creating the false image of Trump as a successful leader,” Miller wrote. “I deeply regret that. And I regret that it has taken me so long to go public.”

Speaking as a “born-and-bred Republican,” Miller warned: “If you believe that Trump will be better for you or better for the country, that is an illusion, much like The Apprentice was.” He strongly urged people to vote for Kamala Harris. “The country will be better off and so will you.”

A new video shown last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live even more powerfully illustrated the collapse of Trump’s tough guy image. Written by Jesse Joyce of Comedy Central, the two-minute video featured actor and retired professional wrestler Dave Bautista dominating his sparring partner in a boxing ring and then telling those who think Trump is “some sort of tough guy” that “he’s not.”

Working out in a gym, Bautista insults Trump’s heavy makeup, out-of-shape body, draft dodging, and physical weakness, and notes that “he sells imaginary baseball cards pretending to be a cowboy fireman” when “he’s barely strong enough to hold an umbrella.” Bautista says Trump’s two-handed method of drinking water looks “like a little pink chickadee,” and goes on to make a raunchy observation about Trump’s stage dancing. “He’s moody, he pouts, he throws tantrums,” Bautista goes on. “He’s cattier on social media than a middle-school mean girl.”

Bautista ends by listing Trump’s fears of rain, dogs, windmills…and being laughed at.” “And mostly,” Bautista concludes, “he’s terrified that real, red-blooded American men will find out that he’s a weak, tubby toddler.” Calling Trump a “whiny b*tch,” Bautista walks away from the camera.

The sketch was billed as comedy, but it was deadly serious in its takedown of the key element of Trump’s political power.

And he seems vulnerable. Forbes and Newsweek have recently questioned his mental health; yesterday the Boston Globe ran an op-ed saying, “Trump’s decline is too dangerous to ignore. We can see the decline in the former president’s ability to hold a train of thought, speak coherently, or demonstrate a command of the English language, to say nothing of policy.”

Trump’s Fox News Channel town hall yesterday got 2.9 million viewers; Harris’s interview got 7.1 million. Today, Trump canceled yet another appearance, this one with the National Rifle Association in Savannah, Georgia, scheduled for October 22, where he was supposed to be the keynote speaker.

Meanwhile, Vice President Harris today held rallies in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and La Crosse, Wisconsin. In La Crosse, MAGA hecklers tried to interrupt her while she was speaking about the centrality of the three Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices to the overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion.

“Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally,” Harris called to them with a smile and a wave. As the crowd roared with approval, she added: “No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.”

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NSFW (view)
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 04:55 am
Let me explain why your offering here is so woefully incorrect.
Forgive a brief background:

All presidents since Kennedy have been puppets for the power behind the US to increasing degrees with each passing administration as Zionist advocates have incrementally achieved power in the US. They assassinated Kennedy because he was going to expose them.

Biden and Harris’ supposed religions, genders, experiences etc have ZERO effect on anything. They are OWNED by Israeli oligarchs & will always comply with their directives. Harris was inserted in her current VP spot because she married her Zionist handler, creating a very powerful control over the US for Israel. She received almost 0 votes in the 2020 primary, dropped out first, and was selected as VP by That Power to be elevated if Joe died or to benefit from the VP spot in the next election—a plush spot for a cackling imbecile who has to have her Town Hall answers typed up for her on a teleprompter. She’s never won votes.

People in our government have warned us about the dangerous moves by Israel to control our government since the Kennedy era—and they were all immediately discounted as crackpots and antisemites because of the ridiculous cover supplied by the holocaust. Can you imagine being completely above all criticism?

We reflexively turned away from so many warnings—and now here we are—drowning in Israeli spies who populate MANY CRITICAL positions of power in the US.

I expect you to bat this down too—afraid to be called an antisemite—but you should investigate—if your govt won’t bust into your house and take your electronics due to unsettling keywords.

The real antisemitism is the holocaust of actual Semitic people in Palestine by a bunch of cosplaying settler-colonialists.

So, back to the smaller point, Harris has claimed that Iran is the US’ greatest enemy. (Because Iran is ‘Israel’s’ greatest impediment to murdering the Arabs who are living on the land they want—Greater Israel—you’ve seen the map, I’m sure.)

All of the controlling entities will exert pressure on whoever is elected to go to war with Iran. Trump may also follow orders, but he’s been known to talk out of school. This is why I think he won’t be alive to assume office. I’m still thinking they want Haley.

Fri 18 Oct, 2024 04:56 am
You should definitely try to remove those bases.
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NSFW (view)
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:02 am
When I first posted on here I was called antisemitic and Izzythenazi by Oralloy and others.

It's an occupational hazard.

But what you've written is just reconstituted protocols of Zion bollocks.

And **** like that gets in the way of peace in the ME.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:08 am
Actually, it’s the Israelis that get in the way of peace in the Mideast.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:22 am
And antisemitism allows them to do it.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:30 am
Lash wrote:
The real antisemitism is the holocaust of actual Semitic people in Palestine by a bunch of cosplaying settler-colonialists.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the use of the word "Holocaust" refers to the mass murder of Jews by Nazi Germany, dating back to 1942.
By the 1970's, “the Holocaust” was synonymous with the Jewish exterminations.

"Semite" is the name given (since the 19th century) to a member of any people who speak one of the Semitic languages: Arabic, Amharic, Tigrinya, Aramaic, Hebrew, Maltese and numerous other ancient and modern languages.
The Semitic Studies specialisation deals with the Semitic languages, which are spoken from Israel to Morocco, from Ethiopia to Egypt and southern Turkey and include some of the oldest written languages in the world. Each of them has its own characteristics and its own history. The grouping of these languages is based on linguistic similarities. For example, many words in the Semitic languages are the same or similar, such as the word for ‘house’, which is bayt in Arabic, bayit in Hebrew, bayto in Aramaic and bet in Amharic. There are also numerous grammatical similarities. Semitists decipher ancient texts and analyse modern endangered dialects.
(Translated from the Institute 0f Semitic Studies at Marbug University)
bobsal u1553115
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:42 am
Actually it's not. It's to keep Texas, California, Florida, New York interests from quashing other states' interests.

Texas is dumbing down small school districts across the US, including Blue states. Texas writes and edits and approves text books. As the state with the largest group of school age kids, they have a lot of stroke over what history and science the rest of the nation gets, because Texas-ized text books are cheaper by dint of scale - so many are published. Less wealthy school districts buy Texas approved and edited books that include creationism, no black history etc.

total population and percentage of US population.

California 1 38,889,800 11.58%
Texas 2 30,976,800 9.22%
Florida 3 22,975,900 6.84%
New York 4 19,469,200 5.8% 413
bobsal u1553115
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:52 am
0 Replies
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 05:55 am
@bobsal u1553115,
That's horseshit.

It's not states it's people.

One person one vote.

As it is, the EC plus 60% Senate rule ensures conservative dominance regardless of what the people want.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 06:10 am
@Walter Hinteler,
But Walter, I choose to use Holocaust and holocaust as I see fit these days.
I don’t give preference to any group committing or suffering a holocaust.

No life is more worthy / precious than another.
To me, anyway.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 06:16 am
The Holocaust was a unique event in its scope.

It put other pogroms and genocides in the shade.

It is the only case of death camps being set up for the sole purpose of extermination.

Other genocides have involed ethic cleansing and a complete disregard for the lives of civilians, but nothing to the same extent and range as the Holocaust.

What is happening in Gaza is genocide, it is not a Palestinian holocaust.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 06:17 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Got to disagree with your take, bobsal.

Practically speaking, it's pretty difficult to imagine those four big states uniting on anything.

I agree that the Texas schoolbook issue is a problem but maintaining the undemocratic E.C. seems like a particularly inefficient method of improving the nation's textbooks.

The E.C. gives us elections where 6 or 7 "battleground" states are the only ones that matter and Democratic voters who live in solid Red states and Republicans who live in equally solid Blue states know that their presidential ballot is effectively worthless. It's just another aspect of constitutional obsolescence, provisions written for another era, when the country was in its infancy.

Izzy's right. One (hu)man, one vote.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 06:19 am
Lash wrote:
But Walter, I choose to use Holocaust and holocaust as I see fit these days.
That's insulting the victims and diminishing the cruelty of the Nazis.
Fri 18 Oct, 2024 06:20 am

The hatred whipped up by the US, UK, & France particularly, against Arab people is the most potent, most universally accepted example of antisemitism in the world—& it is precisely why the families of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria can be decimated on our screens every day for a year.

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