But, you’re saying he found evidence of Trump’s collusion.
I said he didn’t.
He said he didn’t—in a round about way.
You are pushing back against the fact that Mueller did not find evidence to prove the 2 year long, billion dollar investigation allegations—so you must be saying Mueller did in fact find evidence of the allegations.
So, he suppressed them for some reason. What reason?
Or, maybe thousands of hours of news shows, billion dollars, and a ratcheted social environment catapulted to a new level of hate in this country was all for
It was all because Hillary Clinton threw away what should have been a cakewalk presidential election due to a bad personality, hubris, and gross miscalculation—and decided to wreck the country on her way off the national stage.
He found nothing.
Trump is a dumb huskster, but in this case, Mueller investigated the wrong candidate.