Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Wed 15 Jun, 2022 02:01 pm
Thanks Hightor. I wanted to post this too.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 03:59 am

Thu 16 Jun, 2022 05:48 am
@Region Philbis,
I wouldn't hold your breath.

Also, you're mistaking this for a country where everyone parades around talking about justice, and people are bothered 24/7 over failure to live up to morality. I think the country you want is Iraq.

Here in America, we tend to be morally neutral, because a tenant of our culture is that you can speak whatever crazy thing you want, believe any crazy thing you want, and wrire any crazy thing you want. I've also often found that in small-town America, I am mostly okay to wear a fabulous dress, even though I was born male. You can tote a gun in many states, though not always openly. Hell, I've read law, and apparently there isn't clear prohibition against swords. I could walk down main street with a sword on my back as long as I weren't found brandishing it threateningly.

This country isn't built on bugging people for their relative's decisions. Perhaps the people who don't like this should move?
0 Replies
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 06:13 am
My dad ran across this yesterday.

We both agreed that the author's impartiality as a reporter is compromised right around here. This is the point where you stop trusting what he has to say.

I voted for Joe Biden, and I like him.

As for another part...

Biden’s been a good president, but Republicans want to impeach him and some Democrats want to replace him.

When Democrats want to replace him, and Republicans want to impeach him, he is NOT a good president. Biden is not only senile, he does things that are deliberately destructive with a "we must do this because I know best". Then when it fails (though I suspect his ultimate plan is to ruin this country, where it has been a roaring success), he blames Trump then Putin. Nope, you did this.

You could have continued the pipeline plan. Gas prices would have gone down by now. Instead, you back electric, and shut off any kind of pumping in America. Texas has oil, Alaska has oil, I think Pennzoil so probably Pennsylvania too. Instead we ship all oil from countries that hate us.

You had Afghanistan practically eating out of our hand. Instead you unceremoniously pull out, leaving many soldiers stranded, and the Taliban immediately decides we are weak and will not protect Afghan ppl against Islam, so yea they take over.

I don't buy the COVID rhetoric but you kinda failed there too, completely screwing with the supply chain, and utterly lacking any coherent plan. I want everyone to be vaccinated, but they will still have to wear masks. Uhhhh okay, so people believing that getting the jab will make them stop being harassed about masks have zero incentive to do so. Further, you were seen on camera multiple times not following your own policies.

What about this show you have been a mostly good president? People who voted for you, and still think that are delusional.

Also, I'm reminded of this video.

Also, who calls ppl "wacky"? Controlled by their wackiest members, he says. Should we be using "zany" to refer to Democrats?
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 06:58 am
Listen, bulma - you go on and on about Biden and he hasn't even been in office long. Compare him to Trump and how can you not think he's not better? I haven't read anything you wrote when Trump was in so I don't know what you think of him, but get off this Biden trip you're on.

Every person has flaws. It's the intent that's important.
Frank Apisa
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 07:00 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

My dad ran across this yesterday.

We both agreed that the author's impartiality as a reporter is compromised right around here. This is the point where you stop trusting what he has to say.

I voted for Joe Biden, and I like him.

As for another part...

Biden’s been a good president, but Republicans want to impeach him and some Democrats want to replace him.

When Democrats want to replace him, and Republicans want to impeach him, he is NOT a good president. Biden is not only senile, he does things that are deliberately destructive with a "we must do this because I know best". Then when it fails (though I suspect his ultimate plan is to ruin this country, where it has been a roaring success), he blames Trump then Putin. Nope, you did this.

You could have continued the pipeline plan. Gas prices would have gone down by now. Instead, you back electric, and shut off any kind of pumping in America. Texas has oil, Alaska has oil, I think Pennzoil so probably Pennsylvania too. Instead we ship all oil from countries that hate us.

You had Afghanistan practically eating out of our hand. Instead you unceremoniously pull out, leaving many soldiers stranded, and the Taliban immediately decides we are weak and will not protect Afghan ppl against Islam, so yea they take over.

I don't buy the COVID rhetoric but you kinda failed there too, completely screwing with the supply chain, and utterly lacking any coherent plan. I want everyone to be vaccinated, but they will still have to wear masks. Uhhhh okay, so people believing that getting the jab will make them stop being harassed about masks have zero incentive to do so. Further, you were seen on camera multiple times not following your own policies.

What about this show you have been a mostly good president? People who voted for you, and still think that are delusional.

Also, I'm reminded of this video.


Also, who calls ppl "wacky"? Controlled by their wackiest members, he says. Should we be using "zany" to refer to Democrats?

Once you have insisted that your opinion that the Earth is flat is CORRECT...and that anyone, scientist or lay person, who suggests it is spherical is WRONG...

...all of your other opinions will be viewed with that in mind.

Probably for that reason, I consider your opinions here to be...ummm...bullshit. That word has become quite popular in recent days, so I consider it to be appropriate here.

0 Replies
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 07:40 am
Bulmabriefs has boasted of his association with convicted paedophiles.

That's the sort of person he is.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 10:01 am
So if you don't like "wacky", do you prefer the more accurate and pithy "batshit crazy"?
Frank Apisa
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 10:12 am
MontereyJack wrote:

So if you don't like "wacky", do you prefer the more accurate and pithy "batshit crazy"?

You weren't asking me, Jack, but I would vote for "batshit crazy."

Has a great sound to it...and seems to do an excellent job of describing what you are describing.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Jun, 2022 02:17 pm
You could have continued the pipeline plan. Gas prices would have gone down by now. Instead, you back electric, and shut off any kind of pumping in America. Texas has oil, Alaska has oil, I think Pennzoil so probably Pennsylvania too. Instead we ship all oil from countries that hate us.

CLAIM: The Keystone XL pipeline cancellation caused the current high gas prices.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The Keystone XL crude oil pipeline wasn’t yet operational when it was canceled in 2021, and wasn’t expected to be running until 2023. Rather, experts say gas prices are high due to other factors such as the global spike in the cost of crude oil and increased demand after pandemic lockdowns ended.

THE FACTS: Social media users are pointing to President Joe Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline in January 2021 as a major reason for high gas prices in the U.S. in recent weeks. Gas prices have reached record highs since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A meme posted on Facebook last week, which now has over 20,000 shares, reads: “Facts: If they didn’t shut down our pipelines we wouldn’t be paying $7 for gas.”

“So the guy who closed the Keystone pipeline on Day one, wants us to believe it’s Russia’s fault for the gas crisis,” says another Facebook post.

This persistent narrative has been spreading on social media since the early days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, along with false claims that all other U.S. oil pipelines have also been shut down. That is not the case. Experts tell The Associated Press that the Keystone XL pipeline cancellation isn’t affecting what’s happening in the oil market today. It was never operational when it was shut down, and was not slated to go into service until 2023, according to a press release from TC Energy, the company constructing the project.

“Problem with the Keystone: It’s like saying a highway that was built but never completed is somehow making your commute to work way longer. You never got to ride on that highway. It was never opened. It was never relied on,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, referring to the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Keystone XL pipeline was intended to be an expansion of the existing Keystone pipeline, which runs about 2,687 miles from Alberta to Illinois and Texas, and is operating. The pipeline extension was designed to carry up to 830,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada and North Dakota to refineries along the Gulf Coast. Biden revoked the permit to continue construction in January 2021, shortly after he took office.

The U.S. is still receiving oil from Canada through other means, like railways and other operational oil pipelines running in the U.S in addition to the original Keystone pipeline, said Ramanan Krishnamoorti, a professor and the chief energy officer at the University of Houston.

Even if the Keystone XL pipeline had been completed, the amount of oil it was designed to transport would have been a drop in the bucket for U.S. demand, experts noted. The U.S. used nearly 20 million barrels of oil a day last year, while global consumption of oil was near 100 million barrels. The pipeline would have contributed less than 1% to the world supply of oil, according to AP reporting.

“The total volume of additional supply is negligible in a market that uses 100 million barrels of oil every day,” Jason Bordoff, founding director of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia, said in an email statement to the AP.

Instead, the current surge in gas prices can be attributed to other factors. One of the biggest drivers of gas prices is the price of crude oil, which has been rising over the past year. Gas prices have been steadily increasing due to the high demand after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions were removed.

“Post pandemic, we continue to grow demand because economic growth is just ballooning everywhere and supply has been constrained,” Krishnamoorti said.

Oil prices have continued to dramatically increase due to Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. Russia is a major oil supplier and with many buyers shunning Russian crude, there is less oil that people are willing to buy on the market.


This is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. Learn more about fact-checking at AP.

Fri 17 Jun, 2022 08:59 am
This is how far down the rabbit hole American has already fallen, when republicans gain control all over the country like they are trying to do, God help us. Literally.

‘I think they want to watch the world burn’: Ky. sec. of state responds to Oldham Co. candidate’s request for recount in 36-point loss

OLDHAM COUNTY, Ky. (WAVE) - An Oldham County Republican has to raise $22,000 before June 16 to fund a primary ballot recount in a race she lost by 36 percentage points.

But, Bridgette Ehly, who failed to win more votes than incumbent David Osborn in District 59′s state house race, isn’t alleging fraud. She doesn’t expect to be the rightful winner. The reason for the recount, she told WAVE News, is to double-check new voting machines with a hand recount of the paper ballots.

“I think it’s time to check the machines,” Ehly said. “We have brand new machines that count these ballots, and I want human eyes and human hands to count these ballots for the very first time… Call me old fashioned: I trust people.”

Ehly and five other candidates who all lost decisively are suing the State Board of Elections for the hand recounts.

“These folks are trying to use–misuse–a recount law that’s designed for close elections just to create havoc in the process,” said Ky. Secretary of State Michael Adams, a Republican himself. “The idea is to undermine our democracy. The idea is to make it harder for government to function.”
0 Replies
Fri 17 Jun, 2022 09:17 am
Lemme put it this way. Morale has as much to do with a presidency as actual events.

And when the public supports the president, they tend to be cooperative. When you know friends that worked on the pipeline, then suddenly the project isleft undone, they're out of work for up to four years, and they're grumpy. When you bar work to many jobs without masks or vaccinations, some people will assess whether they can afford not to work at all. And when you put roadblocks to certain careers that people have religious or moral objections to (yes, some people equate masks as evil), some people switch careers. Whether the pipeline is built or not, morale is down and people are uncooperative. There is probably a trucker shortage. Since trucking is the lifeblood of most of our shipment in America, and the train industry suffers from old rails and a president who claimed to want to revive train systems, but hasn't really done anything noticeable here, we expect massive delays.

What we're experiencing is that it's not a simple shortage of goods, but a delay with overshipment. We suddenly get products that are dirt cheap (rice for $0.45 at food lion) because they asked for them multiple times, and finally got a bunch in at once. This is massive disorganization, and a symptom of the supply chain breakdown.

Gas prices on the other hand have nothing to do with shipping breakdown, but feed into the problem. The president is deliberately shortselling gas so that prices stay high, in an effort to force people to switch to electric. The president isn't just incompetent, he's an asshole.

It's not a false claim that he shut it down. And yes, he milks Ukraine/Russia for all it's worth.

As for the drop in the bucket thing, Trump wasn't just doing the pipeline, he also was into fracking (which every liberal criticized as bad, because he was the one who said it), and making oil from shale. Think about it. If we can make our own oil, we don't have to depend on sources anymore. But the left acts like this is a drop in the bucket when it is not known exactly how much oil Alaska has.

All of these are excuses meant to cover up what is blatantly obvious. The average person doesn't know what is causing the inflation of goods, and the skyrocketing gas prices. But they know that they're there, and that they've been creating problems at the pump well before we got involved with Russia and Ukraine. The timeline doesn't fit. They also know that Biden did a number of things that didn't help either. And they listen to this dipshit talk about how wonderful electric cars will be, and read up on the charge time, and say "Mr President, you're trying to screw us over. Aren't you? "

Call it conspiracy all you want. The average person, who never deals in conspiracy at all, is now saying "My clothes, food, and gas are outrageous prices. Biden is the cause of it. And now he blaming Russia." The average pwrson is neither observant nor bright, but even they ask what the hell Russia has to do with the price of goods here. You're quoting the Matrix rabbit hole thing, and acting like regular people (normies) are way more crazy than they are. Personally, I think you're the one who hasn't the common sense God gave everyone else. You can see high gas prices, you can see fruits at $7.99 and such. But you choose to ignore all this.
Fri 17 Jun, 2022 10:21 am
Lemme put it this way. Morale has as much to do with a presidency as actual events.

A bunch of bull crap. These people are merely the same ilk as those who still support Trump, who stormed the Capitol and tried to affect a coup. the same deplorables Hillary so accurately described, they are Trumpicans carrying on the same and worse tactics. Without all of Trump's baggage.

There will come a day of reckoning, but by then these Trumpicans will be firmly entrenched in all forms of government, both local and federal, unless somehow miraculously stopped. Steve Bannon's wacko fantasies come to life.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 02:20 am
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:31 am
"biolabs" Not Equal biological weapons

Chantelle Baker is a crackpot.
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:32 am
bullshit conspiracy theory blaming the victim and medical science. just about what you'd expect from builder.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:33 am
Or just a new kind of chocolate, maybe> ??
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:35 am
Chantelle Baker is a crackpot.

In case you missed it; your president is a feeble old paedophile, with a drug addicted son.
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:38 am
No, just another conspiracy-obsessed narcissist who thinks making and distributing videos on facebook makes her an authority.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jun, 2022 03:54 am
In case you missed it; your president is a feeble old paedophile, with a drug addicted son.

Yes, you've been peddling that line for quite some time now. You often get snookered by misinformation; that's why you're not taken seriously and have pretty much become a figure of fun, a veritable punching bag, your views immediately dismissed, your arguments analyzed and rejected, your attempted rebuttals ignored or simply laughed at. Rave on, always fun to see your sputtering mind at work.

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