Do you understand why rational people find you insufferable? First you deny that Trump has ever done anything illegal, then you demand someone tell you one instance, the other person gives you an example (and hoo boy, there are a ton of crimes involving Trump who is still trying to overthrow the American system of Government i.e the Constitution) and your simplistic answer is just "No he didn't", or my favorite "when white toothless assholes in battle gear and big bushy beards go on a rampage, smear their feces on the walls, ransack other peoples property, attack policemen, gouge out eyes, chant hang Mike Pence, carry a confederate flag in the capital building.............., that's a peaceful protest". It's impossible, not because they are wrong, but you will never admit being wrong, so what's the point?. I'm not entirely convinced you say such outrageous things because you actually believe them or it's a game you play because you have no social skills and you desperately hope you can keep the conversation going by being obnoxious and obstinate.
Personally I don't care either way. I just think it's sad, you might be able to engage in interesting conversation but you have yourself stuck in a such a rut you don't know how to fix it. Hopefully this behaviour is something that will not fill you with regret at a later date. It won't affect my life, my sense of self is not dependent on your scorn or praise. It's hard to imagine you are happy with your life, not when you spend so much time trying to insult or belittle others. Your happiness is in your hands alone, so all you have to do is pick the direction you want to follow.
If you do what you usually do and respond by taking each sentence and repeating the same childish insult as a 'SNORT' retort, I won't bother to respond. It's fine with me, just know you are only proving to all the others that you have the disposition of a spoiled 7 year old throwing the same tired old tantrum. Good luck to you.