Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:43 am
U.S. seeks prison term for first felony defendant to be sentenced in Capitol breach, citing domestic terror threat
U.S. prosecutors on Wednesday urged a federal judge to impose an 18-month prison term on the first defendant to face sentencing for a felony in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, citing the need to deter domestic terrorism.

“The need to deter others is especially strong in cases involving domestic terrorism, which the breach of the Capitol certainly was,” Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Sedky said in a government sentencing request for Tampa crane operator Paul Allard Hodgkins, 38, who carried a Trump flag into the well of the Senate.

The court filing marked one of the Justice Department’s bluntest statements to date of its view of the Capitol breach, in which members of a pro-Trump mob stormed barricades, assaulted nearly 140 police officers, and forced the evacuation of a joint session of Congress meeting to confirm the results of the 2020 election.

Hodgkins’s sentencing, scheduled for Monday, could set the bar for what punishment 100 or more defendants might expect to face as they weigh whether to accept plea offers by prosecutors or take their chances at a trial by jury.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 10:27 am
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 04:14 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
That is appalling. We really need to outlaw the Democratic Party once and for all.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 06:00 pm
The most insightful answer, I thought, was that the Republican’s best hope for winning in 2022—aside from voter suppression—is to keep the culture wars hot, even if it means causing illness and death.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 06:41 pm
The best way for Republicans to win in 2022 is to keep hammering on the claim that Democrats mean to disband the police and allow criminals to run rampant.

Disclaimer: The above is not meant to say that the claim in question is either true or false. I'm only saying that hammering on that claim is the best way for Republicans to win in 2022.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 06:56 pm
That's exactly what Blatham said, the people who pretend to be republicans will continue to inflame the culture wars by telling outrageous lies.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:33 pm
Stop pretending to be a liberal. I'd hazard a view that you just have an axe to grind with Trump.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:43 pm
Most democrats don't want to defund the police or even disband it, not the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. More to the point, BLM supporters are said to be scouting for a way to cajole Biden into doing this. I truly think that they have ulterior motives. The aim is to create the so-called Black America. A writer who happens to be black once mentioned in passing about the need for black people to uphold this concept.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:46 pm
why am i not surprised you're siding with the domestic terrorists.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:48 pm
Tony Morrison also reamed America out for its reluctance to promote black culture when she was still alive. She also used the word whiteness in an article published by The New Yorker.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:50 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter, are you anywhere near the area with all the flooding? Please stay safe.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:55 pm
Shame on you. Peaceful protesters are not terrorists.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:56 pm
You won't be able to be a free man when BLM and progressives seize leadership in America even you are black, Jack. If history is any guide, such groups tend to use force to dragoon you into doing their bidding. They just extirpate you from earth if you refuse to comply with it. It happened in Eastern Europe. It happened in Asia. It happened in Argentina.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:58 pm
goldberg wrote:
Most democrats don't want to defund the police or even disband it, not the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wouldn't put anything past a progressive.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:04 pm
I'm talking about most white democrats. I think they don't even side with BLM. They just don't want Trump running for president again. By which I mean they just play on the fears and hatred of BLM believers to promote the message that Trump is to blame for everything.

Indeed, there is no denying that America seems to have some soft-headed white democrats who just don't know what they are doing. You could simply call them patsies or easy marks
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:06 pm
Progressives are a menace to humanity no matter what color their skin is.

If I were near a progressive who had white skin, I'd not turn my back on them. They would stick a dagger in my back just as quickly as a progressive of any other skin color would.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:06 pm
you mean lie. That's what trump and the gop have sone without pause for the last five years. that's why they lost control of the government in 202o. that's why they won't make a comeback for twenty years until they adopt the principles of the democratic party.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:10 pm
Very unlikely.

We've seen the Democrats gain power by lynching an innocent president before. Remember what happened last time?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:11 pm
Don't be childish, Jack. Every politician on earth tells porkies. Sometimes they have to in order to win over voters. That's why people use the word odious to refer to politics.

In fact, it's sad that a smarmy politician tends to have more supporters. By contrast, no one likes you for being a straight-talking politician.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2021 08:14 pm
Not to mention the fact that Mr. Biden recently earned Four Pinocchios from the Washington Post for lying about guns.

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