Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Sat 12 Jun, 2021 09:40 pm
I'm no fan of Maoism, jsorel. Yet I still feel compelled to speak for him when it comes to talking about the root cause of "cultural revolution" that simply threw China in a swivet.

Mao didn't start it at all; his wife Jiang Qing did. And a Chinese general named Lin Biao, who was a high-octane sort, was his wife's wingman. They created a group called Gang of Four, which was designed to bring to heel their enemies, seize leadership , and safeguard Maoism in the name of Mao. To that end, they rounded up liberals or doubters of Maoism; some intellectuals were banished; some Chinese professors were even dispatched to out-of-the-way places to herd cattle if not pick cotton. Tsien Hsue-shen even found that a Chinese professor had been told to clean a toilet for his school instead of teaching when he returned to China from America.

At the time, Mao had become a slow-witted fogy who opted to let his wife call the shots. He only came to rescue when his odious wife tried to rubbish Mao's former comrades who had helped Mao win the so-called Civil War.

Jiang Qing's political purges and her strenuous efforts to nationalize the economy led to paroxysms of hatred against her. Accordingly, Mao's comrades banded together to see off her. The “woke" Mao, finding that his wife was trying to wrest leadership from him, also chose to whip her wife into ship by rebuking Gang of Four publicly.

To put it another way, more Chinese liberals and capitalists would have been the victims if Mao had decided to let Gang of Four bleed China's economy dry unchecked. Indeed, Mao was also trying to save himself. You know a grasping leader like him is apprehensive that other big-picture folk want to snatch leadership from him, duh, even that person is his wife, period.
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Sat 12 Jun, 2021 09:55 pm
GOP chair Ronna McDaniel slams 'anti-Semitic' Ilhan Omar
'She should not be in Congress, much less on the House Foreign Affairs Committee"

By Sam Dorman

" Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is calling on Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., to be removed from the House of Representatives after her inflammatory comments implying a comparison between the U.S., Israel, and Hamas.

"Ilhan Omar comparing Israel to terrorist organizations is anti-Semitic and unacceptable," McDaniel tweeted Saturday. "She should not be in Congress, much less on the House Foreign Affairs Committee."

Omar had initially said: "We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity. We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban. I asked @SecBlinken where people are supposed to go for justice."

McDaniel's statement comes after Omar encountered bipartisan backlash for her comments. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other Democratic leaders issued a critical statement but appeared satisfied with a "clarification" she made.

Omar had said: "To be clear: the conversation was about accountability for specific incidents regarding those ICC (International Criminal Court) cases, not a moral comparison between Hamas and the Taliban and the U.S. and Israel."

"I was in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic countries with well-established judicial systems."

At a news conference, Pelosi dismissed a question about further disciplining Omar, who has a long history of controversial comments.

"I think that she clarified her remarks and we accept that, and she has a point that she wanted to make and she has a right to make that point," Pelosi said. "There's some unease about how it was interpreted."

"She made her clarification," Pelosi added before moving onto the next question.

Meanwhile, several House Republicans have called on Pelosi to remove Omar from her committee assignments.

In a letter to the speaker, exclusively obtained by Fox News, the GOP members reminded Pelosi that she said "it is the responsibility of the party’s leadership in the House of Representatives to hold accountable egregious words and actions made by Members of the Party."

"Now is the time for you to rise to the challenge you have set for yourself," said GOP Reps. Carlos Gimenez of Florida, Young Kim of California, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton of Michigan, Chris Jacobs and Nicole Malliotakis of New York and Mario Díaz-Balart and Maria Salazar of Florida. "

Ilhan Omar is ugly. She is also a soft-headed slapper. Phew!
Sat 12 Jun, 2021 10:25 pm
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Sat 12 Jun, 2021 10:29 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
the threat and the menacing were purely in your own imagination, not in chris's actions

Wrong again. He threatened her and then acted on his threat by trying to lure her pet away.

MontereyJack wrote:
or in ahmaud's.

Well, not my imagination. I'm not the one who 3Sed the guy.

So they made a mistake and got an innocent person. That's what happens when people have to rely on vigilante gangs for protection. Get used to it happening.

Actually I think it's likely that at least some of the unsolved urban homicides over the past year are actually just suspected criminals getting 3Sed by vigilantes.

Those guys in Georgia don't seem to understand the nuances of the third S. But I suspect that most vigilante gangs get it.

MontereyJack wrote:
simp;y because someone white imagines falsely, or you imagine falsely, for them, that there was an imaginary threat because you have a racist imagination does not justify shooting someone..

Wrong. I'm not imagining anything for anyone, and certainly not falsely.

And wrong again. There is nothing racist about vigilantes thinking that a stranger they see might be that burglar who has been striking around the neighborhood lately.

And wrong yet again, people have every right to protect themselves when they perceive a threat. And no matter how much progressives dislike this fact, "people" does include white people.

MontereyJack wrote:
that ain't the law,

Wrong. The law allows people to protect themselves from perceived threats. White people too.

MontereyJack wrote:
and your three s's are in fact murder,

Wrong again. Self defense isn't murder.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 02:53 am
HCR wrote:
Yesterday, David Ignatius had a piece in the Washington Post that uncovered the attempt of the Trump administration to reorder the Middle East along an axis anchored by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudia Arabia (more popularly known as MBS), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and Jared Kushner of the U.S.

To make the deal, the leaders involved apparently wanted to muscle Jordan out of its role as the custodian of Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, a role carved out in the 1994 peace treaty between Israel and Jordan that was hammered out under President Bill Clinton. The new dealmakers apparently wanted to scuttle the U.S.-backed accords and replace them with economic deals that would reorder the region.

This story has huge implications for the Middle East, for American government, for religion, for culture, and so on, but something else jumps out to me here: this story is a great illustration of the principles behind Critical Race Theory, which is currently tearing up the Fox News Channel. Together, the attempt to bypass Jordan and the obsession with Critical Race Theory seem to make a larger statement about the current sea change in the U.S. as people increasingly reject the individualist ideology of the Reagan era.

When Kushner set out to construct a Middle East peace plan, he famously told Aaron David Miller, who had negotiated peace agreements with other administrations, that he didn’t want to know about how things had worked in the past. “He said flat out, don’t talk to me about history,” Miller told Chris McGreal of The Guardian, “He said, I told the Israelis and the Palestinians not to talk to me about history too.”

Kushner apparently thought he could create a brand new Middle East with a brand new set of alliances that would begin with changing long standing geopolitics in Jerusalem, the city three major world religions consider holy. It is eye-popping to imagine what would have happened if we had torn up decades of agreements and tried to graft onto a troubled area an entirely new way of interacting, based not on treaties but on the interests of this new axis. Apparently, the hope was that throwing enough money at the region would have made the change palatable. But most experts think that weakening Jordan, long a key U.S. ally in the region, and removing its oversight of the holy sites, would have ushered in violence.

The heart of the American contribution to the idea of reworking the Middle East along a new axis with contracts, rather than treaties, seems to have been that enough will and enough money can create new realities.

The idea that will and money could create success was at the heart of the Reagan Revolution. Its adherents championed the idea that any individual could prosper in America, so long as the government stayed out of his (it was almost always his) business.

Critical Race Theory challenges this individualist ideology. CRT emerged in the late 1970s in legal scholarship written by people who recognized that legal protections for individuals did not, in fact, level the playing field in America. They noted that racial biases are embedded in our legal system. From that, other scholars noted that racial, ethnic, gender, class, and other biases are embedded in the other systems that make up our society.

Historians began to cover this ground long ago. Oklahoma historian Angie Debo established such biases in the construction of American law in her book, And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes back in 1940. Since then, historians have explored the biases in our housing policies, policing, medical care, and so on, and there are very few who would suggest that our systems are truly neutral.

So why is Critical Race Theory such a flashpoint in today’s political world? Perhaps in part because it rejects the Republican insistence that an individual can create a prosperous life by will alone. It says that, no matter how talented someone might be, or how eager and dedicated, they cannot always contend against the societal forces stacked against them. It argues for the important weight of systems, established through time, rather than the idea that anyone can create a new reality.

It acknowledges the importance of history.

Sun 13 Jun, 2021 03:23 am
no threat. just yoiur feverist imagination projecting one as you seem to do in anything involving black ppeople. it's on you, not on imaginary black action. sane with blm and trayvoon. simply murderous paranoia, not reality.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 04:09 am
Wrong again. That thug threatened Amy Cooper and then acted on his threat by trying to lure her pet away from her.

Trayvon Martin was shot in justified self defense as he tried to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch.

Black Lives Matter mean for black men to be allowed to murder police officers with impunity, murder white men with impunity, and rape white women with impunity.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 04:14 am
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 04:23 am
Pulitzer citation awarded to Minneapolis teenager who recorded George Floyd's death
The Pulitzer Prize Board awarded a special citation Friday to the teen who filmed the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, touching off a summer of protests against systemic racism and police brutality.

Darnella Frazier's video and courtroom testimony played key roles in the conviction of a former police officer, Derek Chauvin, for causing George Floyd's death outside of Cup Foods on May 25, 2020.


0 Replies
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 06:32 am
someone wrote:

That thug threatened Amy Cooper and then acted on his threat by trying to lure her pet away from her.

Christian Cooper, isn't a "thug". He's a former Marvel Comics editor and writer who now works as the senior biomedical editor at Health Science

someone also wrote:
Trayvon Martin was shot in justified self defense as he tried to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch.

The unarmed Martin was pursued by Zimmerman, ending in a physical struggle. There were no eyewitnesses to the beginning of this fight and we only have Zimmerman's first-hand account — which he very well may have falsified so as to seek defense under the state's "Stand Your Ground" law.

the same person wrote:
Black Lives Matter mean for black men to be allowed to murder police officers with impunity, murder white men with impunity, and rape white women with impunity.

An objective person with some knowledge of the facts might conclude that the provided quotes were written by a racist:

If someone wishes to be thought of as a racist they should carefully choose words, using words like "thug" to describe a peaceful black man.

If someone doesn't care if people think he's a racist, he should refer to racial incidents in such a way as to make the non-white victim appear to be the sole guilty party, even when the facts surrounding the case are disputed or ambiguous.

If someone really wants to look like a racist he should use well-known racist tropes such as treating BLM as an organization which promotes anti-police violence instead of one dedicated to the victims of police violence. He should emphasize racial tensions between white and non-whites. And, most importantly, he should use time-worn racist imagery like that of black men raping white women — which goes back 400 years and has led to the lynchings of thousands of black men.

The person who wrote these examples has very effectively made himself look like a racist. Fortunately I've not revealed his identity and the anonymous quotes relieve the author of any need to defend himself and explain why he wants to be perceived as a racist. We're just left to try to figure it out on our own. With a little effort comments can be written in a more neutral manner and still effectively convey one's point of view.

Sun 13 Jun, 2021 06:42 am
hightor wrote:

With a little effort comments can be written in a more neutral manner and still effectively convey one's point of view.

I get the tongue-in-cheek aspect, but the reality is such people don’t have the requisite self-awareness to alter their approach. The vehemence with which they deny being racist is an indication. They can’t help themselves.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 06:52 am
I get that progressives make false accusations against people because they have no intelligent arguments with which to defend their demented ideology.

But the reason why people vehemently defend themselves from progressive false accusations is because people dislike being falsely accused.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 07:15 am
hightor wrote:
someone wrote:

I am happy to have my words attributed to me and I'm happy to defend them (so long as they are my actual words of course), so there is no need to keep being a jerk about the quotes.

hightor wrote:
Christian Cooper, isn't a "thug".

Yes he is. He goes around threatening and menacing women in the park.

hightor wrote:
The unarmed Martin was pursued by Zimmerman, ending in a physical struggle.

That is incorrect. Mr. Zimmerman always kept his distance and never tried to approach Trayvon. Then when the dispatcher advised him that it was a very bad idea to even follow Trayvon, Mr. Zimmerman stopped following him altogether.

Then Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and tried to murder him, ending in justifed self defense.

hightor wrote:
There were no eyewitnesses to the beginning of this fight and we only have Zimmerman's first-hand account -- which he very well may have falsified so as to seek defense under the state's "Stand Your Ground" law.

That is incorrect. We also have the actual location of the fight.

If Mr. Zimmerman had stopped following Trayvon when the dispatcher advised him that it was a very bad idea, the location of the fight would be behind the building where Mr. Zimmerman got out of his truck.

If Mr. Zimmerman had continued to follow Trayvon after the dispatcher advised him that it was a very bad idea, the location of the fight would be behind the building were Trayvon was living.

The location of the fight was behind the building where Mr. Zimmerman had parked his truck, so he stopped pursuing Trayvon some four minutes before the confrontation even started.

hightor wrote:
An objective person with some knowledge of the facts might conclude that the provided quotes were written by a racist:

I guess "some" is a subjective unit of measurement, but a person would have to be pretty ignorant to draw such a conclusion.

hightor wrote:
If someone wishes to be thought of as a racist they should carefully choose words, using words like "thug" to describe a peaceful black man.

Peaceful people don't go around threatening and menacing women in the park.

If anyone made a move against my cats like he did against Amy Cooper's dog, I'd start shooting.

hightor wrote:
If someone doesn't care if people think he's a racist, he should refer to racial incidents in such a way as to make the non-white victim appear to be the sole guilty party, even when the facts surrounding the case are disputed or ambiguous.

The facts surrounding every single one of these cases are crystal clear.

hightor wrote:
If someone really wants to look like a racist he should use well-known racist tropes such as treating BLM as an organization which promotes anti-police violence instead of one dedicated to the victims of police violence. He should emphasize racial tensions between white and non-whites. And, most importantly, he should use time-worn racist imagery like that of black men raping white women — which goes back 400 years and has led to the lynchings of thousands of black men.

I have correctly stated BLM's actual goals.

The goals sound racist because BLM is as racist as they come.

hightor wrote:
The person who wrote these examples has very effectively made himself look like a racist.

These silly false accusations only make you look silly.

hightor wrote:
Fortunately I've not revealed his identity and the anonymous quotes relieve the author of any need to defend himself and explain why he wants to be perceived as a racist. We're just left to try to figure it out on our own.

I am not ashamed of any of my words and am happy to justify and defend anything that I've ever said.

I am mildly dissatisfied at the childishness of refusing to directly quote me however.

hightor wrote:
With a little effort comments can be written in a more neutral manner and still effectively convey one's point of view.

I'm not going to whitewash facts just because progressives once again find that the truth is inconvenient.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 08:13 am
It is merely your fallacious OPINION about chris cooper. It is given the lie by the video and his description of the encounter, as well as by the actions of the NYPD and NYC legal department. Amy broke the law. Chris merely tried to get her to follow it. she wouldn't.

And every p;articuklar ofr trayvon accoount is wrong. Testimony and a maps of the encounter show T ran away from a possible encounter with Z. Z pursued him,around two corners, encountered a STATIONARY t IN t'S OWN Bckyard, arrived out of brEATH, GRABBED T and accoisted him. He was the aggressor, T was in deserved feat for his safety from this crazed stranger. As the two jurors who talked about it said, Zim got away with murder. Hightor is right. You are totally wrong. As usual..
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 08:19 am
o reinforces the FACT that he is completely convinced that clearly racist bigoted rhetoric is not racist. It is. He uses it.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 08:37 am
MontereyJack wrote:
It is merely your fallacious OPINION about chris cooper. It is given the lie by the video and his description of the encounter, as well as by the actions of the NYPD and NYC legal department.

Wrong again. The thug bragged on Facebook about how he threatened and menaced her.

MontereyJack wrote:
Amy broke the law. Chris merely tried to get her to follow it. she wouldn't.

Not that it's relevant the the issue at hand, but Chris Cooper has no right to take the law into his own hands and threaten and menace women that he believes are not following the law.

MontereyJack wrote:
And every particular of your trayvon account is wrong. Testimony and a maps of the encounter show T ran away from a possible encounter with Z.

Wrong again. If Trayvon had run away from Mr. Zimmerman, and had Mr. Zimmerman kept pursuing him those four additional minutes after the dispatcher advised him against pursuit, the encounter would have been behind the building where Trayvon lived, not behind the building where Mr. Zimmerman had parked his truck.

The only way for the encounter to take place behind the building where Mr. Zimmerman parked his truck is if Trayvon doubled back and approached Mr. Zimmerman four minutes after he had stopped following Trayvon.

MontereyJack wrote:
Z pursued him, around two corners,

Upon going around those two corners, Mr. Zimmerman was behind the building where he parked his truck.

This is where he was when the dispatcher advised him that following Trayvon was a very bad idea.

MontereyJack wrote:
encountered a STATIONARY t IN t'S OWN Backyard,

Wrong again. They never reached Trayvon's back yard.

The fight occurred some four minutes later, still behind the building where Mr. Zimmerman had parked his truck.

MontereyJack wrote:
arrived out of brEATH, GRABBED T and accosted him. He was the aggressor,

The evidence says otherwise.

MontereyJack wrote:
T was in deserved fear for his safety from this crazed stranger.

If so, then Trayvon should have run away instead of going up to Mr. Zimmerman and starting a violent confrontation.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 09:02 am
You havee constructed three entirely fictional, factually wildly misinterpreted, unabashedly racist and illogical narratives, and relentlessly pushed them about blm, the coopers, and trayvon-zimmerman. All grotesquely wrong.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 09:23 am
It's funny how the evidence supports me and contradicts you.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 09:44 am
Most Americans support required vaccinations for school attendance, survey finds

Most Americans support requiring students who are old enough to receive a coronavirus vaccination for fall class attendance, with strong support for requirements for high school and college students, according to a new Gallup survey published Friday.

About 61 percent of the more than 3,500 people surveyed between May 18 and 23 backed requiring vaccinations for college students. Survey results showed similar support for high school students, at 56 percent, and middle school students, at 51 percent.

The survey was carried out shortly after the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for youths as young as 12.


I am truly annoyed that the anti-vaxxers are complicating matters right now.
Sun 13 Jun, 2021 09:47 am
thats only the folks with IQ;s greater than room temp.
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