snood wrote:
It fills my heart with sorrow to say it - even to think it.
But the sad, sickening, enraging truth is that they have the goods on Donald Trump. They have enough evidence to put the man away forever. They’ve had enough for a long time. Those investigations by the New York AG?
They’re just window dressing to assure us docile sheep that our government in the land of the free and home of the brave is on the job.
Robert Mueller gave us 10 - count ‘em, TEN counts of obstruction of justice and abuse of power that he said could not be brought against a sitting president. And all the politicians lined up to tell us never fear, we’ll indict his ass the moment he becomes a regular citizen. And we believed them. I believed them. Hell, what choice did we have?
But they haven’t indicted him. And the sad, sickening, enraging truth is they won’t. Oh, they’ll keep on reporting that they’re “investigating”. They’ll placate us with juicy stories about the “authorities” being hot on his trail. But they’re not going to do **** to Donald Trump.
He ruled with fear. Everyone knew he had no moral boundaries about what he would try to do to people who opposed him. The “authorities” are still in fear of him. They fear that arresting him would cause a race war, or at least another insurrection- worse than the one we’re already got PTSD from.
I can’t tell you what to do. But, though it chokes me with bile, I’m going to be trying to settle it in my heart the bitter truth that there will be no justice in this life for Donald John Trump.
Already this morning, I have heard that the NY attorney general office is “turning up the heat” on the Trump investigation.
Last week, I think they were “closing the net”.
The week before that I believe it was something about piling up mountains of evidence.
And two years ago, we were waiting on the Mueller investigation to “get the goods” and “turn in all the receipts” on Trump. That investigation ran from 2017-2019.
All during that time, Trump and cronies ignored subpoenas, lied in person and in writing to investigators, and basically flaunted their raw contempt for any attempts to enforce any rules, regulations or laws against them.
And before he was president, we just KNEW his foul mouth and demented, destructive behaviors would preempt any actual threat he posed to take office.
They might find another Michael Cohen-type flunky to serve up and take a fall. They might levy some impressive-sounding fines on Trump that they will be too toothless to collect.
But Like I said...
They ain’t gonna do **** to Donald Trump. Or his fucked up family.