glitterbag wrote:To however it was that remarked "Bingo" I'm glad that person verified my take on Prager's piece. But it is sad that the same person doesn't see any subtle argument here, but rather a condemnation of an amorphous group known as "the left". You might be shocked at my opinion and support of National Security. You might also be served by investigating situations a little more closely before you paint with such a broad stroke. As a nation we make a mistake when we try to pinpoint what can divide us instead of what can unite us. But what the hay, if the entire radical Muslim extremist threat isn't enough for you, by all means, attack other Americans.
"That person." My aren't we snooty?
You (that's glitterbag) wrote:
"What I hear is that the people that Dennis thinks are on the "left" are at core dishonest and only claim to support the troops because they fear social consequences."
To which I (finn) replied "Bingo," for, indeed, you read Prager perfectly; that is just what he is saying.
If you do not support the war, so be it. It is hardly unpatriotic to do so. Wrongheaded, but not unpatriotic. However, you should, as Prager suggests be honest about not supporting the troops as well, because while I am sure that they appreciate your best wishes that they not be killed or maimed, I am equally sure that their notion of
supporting them extends beyond such good wishes.
It is pretty clear that the Left in this country does not want to be associated with the Left of the 70's, who denounced the soldiers as well as the policy in Vietnam. To do so now would be political suicide.
Whatever your opinion on National Security may be is irrelevant. Right-wingers who do not support the mission of the troops in Iraq do not
support the troops either. There just happens to be a lot more folks on the Left who don't support the mission.
Again, I'm sure only a small fraction of people who do not support the mission hope that our troops come to harm (a miscreant going by the name of Marburg comes to mind), and I would never suggest that of the Left. Please spare me though the lecture on unification rather than division when you follow such tripe with your reply to Magginkat.
I'm afraid that I do think the Left is a threat to America, not because it deliberately strives for the defeat and failure of the nation, or because it is made up of traitors, but because it's notions of how we should govern ourselves and deal with the rest of the world will lead our country down the wrong path.
I feel safe in assuming that there are any number of people who feel the same way about the Right. That's fine, as long as we both appreciate that the only acceptable way to combat these
threats is through political and intellectual means.
Islamo-fascists are our enemies, not you Lefties. You are just wrongheaded and need to be kept out of positions of influence --- through entirely peaceful means.